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In Loving Memory....


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I had heard that the most wonderful bread to be had in Chiangrai had succumbed to way less than it used to be and I was hoping it was rumor or just a bad batch....but I was in town yesterday and went by there and got 5 loaves and brought them home. This morning, I was sooooo disappointed....it was totally tasteless....at least they waited to go way down hill, after I finally got my own oven! Fare thee well, wonderful bread of Tourist Inn...you will be missed. Thankfully I can get a fair amount of baking supplies in Phayao, enough to do breads and bagels, at least. RIP great bread of the past. pp

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I agree with everyone. I bought a large loaf the other day and its been a while since my last purchase. The bread is really bad as it is full of holes and no flavour but it still looks and feels the same. Go back to using Macro Sliced White which is not the best but better of the two.

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I still reckon that the Tops Bakery has taken over as the best bread in the Rai. Dusit does make some tasty bread for sure but wrapping it in cling film makes it "sweat" and very soft. Reason given when I asked was..."Thai people don't like hard crusts"

Oh well; there's no accounting for taste I guess

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I agree with everyone. I bought a large loaf the other day and its been a while since my last purchase. The bread is really bad as it is full of holes and no flavour but it still looks and feels the same. Go back to using Macro Sliced White which is not the best but better of the two.

Yes...it still had the same look and texture....just totally tasteless. The same woman that is always there was there, so the place didn't appear to have changed hands...I guess the CEO wasn't making a big enough bonus and had to shave off here and there to compensate...who know? Oh well...RIP pp

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I was jonesing for a real BLT. I had tomatoes growing inside the terrace, some bacon already cooked, and instead of lettuce, I always did use cabbage of which I also had some of. Got out the real Mayo, toasted some bread and thought....my-oh-my...mmmmmmm. I got it all assembled and took that first bite, expecting something just shy of nirvana....and....<deleted>!?!?!? Then I realized I only had Tourist Inn bread and it rendered it almost tasteless. I couldn't believe it.

Could it be she got a bad bag of flour or something? I mean I have had this for going on 2 and half years and it was always just delicious! Or...has it gone to way all things farang-tasting goes, here? Out the window....? I don't get into Chiangrai that often, but did always manage to go by there and get 10+ loaves of bread, rolls and buns.

What is the kosher way of approaching the owner and letting them know...that what ever they did, it was really bad. Where I am from, you just don't go back, but Tourist Inn is the only really legit bakery in CR...I think. I am not sure of any others, except what I have read on this thread. Guess I will have to try those places next. You (we) would think....I know...TIT....when a good portion of the customer base falls off, they would have a clue and try and remedy it. Hmmmmm.....

If anyone tries it again, please post the results. Thanks....ett

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I went into the Tourist Inn yesterday for bread, its been a while since I bought any from there. I spoke with the owner , told her about the bread debate on the forum to which she said she was aware of it. I told her that many of us living here and buying her bread have noticed the difference . She stated that all the ingredients are the same , the method the same and the staff the same . I asked if she had changed the flour to a cheaper brand and she said she did before last year but due to the complaints from customers, changed back to the old flour she was previously using but increased the price of the bread as the flour price had increased . Now however , she said nothing has changed at all , she is still usiing the original flour she has always used . She doesnt know why the bread is different. I bought bread from her again and told her I would let her know what I think after I have tested it out .

I made a sanwich or 2 already and it is different . It could be the yeast but I also think it could be baking powder she is using as well as yeast , as the texture of the bread after toasting was like an old English crumpet .

She must know the truth but you know what Thai's are like.

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Thanks Sunholidaysun1,

I for one really appreciate your post. I have to drive from Phayao, so it is like Pee-Wee's big adventure....I am still pondering just why it is so different tasting now. Perhaps the lack of salt...that is what came to mind recently. But then again, those of us with high blood pressure would benefit from this, greatly....it would still taste, substandard, though. Hmmmm....I for one will try and give the benefit of the doubt, for all that is worth. I hope for her sake it all comes together....soon. I will try it again the next time I am in town. Thanks again....ett

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