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Price Of Life

the cougal

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BTW op, your school costs 60k baht a term!..wow thats alot, even for a good school here in Aus.

It's probably a pretty good school at that price but that won't even come close to paying for a top school in Thailand (not meant as judgmental or snobbish - just a comment on the cost of a first rate education here).

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Per Annum Per Semester

Pre Kindergarten 427,000 213,500

Elementary (Grades K-5) 655,000 327,500

Middle (Grades 6-8) 738,000 369,000

High (Grades 9-12) 773,000 386,500

This years fees for my kids school here in bkk

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Are you seriously suggesting that, say, a British woman who would otherwise be out there looking to bag a guy with money has less motivation to do so because the sums she can get from the welfare state are so attractive??

Two children bag a single woman 15-20k per year in the UK, so if you have less ............. and I know many men earning less at the moment.

(15k minimum wage for woman claiming child tax credit working 16h/week, 2k child benefit, housing benefit, no council tax). No checks on the actual work or time, no profit from work required, you can claim if selling on Ebay.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Are you seriously suggesting that, say, a British woman who would otherwise be out there looking to bag a guy with money has less motivation to do so because the sums she can get from the welfare state are so attractive??

Two children bag a single woman 15-20k per year in the UK, so if you have less ............. and I know many men earning less at the moment.

(15k minimum wage for woman claiming child tax credit working 16h/week, 2k child benefit, housing benefit, no council tax). No checks on the actual work or time, no profit from work required, you can claim if selling on Ebay.

Well £15-20K doesn't go very far in the UK but it's not as if women on that are out walking the street turning tricks, is it?

A woman snagging a bloke with a normal level of income in the UK wouldn't experience half of the improvement in her life that her Thai counterpart would.

Chump change goes quite far here - for now.

Chump change goes nowhere in the West because so many women work and have their own money hence my assertion that Western women simply aren't as interested in a man's money as they are here.

It really is as simple as that

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Chump change goes nowhere in the West because so many women work and have their own money hence my assertion that Western women simply aren't as interested in a man's money as they are here.

Welfare replaces men in almost every country that has it.

Women simply aren't interested in a (normal earner) man's money when they can get welfare.

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Chump change goes nowhere in the West because so many women work and have their own money hence my assertion that Western women simply aren't as interested in a man's money as they are here.

Welfare replaces men in almost every country that has it.

Women simply aren't interested in a (normal earner) man's money when they can get welfare.

That's not a bad thing, IMO but it could be why so many disillusioned foreign guys come here . . . because normal money can land them a woman who will depend on them for their very existence.

Personally, I can only think of a few things that are more repugnant to me than controlling a woman with a wallet but to each his own.

Time and again, however, the control that many men think a few inches of money buys them here is nothing more than a mirage.

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That's not a bad thing, IMO but it could be why so many disillusioned foreign guys come here . . . because normal money can land them a woman who will depend on them for their very existence.

I've not met any ladies in Thailand that need a man's money for 'their very existence', but seen plenty that would like some for gold, iphone, new m/c, etc. We must be shopping in different malls.

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Chump change goes nowhere in the West because so many women work and have their own money hence my assertion that Western women simply aren't as interested in a man's money as they are here.

Welfare replaces men in almost every country that has it.

Women simply aren't interested in a (normal earner) man's money when they can get welfare.

That's not a bad thing, IMO but it could be why so many disillusioned foreign guys come here . . . because normal money can land them a woman who will depend on them for their very existence.

Personally, I can only think of a few things that are more repugnant to me than controlling a woman with a wallet but to each his own.

Time and again, however, the control that many men think a few inches of money buys them here is nothing more than a mirage.

How do you not control a woman with money if you earn more than she does? She knows you know; isn't it always an implied threat that you will remove your money?

I have backed out of relationships because the women had a lot more money than I. This has never happened to me in the reverse. Has it happened to you?

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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That's not a bad thing, IMO but it could be why so many disillusioned foreign guys come here . . . because normal money can land them a woman who will depend on them for their very existence.

I've not met any ladies in Thailand that need a man's money for 'their very existence', but seen plenty that would like some for gold, iphone, new m/c, etc. We must be shopping in different malls.

Sorry but I thought you knew that iPhones, gold and scooters are considered existential necessities here

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That's not a bad thing, IMO but it could be why so many disillusioned foreign guys come here . . . because normal money can land them a woman who will depend on them for their very existence.

I've not met any ladies in Thailand that need a man's money for 'their very existence', but seen plenty that would like some for gold, iphone, new m/c, etc. We must be shopping in different malls.

Sorry but I thought you knew that iPhones, gold and scooters are considered existential necessities here

Fair point.

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How do you not control a woman with money if you earn more than she does? She knows you know; isn't it always an implied threat that you will remove your money?

The most worrying thing about that is I think you're actually serious.

I have backed out of relationships because the women had a lot more money than I. This has never happened to me in the reverse. Has it happened to you?

Yeah sure. I've had relationships where a woman left but the fact I earned more money than she did wasn't a factor.

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How do you not control a woman with money if you earn more than she does? She knows you know; isn't it always an implied threat that you will remove your money?

The most worrying thing about that is I think you're actually serious.

I have backed out of relationships because the women had a lot more money than I. This has never happened to me in the reverse. Has it happened to you?

Yeah sure. I've had relationships where a woman left but the fact I earned more money than she did wasn't a factor.

I left two relationships because the woman had more money than I and I didn't want her money hanging over my head.

You have misunderstood me. I said, have you ever left a relationship because the woman had more money than you?

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I left two relationships because the woman had more money than I and I didn't want her money hanging over my head.

You have misunderstood me. I said, have you ever left a relationship because the woman had more money than you?

On the few occasion where the woman had more money than me, my leaving had zero to do with her greater wealth. Whether a woman has greater wealth than I do or not is of no consequence whatsoever.

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I left two relationships because the woman had more money than I and I didn't want her money hanging over my head.

You have misunderstood me. I said, have you ever left a relationship because the woman had more money than you?

On the few occasion where the woman had more money than me, my leaving had zero to do with her greater wealth. Whether a woman has greater wealth than I do or not is of no consequence whatsoever.

I would imagine it is because you have never been married to a rich woman. I have. It's an exercise in being controlled.

I didn't like. I left. Her daddy offered me more money than I have ever had before or since to stay. I turned it down. She moved back home and he died. That's why he offered me all the cash.

Perhaps you have met a woman who is not affected by the wealth of her spouse or significant other but I never have especially among Asian women who are devoted to the family. Marriage becomes a family business much more than a personal contract.

You could ask me how much money I have lost on business in Thailand.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Yes, welfare states are run by socialists and feminists who believe the family to create inequality. Btw there are not any poor people in Scandinavia and there have recently been countless of examples of single moms receiving more in beneftis than full time employed academics. Every time with 3-5 children with different fathers whom are all absent. Welfare recipents are far majority women, go look up the stats. This is the European model we're talking about here, not the American.

Children growing up in single mom child hood have higher rates for becoming criminal, being abused, doing drugs, just about any bad thing.

It may be difficult for two 9/10, handsom studs like the two of us to understand that there are other factors at play in attraction and relationships than charm and good looks, but that is never the less the case.

Women date up. It's a simple fact. In Scandinavia where lots of women know have university education, more than men, there is now a growing group of middle aged academic women who are alone because they simply can't bring themselves to date someone with less education/status than they perceive themselves to have. Never mind that their masters is in humanities and they're employed in play-jobs with the government. That is just the way the female psyche works. So when you take money away from men and give to women through taxation, you're actually making lots of men less attractive a proposition status wise. A lot of men in the new welfare states simply have very little to offer in the new society on the dating market. A lot of people's fathers likely wouldn't be able to score their wives either in the new society. It's a well described sociological subject. And the reason is that their money and thereby social status is taken and given to women.

These viewpoints really aren't radical, they're becoming quite commonplace actually, as the European socialists states detiriorate.

Personally, I am not threathened in the slightest by a woman's education or her ability to earn, I just dislike the masculinastion of women as a result of this new lifestyle. I encourage you to go visit a city like Copenhagen to see for yourself. Or read this travel blog from a guy who travels around trying to pick up women in different countries. It's called: Danish women are the most masculine in the world. Made quite a stir, even made the TV news.

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Yes, welfare states are run by socialists and feminists who believe the family to create inequality. Btw there are not any poor people in Scandinavia and there have recently been countless of examples of single moms receiving more in beneftis than full time employed academics. Every time with 3-5 children with different fathers whom are all absent. Welfare recipents are far majority women, go look up the stats. This is the European model we're talking about here, not the American.

Children growing up in single mom child hood have higher rates for becoming criminal, being abused, doing drugs, just about any bad thing.

It may be difficult for two 9/10, handsom studs like the two of us to understand that there are other factors at play in attraction and relationships than charm and good looks, but that is never the less the case.

Women date up. It's a simple fact. In Scandinavia where lots of women know have university education, more than men, there is now a growing group of middle aged academic women who are alone because they simply can't bring themselves to date someone with less education/status than they perceive themselves to have. Never mind that their masters is in humanities and they're employed in play-jobs with the government. That is just the way the female psyche works. So when you take money away from men and give to women through taxation, you're actually making lots of men less attractive a proposition status wise. A lot of men in the new welfare states simply have very little to offer in the new society on the dating market. A lot of people's fathers likely wouldn't be able to score their wives either in the new society. It's a well described sociological subject. And the reason is that their money and thereby social status is taken and given to women.

These viewpoints really aren't radical, they're becoming quite commonplace actually, as the European socialists states detiriorate.

Personally, I am not threathened in the slightest by a woman's education or her ability to earn, I just dislike the masculinastion of women as a result of this new lifestyle. I encourage you to go visit a city like Copenhagen to see for yourself. Or read this travel blog from a guy who travels around trying to pick up women in different countries. It's called: Danish women are the most masculine in the world. Made quite a stir, even made the TV news.

In Scandinavia where lots of women know have university education, more than men, there is now a growing group of middle aged academic women who are alone because they simply can't bring themselves to date someone with less education/status than they perceive themselves to have.

In the post above, replace Scandanavia with Thailand.

There are plenty of educated women working in Bkk who would rather remain single than marry some Somcahi from the village.

In Thailand its called face and status, bringing shame on the family etc etc.

At least in India its easy, differing coloured dots on the head so everyone knows their place, Thailand is a bit more subtle.

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In the post above, replace Scandanavia with Thailand.

There are plenty of educated women working in Bkk who would rather remain single than marry some Somcahi from the village.

In Thailand its called face and status, bringing shame on the family etc etc.

At least in India its easy, differing coloured dots on the head so everyone knows their place, Thailand is a bit more subtle.

Yes, that proves my point entirely doesn't it? The difference is that in Thailand, Somchai isn't sponsoring thousands if not millions of women's education in useless subjects like womens studies and eskimology. In other words, the state hasn't priced Somchai out of the market, but Somchai has done so himself.

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In the post above, replace Scandanavia with Thailand.

There are plenty of educated women working in Bkk who would rather remain single than marry some Somcahi from the village.

In Thailand its called face and status, bringing shame on the family etc etc.

At least in India its easy, differing coloured dots on the head so everyone knows their place, Thailand is a bit more subtle.

Yes, that proves my point entirely doesn't it? The difference is that in Thailand, Somchai isn't sponsoring thousands if not millions of women's education in useless subjects like womens studies and eskimology. In other words, the state hasn't priced Somchai out of the market, but Somchai has done so himself.

Thai women like gold rings; so why don't they wear wedding rings?

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In the post above, replace Scandanavia with Thailand.

There are plenty of educated women working in Bkk who would rather remain single than marry some Somcahi from the village.

In Thailand its called face and status, bringing shame on the family etc etc.

At least in India its easy, differing coloured dots on the head so everyone knows their place, Thailand is a bit more subtle.

Yes, that proves my point entirely doesn't it? The difference is that in Thailand, Somchai isn't sponsoring thousands if not millions of women's education in useless subjects like womens studies and eskimology. In other words, the state hasn't priced Somchai out of the market, but Somchai has done so himself.

I dont think Somcahi is really bothered, for every one educated woman, there are 9 in the village readily available with no education and none of the high maintenace/running cost associated, eg sin sot, condo in Thong Lor or BMW 3 series.

As long as Somcahai gets his rocks off, he doesnt much care, little Lek on her Honda wave is good enough.

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In the post above, replace Scandanavia with Thailand.

There are plenty of educated women working in Bkk who would rather remain single than marry some Somcahi from the village.

In Thailand its called face and status, bringing shame on the family etc etc.

At least in India its easy, differing coloured dots on the head so everyone knows their place, Thailand is a bit more subtle.

Yes, that proves my point entirely doesn't it? The difference is that in Thailand, Somchai isn't sponsoring thousands if not millions of women's education in useless subjects like womens studies and eskimology. In other words, the state hasn't priced Somchai out of the market, but Somchai has done so himself.

I dont think Somcahi is really bothered, for every one educated woman, there are 9 in the village readily available with no education and none of the high maintenace/running cost associated, eg sin sot, condo in Thong Lor or BMW 3 series.

As long as Somcahai gets his rocks off, he doesnt much care, little Lek on her Honda wave is good enough.

True that. Obesity hasn't become a povery sign in Thailand yet either.

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Yes, welfare states are run by socialists and feminists who believe the family to create inequality. Btw there are not any poor people in Scandinavia and there have recently been countless of examples of single moms receiving more in beneftis than full time employed academics. Every time with 3-5 children with different fathers whom are all absent. Welfare recipents are far majority women, go look up the stats. This is the European model we're talking about here, not the American.

Children growing up in single mom child hood have higher rates for becoming criminal, being abused, doing drugs, just about any bad thing.

It may be difficult for two 9/10, handsom studs like the two of us to understand that there are other factors at play in attraction and relationships than charm and good looks, but that is never the less the case.

Women date up. It's a simple fact. In Scandinavia where lots of women know have university education, more than men, there is now a growing group of middle aged academic women who are alone because they simply can't bring themselves to date someone with less education/status than they perceive themselves to have. Never mind that their masters is in humanities and they're employed in play-jobs with the government. That is just the way the female psyche works. So when you take money away from men and give to women through taxation, you're actually making lots of men less attractive a proposition status wise. A lot of men in the new welfare states simply have very little to offer in the new society on the dating market. A lot of people's fathers likely wouldn't be able to score their wives either in the new society. It's a well described sociological subject. And the reason is that their money and thereby social status is taken and given to women.

These viewpoints really aren't radical, they're becoming quite commonplace actually, as the European socialists states detiriorate.

Personally, I am not threathened in the slightest by a woman's education or her ability to earn, I just dislike the masculinastion of women as a result of this new lifestyle. I encourage you to go visit a city like Copenhagen to see for yourself. Or read this travel blog from a guy who travels around trying to pick up women in different countries. It's called: Danish women are the most masculine in the world. Made quite a stir, even made the TV news.

I'd rather not get into the welfare state's role in the demise of the family unit if for no other reason than I just don't believe it ever played a significant one, if at all.

Although I defer to your superior knowledge of the lay of the land in Scandinavian countries, in the UK, the situation isn't nearly as dire. I would ask, though, aren't working women in Denmark taxed? Don't their tax krone pay for university educations for men too?

In my homeland, there are well educated women dating and marrying men who earn modest money and with less in the way of education. I know several couples including a high-powered, female tax barrister and a male hairdresser who've been happily married more than 10 years.

The traditional male/female roles have become well and truly blurred and, personally, I welcome the development. For every guy who feels marginalised by it, there are 10 who couldn't give a rat's arse.

Fast forward to Thailand and it's clear that a lot of older men prefer to adhere to the traditional roles. Their reasoning is that by being in control of the money, they get the final say and if the wife doesn't like it, she can go whistle. That, sir, is a form of control. If a man can't co-exist with his wife on the strength of mutual respect and compatibility, what makes him think that by tightening or loosening the purse strings arbitrarily, she'll be any more likely to fall into line? Even if she does, what man really wants to exist in that kind of environment?

The control these men seek is an illusion.

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Fast forward to Thailand and it's clear that a lot of older men prefer to adhere to the traditional roles. Their reasoning is that by being in control of the money, they get the final say and if the wife doesn't like it, she can go whistle. That, sir, is a form of control. If a man can't co-exist with his wife on the strength of mutual respect and compatibility, what makes him think that by tightening or loosening the purse strings arbitrarily, she'll be any more likely to fall into line? Even if she does, what man really wants to exist in that kind of environment?

The control these men seek is an illusion.

Well, I agree with you on this. That kind of relationship isn't any I'd like to be in. Sounds medieval. Although the opposite, where the wife spends friviously without contributing as a housewife is equally deplorable.

I don't think we will agree on how wealth redistribution generally hurt the average guy in the dating market, but so be it. It has nothing to do with control through money, but with selfishness increasing in women in societies where it isn't clear who pays the bill. I think you'll find that more traditional gender roles will get a comeback as the crisis continues.

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Does anyone remember what this topic is about?

Who cares? At least now we're on familiar ground. Have you noticed that the last few pages of posts are actually just links to a previous time that we went over this ground? I think that the forum software generates these links automatically, so that we don't need to waste our time repeating stuff that has been repeated a hundred times before.


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Yes, welfare states are run by socialists and feminists who believe the family to create inequality. Btw there are not any poor people in Scandinavia and there have recently been countless of examples of single moms receiving more in beneftis than full time employed academics. Every time with 3-5 children with different fathers whom are all absent. Welfare recipents are far majority women, go look up the stats. This is the European model we're talking about here, not the American.

Children growing up in single mom child hood have higher rates for becoming criminal, being abused, doing drugs, just about any bad thing.

It may be difficult for two 9/10, handsom studs like the two of us to understand that there are other factors at play in attraction and relationships than charm and good looks, but that is never the less the case.

Women date up. It's a simple fact. In Scandinavia where lots of women know have university education, more than men, there is now a growing group of middle aged academic women who are alone because they simply can't bring themselves to date someone with less education/status than they perceive themselves to have. Never mind that their masters is in humanities and they're employed in play-jobs with the government. That is just the way the female psyche works. So when you take money away from men and give to women through taxation, you're actually making lots of men less attractive a proposition status wise. A lot of men in the new welfare states simply have very little to offer in the new society on the dating market. A lot of people's fathers likely wouldn't be able to score their wives either in the new society. It's a well described sociological subject. And the reason is that their money and thereby social status is taken and given to women.

These viewpoints really aren't radical, they're becoming quite commonplace actually, as the European socialists states detiriorate.

Personally, I am not threathened in the slightest by a woman's education or her ability to earn, I just dislike the masculinastion of women as a result of this new lifestyle. I encourage you to go visit a city like Copenhagen to see for yourself. Or read this travel blog from a guy who travels around trying to pick up women in different countries. It's called: Danish women are the most masculine in the world. Made quite a stir, even made the TV news.

I'd rather not get into the welfare state's role in the demise of the family unit if for no other reason than I just don't believe it ever played a significant one, if at all.

Although I defer to your superior knowledge of the lay of the land in Scandinavian countries, in the UK, the situation isn't nearly as dire. I would ask, though, aren't working women in Denmark taxed? Don't their tax krone pay for university educations for men too?

In my homeland, there are well educated women dating and marrying men who earn modest money and with less in the way of education. I know several couples including a high-powered, female tax barrister and a male hairdresser who've been happily married more than 10 years.

The traditional male/female roles have become well and truly blurred and, personally, I welcome the development. For every guy who feels marginalised by it, there are 10 who couldn't give a rat's arse.

Fast forward to Thailand and it's clear that a lot of older men prefer to adhere to the traditional roles. Their reasoning is that by being in control of the money, they get the final say and if the wife doesn't like it, she can go whistle. That, sir, is a form of control. If a man can't co-exist with his wife on the strength of mutual respect and compatibility, what makes him think that by tightening or loosening the purse strings arbitrarily, she'll be any more likely to fall into line? Even if she does, what man really wants to exist in that kind of environment?

The control these men seek is an illusion.

We are really missing the boat here not including a couple of posters a who play the tune in their own lives. From another current thread. I was suggesting consulting the wife and children about making decisions about where to live and what school to go to when I got the below responses.

"most people I know have some gonads to do what is best" and"remember I'm Scottish. This Piper calls the tune."

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We are really missing the boat here not including a couple of posters a who play the tune in their own lives. From another current thread. I was suggesting consulting the wife and children about making decisions about where to live and what school to go to when I got the below responses.

"most people I know have some gonads to do what is best" and"remember I'm Scottish. This Piper calls the tune."

He's got a point. If you don't have the balls to trust your wife on that sort of decision, you're a man of very little faith.

LIke the man you quote, I call the tune, and the wife handles the venue and supporting cast.


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