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Australian Arrested In Thailand Charged With Multi Million Dollar Tax Avoidance Scheme


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my god, looks are indeed deceiving. this guy look just like one of those undernourished trailer park hippies. who would had expected that kind of guy to be a part of tax evasion scheme??

Hey, easy on the skinny guys. Just because a guy in his mid-50s still has all his hair and isn't carrying around a huge gut doesn't make him trailer trash :-)

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my god, looks are indeed deceiving. this guy look just like one of those undernourished trailer park hippies. who would had expected that kind of guy to be a part of tax evasion scheme??

Hey, easy on the skinny guys. Just because a guy in his mid-50s still has all his hair and isn't carrying around a huge gut doesn't make him trailer trash :-)

Can't fatten a thoroughbred.
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The State is a gang of thugs and tax is theft. Central banks like the FED in USA are counterfeiters, generating "money" out of nothing and then landing it to the Treasury at interest! Absurd, but true. It's all a scam, sheeple. All taxes are used to pay that fraudelent interest. Any "services" the govt provides - like useless wars and foreign aid to Israel - is borrowed. That debt cannot ever be honestly repaid - nor should it. We are all owned by the illuminati Banksters. Taxation is theft. We have NO moral duty to pay it. Only the fear of govt agents - criminals in costumes with guns...

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As someone still paying Australian taxes, I would support and expect an aggressive response from Australian tax authorities when tax evasion is suspected, which seems to be the case here. I'm just an ordinary tax payer, and I end up paying more when the rich evade their tax obligations.

So Im asuming you reside in Thailand ?? What Australian Taxes are you paying and Why ?

Many here are quck to render this individual guilty , lets just wait and see as to whether the case even goes to Trail first . We here with the information provided would have no idea with regard to the Deail in this Case .

Lets not be too swift to comment , justice will be done in time .

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I've known Greg personally for over 8 years. He is a truly nice guy and has been a very responsible "citizen" in our neighborhood cleaning up messes left behind by worthless developers all by himself... and when I say by himself I mean just that. He goes out and uses a brush cutter and does the work in the hot sun. He is a vegetarian and has his own garden where he grows his own food and he does not drink alcohol. He is much nicer and a better person than 80% of the foreigners I've met in nearly nine years of living in Hua Hin. He genuinly offers to help people he knows if they need it, looks out for others in the neighborhood and their homes when they are away, provides employment through a company he set up here for a couple of Thai families and provides them better living conditions than a lot of foreigners have. If he did do something bad in the past, he has certainly changed his ways and has been a good man ever since I've known him.

I think this may be a case of getting involved with the wrong crowd. It will come out in the trial, but I'm fairly certain that all he did was be employed by this group of accountants who created a tax avoidence/evasion scheme for wealthy people, as a sales person so to speak, in that his job was to find wealthy clients and introduce them to the accountants.

That photo is horrible. He doesn't look like that in real life. It looks like they did their best to make him look like a criminal or wacko.

I for one wish him good luck and hope to see him back in the neighborhood soon.

Excellent Post ..Thankyou . Someone who actually knows the gent . A little different to the general reaction .

My understanding is he was proactive and asked authorities would he be charged ..they could not answer him and now he gets this ! Guilty until proven innocent the way this Story reads .

I certainly wish him well , and also hope he is back in the neighbourhood soon , Which would not be suprising .

Please pass on my best wishes , if you have the chance to communicate . Kop khun krub .

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Tax avoidance is not a crime.


But tax evasion is, and that's what is being alleged, despite the fact that tax avoidance was mentioned in the second report. I think the Australian authoritories understand the difference.

And I hope he gets what he deserves. I have sat in on tax cases at the Magistrates Court in Melbourne, and seen huge penalties dished out for amounts of just a few thousand dollars. It would be a serious injustice to the entire community if he does not get a penalty, including prison sentence, commensurate with the scale of his crime.

If your on the dole and cheat centerlink of a few hundred dollars you will go to jail, if you rob millions from unsuspecting investors you get probation. Its all about how much you steal

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I hope he gets off we the people should charge the government with theft!

They also misappropriate millions everyday and nothing happens why?

Keep the sheep feeding on other drivel to keep them misinformed?

Ah yes the lucky country lucky if you do not get screwed big time

at the end of the week!

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White collar crime carries a very short sentence, unlike drugs and other offences. White collar criminals are respected the world over. I think we all see a part of ourselves in someone that can perpetrate a "Ponzi" or other such scam. Don't you wish it was you, come on now, just a little bit maybe.

Yea right ask Bernie Madoff about short sentences.

Bernie was an individual, it is corporate fraud that gets a free pass. They will also toss the odd trader in to keep up appearances, but politicians and regulators are all bought and paid for by professional criminals with corporate logos. These white collar criminal bankers have been described even by the UN investigator as involved in drug money laundering and arms running, they are scum bags and certainly not worth any respect.

That aside the amount of money this guy disappeared with you would think could buy off anyone.

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I've known Greg personally for over 8 years. He is a truly nice guy and has been a very responsible "citizen" in our neighborhood cleaning up messes left behind by worthless developers all by himself... and when I say by himself I mean just that. He goes out and uses a brush cutter and does the work in the hot sun. He is a vegetarian and has his own garden where he grows his own food and he does not drink alcohol. He is much nicer and a better person than 80% of the foreigners I've met in nearly nine years of living in Hua Hin. He genuinly offers to help people he knows if they need it, looks out for others in the neighborhood and their homes when they are away, provides employment through a company he set up here for a couple of Thai families and provides them better living conditions than a lot of foreigners have. If he did do something bad in the past, he has certainly changed his ways and has been a good man ever since I've known him.

I think this may be a case of getting involved with the wrong crowd. It will come out in the trial, but I'm fairly certain that all he did was be employed by this group of accountants who created a tax avoidence/evasion scheme for wealthy people, as a sales person so to speak, in that his job was to find wealthy clients and introduce them to the accountants.

That photo is horrible. He doesn't look like that in real life. It looks like they did their best to make him look like a criminal or wacko.

I for one wish him good luck and hope to see him back in the neighborhood soon.

Excellent Post ..Thankyou . Someone who actually knows the gent . A little different to the general reaction .

My understanding is he was proactive and asked authorities would he be charged ..they could not answer him and now he gets this ! Guilty until proven innocent the way this Story reads .

I certainly wish him well , and also hope he is back in the neighbourhood soon , Which would not be suprising .

Please pass on my best wishes , if you have the chance to communicate . Kop khun krub .

Plus ... If he had half the money that " they seem to think " , Im sure he would be able to Stay in Thailand . They ( Australian Government ) just want to charge a few " High Profile " individuals , who used perfectly legitimate means of minimising their Taxation Obligations . You could pretty much guarantee this poor guy has no where near the $$$$ that he is accused of Stealing ( Fraud ) .

Dont be suprised if there is no case to answer ..Its happened before .

Look at the directors of all the plantation timber companies ..walking around , Super flash Homes , Super Flash cars ..Money in the bank mach mach ..These are the guys they should be focusing on . Not trying to bring this poor bloke back .

One particular Director comes to mind in the above , unfortunately this cannot be spoken about with regard to Him / Her . While they try and throw the book at this poor guy .

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