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Question For The Brits

Nana Cowboy

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I moved here from the US 10 years ago and began meeting expats right away in BKK: English mainly, Aussies, Scots, Irish, Euros etc. I'd say for every 10 English fellows I met there were 1 of every other nationality including the USA. How many there were is not relevant to what I'm going to ask.

story 1:

One English guy I met would get pretty drunk out at Soi 13 and I'd hang with him for a week or 2 before doing Pattaya and wherever then he would show back up. One night an ex-gf was harrassing me and he yelled at her to get out of here in Thai. I didn't think much of it and had to get back to the hotel. I didn't see the guy for 2 or 3 days then I run into him in a store. His face was smashed to a pulp the poor guy. He told me the story that right after I left some thug pummeled him. I felt bad because he was helping me out. I don't know who the guy was who attacked him other than he was a farang

Story number 2:

I used to frequent a bar in the area of soi 13. I ran into a Scotsman sitting alone at the end of the bar watching the pool playing. He was not interacting with any of the many expats in the bar. There were quite a few English and others there. I started talking to the dude and he was a great guy. He was telling me that he despised English people. I couldn't understand why. Anyone up on this? nothing more with story 2

Story 3:

Same bar and 2 Englishmen that I would talk to separately over many months. Both guys did not like certain parts of England or those who come from there. I think they were both around London but claimed they hated those places and people. Ironically these 2 did become friends after many months

story 4:

final story. Sitting at a street bar with an American and a Euro guy. 2 Irish dudes sitting at next table with drunken and possibly drugged up looks on their faces. Some street girl stops and tries to talk to me. I've seen her around and brush her off. That Irish dude looks at me with a really mad monster look. the friend is mellower. for about an hour the mad guy throws a nasty comment at me and I just try to be as polite as I can. he talks about Dublin and such. So there's an empty chair next to me, the american off to the side and the Euro on a plastic stool off to my left. The mad guy gets up and takes the seat right next to me and he very close. He says he will buy us all Jack Daniels drinks. Oh boy what did we do to deserve this? We get the drinks and this dude guzzles it and then helps himself to the last cig in my pach. He's going on about Ireland and stays on that topic. Something told me to kiss this guys behind and DO NOT mention England. So I told him about the great Irish presence in the USA. His response was a snide "theres a great Irish presence everywhere". It was sometime after this that the Euro guy says "Manchester United". The Irish guy gets up and starts smashing the poor Euro guy's face and knocks him on the ground continuing the beating. His friend just stood with his back to a wall watching. My US friend gets up and gently tries to pull the Irish guy off the Euro so the Irish guy turns on my US friend and starts pummeling his face. I look at the calmer Irish friend to ask what's going on. no response. This happened pretty quickly and he started walking down the street after the Euro again but did no damage as Euro covered himself then the 2 Irish departed the scene. Very bizarre stuff and I admit to have been terrified as I have never seen anything like this b4. No he did not pay for those drinks nor did we

Strange for me at least. Just wondering if anyone has any comments about my true stories here in BKK over the years. I hope I never see a repeat of no. 4 and no. 1 I was lucky to miss I suppose

Edited by Nana Cowboy
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It's probably just you. These things don't happen to me. Mind you, I mind my own business, try not to get involved with blokes in bars or their lady friends. If anyone asks, I tell them it's because I despise the English, but that would be more credible if I had fewer English friends


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It's called 'white trash'. You have it in the States as well, yes?

Not me. I got mugged by darkies in New York, but nowhere unexpected, and in a thoroughly considerate and professional manner. I'e seen white neds and black neds and yellow neds, and they all look like neds, and I try to steer clear of them all


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Never interact with the natives,

no eye contact, don't start conversations, and avoid Star Wars Canteen bars,

Unfortunately the cobra can't get the time of day,

Just because I look a little like Charles Manson, where a Please F... With Me tee-shirt, and generally am mumbling to myself,

no one seems to want to interact with me.


Edited by cobra
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I will only very rarely engage strangers in conversation, I talk only to people I have a good feeling about.

Some of the stories above are good examples why.

About story #4, when someone unpleasant focuses on me, I just leave.

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Here speaks a decade of experience............


Avoid. Some of my best friends back in England were Scots. Intelligent, educated Scots make superb friends.

But alas, here in Thailand they are few and far between.

Most Scots here in the REALM are racist, prejudiced, "chip on their shoulder" fools. They hate the English for reasons which they don't really understand. The instant "Google Experts" amongst them often cite WIKI history links which in general they are too uneducated to rationalise and/or comprehend.

These fools are prone to pathetic, emotional, alcohol-induced displays of petty nationalism. Many turn violent.


Avoid. For the same reasons above.


While ostensibly crass, yobbish and vile, the average Englishman is often surprisingly kind and considerate. I usually avoid them nonetheless.


You will seldom have a problem with these people. I'm English but now speak English with a mid-Atlantic accent.

I'm happier and more comfortable with these people than with my fellow Brits.


You will probably never have a problem. Iberians (the Portuguese in particular) are great.


These people probably won't want to know you. If you get the pleasure of their company, you will be safe. Enjoy what they have to offer.

Edited by andrew
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I refer the OP to the Britain / Scotland thread in the news forum, while reading it he may remark to himself that the Scots are witty, erudite, wise and highly educated, and the English are, well..........my mother always said " Don't mock the afflicted ".


ps The Irish always have a chip on their shoulder, unless you meet a well balanced Irishman, he has a chip on both shoulders.

pps. I was thinking of a witty put down for the Welsh, but after a while I realized that they are so inconsequential it was hardly worth the thought.

I'll get my coat.

Thanks for that! Sometimes, we need to see ourselves as others see us to appreciate our shortcomings.


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There are four kinds of people in the UK -

First, there were the Scots who kept the Sabbath - and everything else they could lay their hands on....

Then there were the Welsh - who prayed on their knees and their neighbours....

Thirdly there were the Irish who never knew what they wanted - but were willing to fight for it anyway.

Lastly there were the English who considered themselves self-made men, - thus relieving the Almighty of a terrible responsibility. wai2.gif

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Here speaks a decade of experience............


Avoid. Some of my best friends back in England were Scots. Intelligent, educated Scots make superb friends.

But alas, here in Thailand they are few and far between.

Most Scots here in the REALM are racist, prejudiced, "chip on their shoulder" fools. They hate the English for reasons which they don't really understand. The instant "Google Experts" amongst them often cite WIKI history links which in general they are too uneducated to rationalise and/or comprehend.

These fools are prone to pathetic, emotional, alcohol-induced displays of petty nationalism. Many turn violent.


Avoid. For the same reasons above.


While ostensibly crass, yobbish and vile, the average Englishman is often surprisingly kind and considerate. I usually avoid them nonetheless.


You will seldom have a problem with these people. I'm English but now speak English with a mid-Atlantic accent.

I'm happier and more comfortable with these people than with my fellow Brits.


You will probably never have a problem. Iberians (the Portuguese in particular) are great.


These people probably won't want to know you. If you get the pleasure of their company, you will be safe. Enjoy what they have to offer.

Christ brought Lazarus back from the dead and his first words were "Can ye swap this perrier for dom perignon?" to which Jesus replied "If I'd ken't ye were English I'd have let ye rot".

You do yourself no favours with such ignorant prejudice, and you could incite wrath against Dr Frankenstein


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Here speaks a decade of experience............


Avoid. Some of my best friends back in England were Scots. Intelligent, educated Scots make superb friends.

But alas, here in Thailand they are few and far between.

Most Scots here in the REALM are racist, prejudiced, "chip on their shoulder" fools. They hate the English for reasons which they don't really understand. The instant "Google Experts" amongst them often cite WIKI history links which in general they are too uneducated to rationalise and/or comprehend.

These fools are prone to pathetic, emotional, alcohol-induced displays of petty nationalism. Many turn violent.


Avoid. For the same reasons above.


While ostensibly crass, yobbish and vile, the average Englishman is often surprisingly kind and considerate. I usually avoid them nonetheless.


You will seldom have a problem with these people. I'm English but now speak English with a mid-Atlantic accent.

I'm happier and more comfortable with these people than with my fellow Brits.


You will probably never have a problem. Iberians (the Portuguese in particular) are great.


These people probably won't want to know you. If you get the pleasure of their company, you will be safe. Enjoy what they have to offer.

Christ brought Lazarus back from the dead and his first words were "Can ye swap this perrier for dom perignon?" to which Jesus replied "If I'd ken't ye were English I'd have let ye rot".

You do yourself no favours with such ignorant prejudice, and you could incite wrath against Dr Frankenstein


MediumPaceBowler lives thumbsup.gif

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I refer the OP to the Britain / Scotland thread in the news forum, while reading it he may remark to himself that the Scots are witty, erudite, wise and highly educated, and the English are, well..........my mother always said " Don't mock the afflicted ".


ps The Irish always have a chip on their shoulder, unless you meet a well balanced Irishman, he has a chip on both shoulders.

pps. I was thinking of a witty put down for the Welsh, but after a while I realized that they are so inconsequential it was hardly worth the thought.

I'll get my coat.

Haste yee back boy...tops

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I refer the OP to the Britain / Scotland thread in the news forum, while reading it he may remark to himself that the Scots are witty, erudite, wise and highly educated, and the English are, well..........my mother always said " Don't mock the afflicted ".


ps The Irish always have a chip on their shoulder, unless you meet a well balanced Irishman, he has a chip on both shoulders.

pps. I was thinking of a witty put down for the Welsh, but after a while I realized that they are so inconsequential it was hardly worth the thought.

I'll get my coat.

Thanks for that! Sometimes, we need to see ourselves as others see us to appreciate our shortcomings.


"O wad some Power the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us!"

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Here speaks a decade of experience............


Avoid. Some of my best friends back in England were Scots. Intelligent, educated Scots make superb friends.

But alas, here in Thailand they are few and far between.

Most Scots here in the REALM are racist, prejudiced, "chip on their shoulder" fools. They hate the English for reasons which they don't really understand. The instant "Google Experts" amongst them often cite WIKI history links which in general they are too uneducated to rationalise and/or comprehend.

These fools are prone to pathetic, emotional, alcohol-induced displays of petty nationalism. Many turn violent.


Avoid. For the same reasons above.


While ostensibly crass, yobbish and vile, the average Englishman is often surprisingly kind and considerate. I usually avoid them nonetheless.


You will seldom have a problem with these people. I'm English but now speak English with a mid-Atlantic accent.

I'm happier and more comfortable with these people than with my fellow Brits.


You will probably never have a problem. Iberians (the Portuguese in particular) are great.


These people probably won't want to know you. If you get the pleasure of their company, you will be safe. Enjoy what they have to offer.

You've ruffled some feathers Andrew, and it appears I got off easy on your list as an Aussie.

BTW how did you work out pooling Asian, Arab and Indians? Is it they have black hair usually? like hotter foods? I cant work it out, please explain the similarity?...

I think the Aussie American Canadian is they all have the dollar correct? I cant think of anything else.

Ps, your post is racist. You have crossed the line. Im offended.jerk.gif

Edited by krisb
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Here speaks a decade of experience............


Avoid. Some of my best friends back in England were Scots. Intelligent, educated Scots make superb friends.

But alas, here in Thailand they are few and far between.

Most Scots here in the REALM are racist, prejudiced, "chip on their shoulder" fools. They hate the English for reasons which they don't really understand. The instant "Google Experts" amongst them often cite WIKI history links which in general they are too uneducated to rationalise and/or comprehend.

These fools are prone to pathetic, emotional, alcohol-induced displays of petty nationalism. Many turn violent.


Avoid. For the same reasons above.


While ostensibly crass, yobbish and vile, the average Englishman is often surprisingly kind and considerate. I usually avoid them nonetheless.


You will seldom have a problem with these people. I'm English but now speak English with a mid-Atlantic accent.

I'm happier and more comfortable with these people than with my fellow Brits.


You will probably never have a problem. Iberians (the Portuguese in particular) are great.


These people probably won't want to know you. If you get the pleasure of their company, you will be safe. Enjoy what they have to offer.

Christ brought Lazarus back from the dead and his first words were "Can ye swap this perrier for dom perignon?" to which Jesus replied "If I'd ken't ye were English I'd have let ye rot".

You do yourself no favours with such ignorant prejudice, and you could incite wrath against Dr Frankenstein


MediumPaceBowler lives thumbsup.gif

So what Andrews saying Blether is back in Scotland your a top guy, that is until you land in Bangkok and something happens to you the moment you walk out of the airport!...care to elaborate? Edited by krisb
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