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Sri Nakarin Dam Still Strong: Director Calms Doomsday-Phobic People


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One day, Tec'ciztecatl'tuktuk (his friends called him Tuktuk), chief astronomer for Mayan King Whattabigwoody, was putting finishing touches on his new 10,000 year agricultural calendar, when he heard a virgin was about to be sacrificed. Never one to miss a hot babe getting her heart ripped out, Tuktuk put down his unfinished calculations and ran for the temple.

Unfortunately, on the way there, he was trampled by an enthusiastic crowd and died.

His assistant, Somchai, was unable to finish his master's calculations.

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THE SAD FACT is that the authorities have experts who understand the stresses placed on such a structure and that it remains inherently safe and yet they can not explain such to an uneducated population who believe in animism, have a belief in ghosts and all associated gibberish.

What compounds the problem is they actually vent time and effort on this rubbish.

If morons believe in the end of the world let them jibber jabber it to themselves - not to those of us who have heard of science and deal in facts.

Don't knock other people's beliefs. I'm sure that you have beliefs yourself that can't be proved by science.

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Amazing. Finally praise, albeit indirectly, for the craftmanship of all the Burmese Cambodian and Lao builders....mmmm!?...I haven't heard of them all rushing to the safest place on the planet!

If any of it is true the news would be interesting: 'Hundreds of Government ministers trampled in rush for space on 'End of Days' proof dam'.


And all about was in ruin. The last of Man stood upon the dam, greatly saddened. Then a great cry arose 'heaw kaew' and so the Great Investigative Commission was appointed.

YEAR 4000

After much turmoil, strife, bloodshed, irregularities and general fannying-about, the production of the plough begun.

YEAR 8000

We have conquered the new world...without a single defeat but tourism is still an elusive goal....the epic search for the gold-laden foreigner is still on-going. The Great Investigative Commission (all praise thy name) after much turmoil, strife.....has approved production of the oblong wheel and set in motion an enquiry into the colonisatioo of the moon, free massage and water sanitisation.

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