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VictorStone Wrote

“It was also interesting to learn that the robbers had usually come in over the finished sections of the perimeter wall directly into the private gardens of homes”

This is simply not true, the majority of the break-ins were in houses inside the village, not on the perimeter.

So in conclusion: The strategy you refer to and that we can use at other villages, is to give security guards drugs tests! And don’t bother building perimeter walls as robbers would much rather climb over walls than walk through the gaps!



After reading in this Develope'rs Communities Web Site (SRV). All I can say is that it would be very bad idea to buy a property in this development!

There have been many break ins of people's homes and even Home Invasions. A Home Invasion is a robbery of a home when the residents are present. Not very nice retirement living if you think about that. Especially as we get older.

The Developer did not even place a high priority in finishing the perimeter wall. This resulted in the community not being able to be basicaly secured. The development is in the midst of a bad area. It is obvious that it will take more than an average perimeter wall to secure this village. Unless the developer takes very strong security measures, using the best technology, and professional expertise available. You will never be safe here!

My advice is run don't walk away fom buying here, and beware of big man speaking with forked tongue. It appears that they make big promises that are not kept.

As I pointed out in my other post, there have been absolutely no robberies in this village since 6 months, when the drug addicts were finally put in jail.

This proves that the security strategy that was placed here actually works, and I think other villages could learn from this experience. There was a problem, and it was resolved.

A high priority was placed on implementing a security strategy that actually works, and the actual facts prove that it was the right strategy.

Many people are very happy to live in this village, because when a problem occurs, it gets addressed. And problems occasionally do occur everywhere in the world.


VictorStone Wrote

It was also interesting to learn that the robbers had usually come in over the finished sections of the perimeter wall directly into the private gardens of homes

This is simply not true, the majority of the break-ins were in houses inside the village, not on the perimeter.

So in conclusion: The strategy you refer to and that we can use at other villages, is to give security guards drugs tests! And dont bother building perimeter walls as robbers would much rather climb over walls than walk through the gaps!


??????or maybe the project owner.By the way aren't there some enlightening posts missing from this thread?Seems the TV police is censoring the truth once again.


VictorStone Wrote

“It was also interesting to learn that the robbers had usually come in over the finished sections of the perimeter wall directly into the private gardens of homes”

This is simply not true, the majority of the break-ins were in houses inside the village, not on the perimeter.

So in conclusion: The strategy you refer to and that we can use at other villages, is to give security guards drugs tests! And don’t bother building perimeter walls as robbers would much rather climb over walls than walk through the gaps!


We had the same issue in our village. It was the security guard. He broke into several houses. They fixed that problem, but it is hard to fix the problem with the perimeter wall. If you face that wall, your house is at risk. There was a 10M high perimeter wall at a development near here and they still got over that. :blink:


There was me actually thinking about buying a place in Siam View,

I was curious though when I visited this place with my wife she was required to show her ID card so we could park our car, they even kept it until she left. Which makes me wonder how all these roberies are occuring !!

If Soi Kao Tulo is so ghetto according to everyone where are all the nice places in pattaya ? Siam Country Club ??


There was me actually thinking about buying a place in Siam View,

I was curious though when I visited this place with my wife she was required to show her ID card so we could park our car, they even kept it until she left. Which makes me wonder how all these roberies are occuring !!

If Soi Kao Tulo is so ghetto according to everyone where are all the nice places in pattaya ? Siam Country Club ??

I had a house at Siam Lake View near the Siam Country Club. It was burgled. I am hoping SRV is better and in addition I will have a bloody great safe and alarm system.


There was me actually thinking about buying a place in Siam View,

I was curious though when I visited this place with my wife she was required to show her ID card so we could park our car, they even kept it until she left. Which makes me wonder how all these roberies are occuring !!

If Soi Kao Tulo is so ghetto according to everyone where are all the nice places in pattaya ? Siam Country Club ??

I had a house at Siam Lake View near the Siam Country Club. It was burgled. I am hoping SRV is better and in addition I will have a bloody great safe and alarm system.

I was up at a friends house this week near Siam Country Club. A house a few doors down was broken into and they store a safe that was over 1M high. A huge safe. Just busted it out of the wall and walked out with it. Same thing has happened several times around here. If you get a safe, try and have it mounted in the floor! I have a safe, but primarily to store passports and some other papers. Nothing really that important....and primarily oriented towards somebody who gets in just looking for laptops and cell phones....


i live in a gated community next to Siam Royal View and have visited SRV several times. in my [not so] humble view the reason why burglaries or even daytime robberies happen over there are the walled-in homes. burglars/robbers are undisturbed once they manage to be inside the wall.

burglaries and robberies are unknown in my community, which is much smaller, has security patrols day and night, perimeter walls with video cameras, plots most of them size 1 Rai and no walls but fences. but i admit that these walls in SRV are necessary to provide the home owners with some privacy on their tiny pieces of land.


Soi Kao Noi itself is very ghetto...full of migrant-worker huts and housing and some of the worst soi dog infestation in Pattaya. Building or buying a high-end home there, and especially near the top of the hill, would be the equivalent of living in a mansion in a Rio favella. A completely daft idea...so don't complain if some of the starving peasants are always breaking into your place.


The discussion in this thread reads like Pattaya, lest all of Thailand, is some of the worst places in the world (comparisons to the Bronx and the Rio Favelas were made), and that Soi Khao Talo is the very worst place.

Yet, nothing could be farther from reality. Such posts are completely misleading people.

I live in Soi Khao Talo since a couple of years now, and am passing this road up and down almost every day. I stop in shops, to draw money from ATMs, in bars to have dinner or a drink and the like very very often. At all times of the day, including well after midnight.

In all this time I have never ever been bothered by anyone. Never. All my neighbours that I have spoken to have also never been bothered.

There was also never ever an attempt to break into my car, which is often parked along the road. And I don't know anybody who had his car ever broken in on this road. Nobody that I would know of.

Now compare this to some other places that I happen to know about:

- Major cities in the UK; in many areas, the level of violence is just staggering. Not only against things, but against people. Carrying weapons such as guns and knives is notorious with many younger guys going out at night.

- Major cities in the US: try entering downtown Detroit, Miami, Washington DC, Baltimore, New Orleans, many parts of NYC (e.g. Bronx) etc. and most other major cities in the US: chances are very high you will be hurt or even killed if walking around innocently.

- Paris and other major cities in France: many areas of larger cities are totally off limits for normal people; Parisians avoid many areas because it's just too plain dangerous. Cars get broken in all the time if left parked outside. Gas stations and shops are being robbed on a regular basis. You have areas where even police is scared to go to.

- Major cities in Italy: basically every lady already had her handbag snatched. Cars less than 5 years old if left outside have a near to100% chance of being stolen or broken in. Many guys I talked to have already looked into the barrel of a gun …. and surrendered their belongings just to survive.

- in cities like Manila or Jakarta you get insistently warned by hotel staff against leaving the hotel at night.

- we don't even need to talk about most of South America and Africa, where crime rates are outraging.

Comparing to these places, Thailand looks like Disneyland. Accordingto international statistics, countries like UK, Germany, US, Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand etc. have per capita crime rates that are in the order of 10 times higher than Thailand.

Check out e.g. http://www.nationmas...imes-per-capita

or specifically looking at robbery rates, http://www.nationmas...ries-per-capita Thailand is really shining as one of the safest places in the world.

I have never been scared to walk around at any time of the night in the center of Bangkok, or in Pattaya. That is, if you behave properly yourself and don't bother other people, chance is extremely high that you will be left alone.

Now back to Soi Khao Talo: this road is no better nor worse than any other road in greater Pattaya.

Of course, in places with a lot of traffic and people, there is more police present, more "witnesses" and the like and so you could make an argument that Walking Street is the safest place in Pattaya.

But then, do you want all the noise, pollution and traffic in your close neighborhood? If yes, then Soi Khao Talo is not for you. If you like it quiet and relaxed at night, it may be an excellent choice; quiet, yet very close to the center.

Nobody claims that Thailand or even Pattaya is free of crime. But in comparison to other places in this world, it is a relatively peaceful place and enjoys a high quality of live also from this fact.


But then, do you want all the noise, pollution and traffic in your close neighborhood? If yes, then Soi Khao Talo is not for you. If you like it quiet and relaxed at night, it may be an excellent choice; quiet, yet very close to the center.

Yeez man you don't give up promoting your project do you.Do you realy think that anyone is going to buy a house in SRV because you writing utter bs here on this forum.

I live in Khao Talo for 8 years now and I can tell you that it probably is the busiest street in Pattaya.Maybe nerm plubwan is busier but I wouldn't place a bet on that.

I'm even lucky that I live about in the middle of the soi as higher up as my village it is a real getto.And that should read as in " getto ". :bah:


My builder and his construction buddies (all Thai) live not far from the development. He tells us all kinds of stories about breakins, etc. My electrician was actually "wired" into his house as they stole stuff from his yard. They put wire around the door so he could not open it. Luckily, he yelled out an open window and neighbors ran over to help.

The builder also told me about a gang that knocks people off their scooters and then robs them. Same thing has been happening on Siam Country Club road...a previous thread discussed that. I guess a farang was robbed this way not too long ago on your soi...

For sure parts of every major city in the world are dangerous. But the same applies to Thailand. I know people who have been robbed, attacked, and have read about many others who have experienced this here in Thailand. I love Thailand...and I lived in Bangkok for quite some time...now in Pattaya. But I would never walk alone late at night in most parts of either city. Sure, you may get away with it...but then again you may not.

I would hate for a first time visitor here to read your post and assume all is well. It is not...


But then, do you want all the noise, pollution and traffic in your close neighborhood? If yes, then Soi Khao Talo is not for you. If you like it quiet and relaxed at night, it may be an excellent choice; quiet, yet very close to the center.

Yeez man you don't give up promoting your project do you.Do you realy think that anyone is going to buy a house in SRV because you writing utter bs here on this forum.

I live in Khao Talo for 8 years now and I can tell you that it probably is the busiest street in Pattaya.Maybe nerm plubwan is busier but I wouldn't place a bet on that.

I'm even lucky that I live about in the middle of the soi as higher up as my village it is a real getto.And that should read as in " getto ". :bah:

In my life I have learned not to listen too much to what people say, but to watch what they are actually doing. And to use utmost caution if these two things are not in sync.

And so; since you have such a negative opinion about the area you actually live in, why are you not packing up and move to a better area? Honestly, if I would share your views, I'd not wait a day and call an agent to move as soon as possible. However, I suppose you have no moving plans, since you did not mention anything of that sort.

Last night I met a British gentleman who lives in Hong Kong since many years and frequently visits Thailand. He said that it is a common phenomenon in Hong Kong that many of the long time expats keep on complaining about Hong Kong all the time. It seems to be a long-time expat phenomenon to shit on the place they live. This expat attitude problem is not limited to Thailand.

The same guy told me that he recently visited his home town back in the UK: Manchester. He said he was appalled by the violence that reigns there. He was nearly beaten up by a group of people not because they wanted his money: they enjoy going out to beat other people up JUST FOR FUN. I have never heard anything that would even come close to this in Thailand.

And by the way: if I had anything to sell, I would certainly not do that on a forum like this. I'm not that stupid.


I would hate for a first time visitor here to read your post and assume all is well. It is not...

As I mentioned before, nobody denies that there is crime in Thailand, in Pattaya and in Soi Khao Talo.

And I fully agree with you that visitors should definitely use common sense and prudence when they go around town, but that applies to any place they may visit. However, as can be observed daily, many visitors coming to Pattaya indeed behave improperly and many crimes have a pre-story where the victim got himself involved in some silly behaviour or situation. If you just behave yourself properly, the risk of becoming a crime victim is reduced by a huge portion.

The point for my post was different: this thread tried to present Soi Khao Talo as one of the worst places in the world, similar to Bronx or the Favelas. I just made the point that this kind of statements are complete nonsense.

I maintain that Soi Khao Talo is no better nor worse than any other road in Pattaya.

I also maintain - as evidenced by international statistics (see my post above) - that Thailand has a lower crime rate than many European or American countries.


Nobody compared Pattaya to a favela. The comparison was to buying an expensive villa type home in a down market area was like buying a mansion in a favela.

Also, most are posting on burglaries and not other types of crime being a problem in that area.

In general I agree with you that Pattaya is very safe...much more so than most large Western cities.


Argumentative off topic posts removed from view.

As A reminder The thread is about Siam Royal View Any experiences

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

  • 2 weeks later...

Argumentative off topic posts removed from view.

As A reminder The thread is about Siam Royal View Any experiences

I think everyone has noticed construction of a new smart card security system at SRV Pattaya. The executives from the homeowner association have been working closely with SRV management to improve security. The ropes simply did not work, and we are hoping that this automated system will cut down on entering SRV without proper screening. At the minimum, it will look better and more professional.



Argumentative off topic posts removed from view.

As A reminder The thread is about Siam Royal View Any experiences

I think everyone has noticed construction of a new smart card security system at SRV Pattaya. The executives from the homeowner association have been working closely with SRV management to improve security. The ropes simply did not work, and we are hoping that this automated system will cut down on entering SRV without proper screening. At the minimum, it will look better and more professional.


Wil they need a smart card to climb over the perimeter walls?

  • 1 month later...

We now have no water inside of SRV. PWA tells us that there are problems at the Mabrachan water production facility. Any other development on Soi Khao Talo experiencing water shortages or just us?



We now have no water inside of SRV. PWA tells us that there are problems at the Mabrachan water production facility. Any other development on Soi Khao Talo experiencing water shortages or just us?


Are you on the municipal water supply?

I'm in Eakmongkol 4, just down the soi from you and we have been having water supply problems for the last several days (not an unusual occurrence). We, however, are not connected to the municipal supply - our water gets brought in by tanker to a central distribution system. If the delivery doesn't come or if Eakmongkol forget to turn on the pumps we are stuffed. The water provided is pretty dirty stuff anyway - not even really good enough to wash clothes - but I don't know where it comes from. Maybe Mabprachan but I don't know.

There has been a move afoot to get us connected to the municipal supply but Eakmongkol are dragging their feet over this as it isn't in their interests to let it happen. They are quite happy to charge us 3 - 4 times the going rate for what they supply at present. We've been given various excuses - the latest is that the village pipework isn't up to the job. Probably a load of rubbish as it seems to be the standard stuff that's used everywhere.

We live in forlorn hope of a clean, 24/7 supply but I don't think that we're likely to see this happen any time soon.



We now have no water inside of SRV. PWA tells us that there are problems at the Mabrachan water production facility. Any other development on Soi Khao Talo experiencing water shortages or just us?

:lol: :lol: :lol: Luxury moobaan for toffs and no water...555555

I guess being at the top of the hill is great for the views but the pits when the city water pressure is low and doesn't get up to your house. Here's some advice, buy in my Rattanakorn moobaan on NPW for 1/5 of what you paid at SRV and your house will even come with a regular water connection (and a storage tank for the dry days) ;)


We now have no water inside of SRV. PWA tells us that there are problems at the Mabrachan water production facility. Any other development on Soi Khao Talo experiencing water shortages or just us?


Are you on the municipal water supply?

I'm in Eakmongkol 4, just down the soi from you and we have been having water supply problems for the last several days (not an unusual occurrence). We, however, are not connected to the municipal supply - our water gets brought in by tanker to a central distribution system. If the delivery doesn't come or if Eakmongkol forget to turn on the pumps we are stuffed. The water provided is pretty dirty stuff anyway - not even really good enough to wash clothes - but I don't know where it comes from. Maybe Mabprachan but I don't know.

There has been a move afoot to get us connected to the municipal supply but Eakmongkol are dragging their feet over this as it isn't in their interests to let it happen. They are quite happy to charge us 3 - 4 times the going rate for what they supply at present. We've been given various excuses - the latest is that the village pipework isn't up to the job. Probably a load of rubbish as it seems to be the standard stuff that's used everywhere.

We live in forlorn hope of a clean, 24/7 supply but I don't think that we're likely to see this happen any time soon.


I see water trucks slurping up water from the disgusting ponds found adjacent to Sukhumvit Road opposite the Jomtien Lotus often...maybe your water comes from there. Just about everyone in Pattaya (you possibly excepted) knows not to buy in any of the Ekamonkol developments on Kao Noi or Kao Talo as they purposely don't hook-up their villages to the city water supply so they can ripe-off their buyers with sky-high water charges on the filthy water they bring in on trucks or pump from wells on their properties...like the apartment owners who jack-up the electricity rates 3-4 times on their tenants.

Good lesson for everyone is to check that all utilities are directly connected to the providers and direct billed to you.


Does anyone know how to go about getting a well dug and approx how much it costs as most of our water is wasted watering the garden. I would rather use well water for that and keep the Towns Water for the house.Any info appreciated


Does anyone know how to go about getting a well dug and approx how much it costs as most of our water is wasted watering the garden. I would rather use well water for that and keep the Towns Water for the house.Any info appreciated

There is someone here in Huay Yai that I have used 4 times and seems good. Send me a pm and I will send yyou his phone number. Cost is probably 70,000+ (depending on various) and he drills to 61m.

BTW - he does not speak any English.

BTW2 - not much crime (robberies) in this part of Huay Yai.

  • 9 months later...

Does anyone know how to go about getting a well dug and approx how much it costs as most of our water is wasted watering the garden. I would rather use well water for that and keep the Towns Water for the house.Any info appreciated

There is someone here in Huay Yai that I have used 4 times and seems good. Send me a pm and I will send yyou his phone number. Cost is probably 70,000+ (depending on various) and he drills to 61m.

BTW - he does not speak any English.

BTW2 - not much crime (robberies) in this part of Huay Yai.

Our water supply has now stabilized. Seems to be ok now. Apart from this, we have been very happy with our house. Not even lost a lightbuld in almost a year. With the vacant lot cleaning, chasing out the dogs, etc, SRV is still one of the nicest places to live in Pattaya. Close to everything, wide roads with views, etc.



Does anyone know how to go about getting a well dug and approx how much it costs as most of our water is wasted watering the garden. I would rather use well water for that and keep the Towns Water for the house.Any info appreciated

There is someone here in Huay Yai that I have used 4 times and seems good. Send me a pm and I will send yyou his phone number. Cost is probably 70,000+ (depending on various) and he drills to 61m.

BTW - he does not speak any English.

BTW2 - not much crime (robberies) in this part of Huay Yai.

Our water supply has now stabilized. Seems to be ok now. Apart from this, we have been very happy with our house. Not even lost a lightbuld in almost a year. With the vacant lot cleaning, chasing out the dogs, etc, SRV is still one of the nicest places to live in Pattaya. Close to everything, wide roads with views, etc.


Only took them 10 months to solve the problem.



Our water supply has now stabilized. Seems to be ok now. Apart from this, we have been very happy with our house. Not even lost a lightbuld in almost a year. With the vacant lot cleaning, chasing out the dogs, etc, SRV is still one of the nicest places to live in Pattaya. Close to everything, wide roads with views, etc.


Talking of lightbulbs, you now know why they call it the darkside hey Gil

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