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Who Owns That House/land


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I am trying to find out who owns a certain House close to where I am living, I have visited the local land office to ask for details but they have refused. is there anywhere the general public can view land or house sales or transfers in Thailand. i.e. such as a land registry office as in th U.K. ............Thanks in advance for any info.

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I have been informed the people in the house are not the owners but are renting, the local chief is not forthcoming, It is not in Bkk,

Regarding the Land Office, my wife and I originaly visited together and requested to see the chanut for the land the house is built on, I dont speak Thai but she said that, they told her they needed a copy of the owners I.D. card before they would show us............If I knew who the owner was I would'nt be asking to see the chanut.........I am not saying why I want to know who the owner now is.............I just wanted to know if there was a central registry somewhere where I could view records

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