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Customs Department Now Require That All Customs Clearance Personnel Pass Knowledge Test Before Working

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Customs Department now require that all customs clearance personnel pass knowledge test before working

The Customs Department now demands that all shipping agent personnel has to pass its knowledge test before starting work, in an attempt to solve corruption by customs officials.

Deputy Finance Minister Warathep Rattanakorn (วราเทพ รัตนากร) said new customs regulations that took effefct on February 10th will sever the cycle on the under-the-table money dealing between shipping agents and state officials. Shipping agencies would have to be members of associations certified by the Customs Department while Customs clearance personnel that will carry out the shipping work would have to pass the knowledge test by the Customs Department.

Shipping agents working at present can carry on their work as normal but they will have to register with the Customs Department by March 31st, to be eligible for working until the end of the year. However every shipping staff would need to have passed the test by January 1st next year.

Yesterday 300 representatives of shipping companies submitted letters to the deputy commerce minister asking for postponment of the regulation.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 Febuary 2006

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


how much under the table to pass the test??

Customs Department now require that all customs clearance personnel pass knowledge test before working

The Customs Department now demands that all shipping agent personnel has to pass its knowledge test before starting work, in an attempt to solve corruption by customs officials.

Deputy Finance Minister Warathep Rattanakorn (วราเทพ รัตนากร) said new customs regulations that took effefct on February 10th will sever the cycle on the under-the-table money dealing between shipping agents and state officials. Shipping agencies would have to be members of associations certified by the Customs Department while Customs clearance personnel that will carry out the shipping work would have to pass the knowledge test by the Customs Department.

Shipping agents working at present can carry on their work as normal but they will have to register with the Customs Department by March 31st, to be eligible for working until the end of the year. However every shipping staff would need to have passed the test by January 1st next year.

Yesterday 300 representatives of shipping companies submitted letters to the deputy commerce minister asking for postponment of the regulation.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 17 Febuary 2006

how much under the table to pass the test??

And who to give it too.........

Don't forget the bosses :o


Customs Department now require that all customs clearance personnel pass knowledge test before working

Yesterday 300 representatives of shipping companies submitted letters to the deputy commerce minister asking for postponment of the regulation.

The headline alone.... :o

And...the 300 representatives.... :D:D:D


Shipping agencies would have to be members of associations certified by the Customs Department

So to clean up corruption in the Customs department they are going to give it *more* power over shipping agents ie. the people they extort bribes from? Oh yeah that'll help. "Sorry...you're not a member of a Certified Bribe Paying Association. No license..."

Even by local standards this is pathetically lame. I am shocked that they can make a public announcement about it.

Shipping agencies would have to be members of associations certified by the Customs Department

So to clean up corruption in the Customs department they are going to give it *more* power over shipping agents ie. the people they extort bribes from? Oh yeah that'll help. "Sorry...you're not a member of a Certified Bribe Paying Association. No license..."

Even by local standards this is pathetically lame. I am shocked that they can make a public announcement about it.

Many countries require that you be "licenced" (Meaning..pass an exam )before you can write customs entries.In saying that, some countries have deregulated this process as well.


There was never being a light in the tunnel. If the directives are carry out accordingly, the clearing agents will collaborate with the corrupt customs officer to slow down the process, this will indirectly affected the Impoters & exporters. Few years ago, when they started the electronic clearance transaction to prevent corruption, the whole ports operation was turn upside down which affect inward and outward shipment. Therefore, everything back to square after all the hiccup.


It's easy to understand... Tea money is a matter of "education".

Aka = "you shall not take bribe".

Therefore, by asking agent to pass the education test, then... it will solve the problem. :o

Honestly how work an official's thai brain ? After a few years, I'm still wondering...

Anyway, I'm going to send this beautifull paper to my agent... I'm sure he will appreciate.

And next time he charges me of 500 or 1000 THB "tea money for customs"... I will smile.

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