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Wi Net Tot Pc Connexion Question


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Firstly a happy and prosperous new year to all.

Now a question, the answer to which in part is "missing the blindingly obvious" smile.png

How do I connect a Windows 7 laptop to the internet with this?

Have arrived up country where a TOT wi-net [extended WiFi by antenna] set up has been installed but not used.

Everyone was told just plug in the laptop to the network cable and it'll work.

Well here I am with Windows 7 laptop and no internet.smile.png

I can see the little box router at in the browser and access it using the "ubnt/ubnt" user/pass combination. That shows the unit is active, connected and "chatting".

Have turned off the WiFi on laptop and when plugged in the Broadcom card reports the connexion, but none is visible at the OS level.

So what have I missed?

Regards and TIA

PS Sent by teathered Android

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Thanks for the input, but their respose was a} put it in and it will [should] just work, b} switch it on and off, and c} if those actions doesn't work talk to us after the holiday.

Not unreasonable it is after all a holiday, but I am hoping that a user of the technology herein may offer a suggestion to resolve this more quickly.

By the by I'd been [very slowly] downloading the manual but it still makes no reference to the PC side of the connectivity.


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You could check to make sure that your IPv4 settings on your Ethernet adaptor are set to obtain IP address and DNS automatically. If they are and you can see that you have been issued valid IP, gateway and DNS addresses but you still can't connect to the internet than the problem is likely somewhere further upstream and not related to your laptop.

You can try pinging from a command prompt. If you get a reply but still can't load web pages then the problem is probably with DNS.

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Yes ^^^.

Another thought, have you got a proxy set somewhere? It's something that catches me out on a regular basis as several of my clients (whose offices I use) require a proxy to access the net, forget to disble it and everything looks good, but no internet :(

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Thanks all. No proxies, no firewall, same subnet addresses et al. So far I've not found any problem here, except it doesn't work smile.png

Looks like I'll try the mystry of TOT support when they return.

By the by any ah-ha moments most welecome.

Still by tether...


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It sounds like the equipment on the tower needs to be reset, or there is an uplink issue there.

Maybe check the connections between the router and the antenna, and that the antenna is still sound and pointed towards the tower, if you can determine that direction.

Do you have a DNS server? If so, what is the address?

Can you ping any outside IP address or website?

Did this service ever work acceptably after it was installed?

Does anyone nearby use this service? If so, are they experiencing issues?

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I think lomatopo may be on to something, on occasion our WiNet stops working, usually when I've been away for a while and it's been out of regular use, seems to get a connection to the tower but no internet.

A call to the tech fixes it within the hour.

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YOU SAID: "Have arrived up country where a TOT wi-net [extended WiFi by antenna] set up has been installed but not used. Everyone was told just plug in the laptop to the network cable and it'll work.........Have turned off the WiFi on laptop and when plugged in the Broadcom card reports the connexion, but none is visible at the OS level.."

First, I assume that it is an active TOT ADSL connection and someone is accessing the internet normally? Which is what LOMATOPO was asking, so maybe I should not assume that?

Anyway, assuming it is connection that normally works as advertised, did you try just connecting to the modem with an ethernet cable and accessing the internet hardwired? If that worked, then I would think it is your laptops wireless connection settings.

I had a friend who connected wirelessly at his home but could not at my house. Made a change in his settings and he was able to connect both places. And I have forgotten the change he made.

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Thanks to all.

Present position: [still tethered].

In brief, system was installed a few months ago and worked then apprently, but has not been used since. I can't see any internet but can see the device. No ping to external sites etc., no internet, Windows 7 presents network with yellow triangle framed exclamation mark.

PC takes IP address OK from device but have also tried a fixed one in range [192.168.1.xx and OpenDNS settings] but to no avail.

My guess here is that TOT are still not fully staffed and so technical response is somewhat limited, to be fair, not unreasonably.

@Crossy what if anything can be done here to reset [i've disconnected power for @ 1 hour at the small box for example] or what could be said to suggest a course of action to tech support?

As I noted I can access the device on with ubnt/ubnt combination account [password and username OK in router device settings for example] and see "heartbeat" at LAN cable plug on laptop. Any settings advice?

Latest from TOT tech is that thay may have to come out [no doubt tomorrow]

Hope this clarifies.


PS I'm typing this on the same laptop which is also often used for WiFi with no issues.

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It looks as though the air interface is connected, your point-to-point WiFi connection, to the tower. And that there is some equipment fault at the tower, either in the transceiver which supports you and (I think) up to three others, or in uplink equipment (router, microwave). It is disappointing, but maybe not surprising, that TOT is unable to remotely monitor and manage this equipment from a centralized NOC. Or maybe it was a failure requiring replacement? It is good that the OP called TOT, as they may not have been aware of any problems.

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That's what happens to us lomatopo, no amount of resetting or general mucking around at our end will get it going.

A call to our 'personal' tech invariably gets it working PDQ (Wifey gave up with the call centre long ago so she calls the chap who did our install).

A_Traveller, when the man comes get his number and maybe a tip (ours drinks one Chang) would be in order if he gets it going pronto. Sometimes bypassing the system and saving up future credits Thai style is most effective smile.png

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The TOT team [5 of them smile.png ] arrived. The "leader' logged onto the router and changed the VLAN seting. Total time on site < 5 minutes.

Did get his number for future reference.


PS Maybe a mod would wish to add a [solved] note to title?

Edited by A_Traveller
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A team of 5 eh, perhaps they read this thread and wanted in on the 'tip' :)

I like the idea of a [solved] tag, wonder if the forum software can do it, our main problem is that editing post titles can confuse the search engines :(

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Actually it might help if you could document exactly what VLAN changes were made in the Ubiquity airMAX NAnao Station M gear, or what the correct settings should be. I assume the service was not installed properly way back when, and never worked.

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Mea Culpa.

The single edit was to update the VLAN to 925 [Network Tab] on the router.

If that was to accommodate activities undertaken upstream I can't comment.

In terms of performance the local [Thailand] response is as good as my “wired” in Bangkok, international is less but entirely usable.


PS On the [solved] point that should not have a detrimental impact on SEO.

PPS In the future I'd like to add a WiFi point to this to accommodate a couple of PCs, any kit suggestions/comments?

Edited by A_Traveller
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That VLAN setting must match the one on the tower - this allows TOT to create multiple sub-networks (virtual LANs) for each subscriber serviced by a tower transceiver. I think have up to four subscribers per so this keeps your traffic on a single air interface. Maybe the tech on the original install forgot to set this up? or set it up incorrectly.

From the AirOS manual:

page 28 AirOS User's Guide

VLAN configuration

VLAN Network

(Available in Advanced view.) You can create multiple

Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs). Click the + button to

display the VLAN Network section.

Enabled Enables the specific VLAN. All the added VLANs

are saved in the system configuration file; however, only

the enabled VLANs are active on the device.

Interface Select the appropriate interface.

VLAN ID The VLAN ID is a unique value assigned to

each VLAN at a single device; every VLAN ID represents a

different VLAN. The VLAN ID range is 2 to 4094.

You can install a WiFi AP or WiFi router (this connection is commonly called "WAN" on the WiFI device) to the "LAN" port on your Ubiquity POE adapter (small black box which is currently connected to your PC).


on sale for 790 baht: http://www.asus.com/Networks/Wireless_Routers/RTN10_C1/

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The single edit was to update the VLAN to 925 [Network Tab] on the router.

If that was to accommodate activities undertaken upstream I can't comment.

PPS In the future I'd like to add a WiFi point to this to accommodate a couple of PCs, any kit suggestions/comments?

I'll bet someone else was installed with that VLAN number, and TOT didn't realize it was stomping on your circuit.

For WiFi... I've been using Wireless Access Points in Thailand for many, many years, and I've had trouble with all of them. Except one. Don't shoot me, but the Apple Airport works wonders. Cost three times as much as it should, but it's built like a proverbial brick house, and it's been working without a hiccup for the past year.

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