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Election Samui Mayor, Live Count

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Samui cable channel is showing textbar at bottom of screen of the vote counting of the election. Don't know the delay, but its updated pretty frequently.

Latest updated count;

Candidate 1; wife of previous mayor; 3405

Candidate 2; current mayor; 3585

Others not shown.

15 ballot boxes counted.

Still some counting to go...

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That was very kind of you to provide the updates. Things have improved over the last number of years though these main improvments to infrastructure have happened after very serious incidents, I'll put it down to coincidence. One thing for sure, after that last big floods in '99 or was it 2000, nothing was done at all. Also, I'm nut sure if there are less powercuts now than there were 12 years ago but they are certainly fixed quicker.

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Anyone know what the exct finaicials are per year for the mayor ?

Salary of a mayor depends on the budget of the town. Ranges from 14,000 a month for smallest towns, to 75,000 for large cities. Based on the little money that reaches Samui, I dare to guess that the mayor wouldn't be a lot higher than 14,000 baht per month (so he doesn't pay income tax, hahaha)

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Anyone know what the exct finaicials are per year for the mayor ?

Salary of a mayor depends on the budget of the town. Ranges from 14,000 a month for smallest towns, to 75,000 for large cities. Based on the little money that reaches Samui, I dare to guess that the mayor wouldn't be a lot higher than 14,000 baht per month (so he doesn't pay income tax, hahaha)

And total kickbacks ...? do the police have to share tea money with major ? Or the land department ? Or taxi mafia ?

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Preliminary results;


นายกเทศมนตรีเมืองเกาะสมุย นายรามเนตร ใจกว้าง เบอร์ 2 กลุ่มสมุยก้าวหน้า ได้ 16,259 คะแนน นางถนอนศรี รัตนรักษ์ เบอร์ 1 ทีมพัฒนาสมุยได้ 14,338 คะแนน

ส่วนสมาชิกสภาเทศบาลนครเกาะสมุยกลุ่มสมุยก้าวหน้าได้ 12 คน ทีมพัฒนาสมุยได้ 12 คน

Candidate 2 has 16,259 votes and candidate 1 has 14,338 votes

Edited by limbos
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This time around in English;

Preliminary results for mayor and member of municipal council of Samui City Municipality.

Mayor: Mr.Ramnet Kikwang received 16,259 votes, Ms.Thanomsri Rattanarak received 14,338 votes.

Member of municipal council : Samui Progress got 12 members, Pattana Samui got 12 members.

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