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Travelling To Or Via The States When Leaving Or Arriving In Thailand


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I have been through TSA check in the USA many times. No problems. Treated very well. Of course, I don't walk in there with a such a big chip on my shoulder!

Been through Airport Security, Immigration, and Customs in a number of different countries and I have never had any problems with any of them. I do it the same way every time. I put a smile on my face, treat them with courtesy and respect, answer their questions honestly and politely, and amazingly, I don't run into all these problems the whiners are crying about.

Remove that knot-headed, entitled attitude, and also the big chip on your shoulders, and you will have a much better experience! thumbsup.gif

And what gives you great insight into my attitude towards the authorities. I pitch up at the desk all smiles and pleasantries, but because I am an Alien, I am treated like garbage and yes do end up leaving the airport with a chip on my shoulder. All I say to the Americans is you should try going through your own entry clearance if you don't hold a US passport or are travelling with someone holding a US passport. When I was flying there I was going on business so was well dressed and had all my business plans for inspection but was still accused of trying to illegally obtain work. If the guy doing the accusing has a gun and attitude I just smile politely take his abuse and leave, now my contracts go elsewhere.

I have gone through immigration, customs, and airport security in over eleven different countries and have never had problems. Amazing!!

I hear the whiny blah-blah about immigration in this or that country,and yet when I go there; no problems. Amazing!!

Been through one country's airport security screening with physical pat-downs and guys with submachineguns on each side to ensure compliance. Put the smile on my face matched with a good attitude and guess what; no problems! Amazing!!

Heard all the whiny blah-blah about TSA from both Americans and non-Americans, yet every time I go through TSA screening; no problems. Amazing!!

I've even taken personal weapons through U.S. Customs with no problems. Of course, I had the proper paperwork, cooperated with their inspection, and had a good and cooperative attitude. Guess what; no problems! Amazing!!

I have met many other people from both Asian and European countries that have gone through U.S. immigration, customs, and TSA with no problems and pleased with the experience. Amazing!!

So how do I (and many, many others) avoid all these horrible problems when going through immigration, customs, and airport security? If it's not my good disposition and mature attitude, then it just must be my charm and good looks! smile.png

Wow... you are just one truly amazing guy. We should all be more like you.

Yes! You are correct!!! biggrin.png

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This is a question: How well does a stack of 100 - 1000 One Hundred dollar bills show up on an x-ray of your carry-on baggage let alone on your person which might be subject for one reason or another to a pat-down?

When entering or exiting the USA might a TSA screener alert someone else ie CBP?

Edited by JLCrab
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This is a question: How well does a stack of 100 - 1000 One Hundred dollar bills show up on an x-ray of your carry-on baggage let alone on your person which might be subject for one reason or another to a pat-down?

When entering or exiting the USA might a TSA screener alert someone else ie CBP?

In my experience never a problem in my bag but would never have it in my pockets.

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