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1 Year Ago Tonight, I Nearly Burned The Village Down.


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@ krisb

Thank you very much for your story.

Last night we had a similar experience to yours......no fire thankfully. A guy came from Bangkok with his girlfriend and sister to see his mom who lives next door to where my wife's restaurant is.

He had a bunch of fireworks.

Comes time to start letting them off.....ok not too bad, using empty beer bottles to hold the rockets in...still all ok.

Then he brings out this big cube shaped thing.....me starts thinking of krisb's thread.....my car is parked not 10 metres from where this guy was intending to light this cube shaped thing......ute!.....ute!.....ute! I started calling out. (stop).

I moved my car.....much to the bewilderment of those present, and let him play with his cube.

Sure enough, a few bangs and pretty displays.....then the cube fell over.....shot off a few more displays directly where my car used to be.

So I say thank you krisb, if not for your post, my car would be wearing a few battle scars.

Hope your barbie was good.


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