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Thailand's Election Commission Mulls Using Thaksin As Lecturer


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I guess he could include in his lecture, hazing of prespective voters, as well as any opposition to his proposed scams, family members and politics, use of law suits in political quests, donut box payments, false assets list, non payment of taxes, how a monoply works in a so called free market system, how much cash you can carry on airlines without paying excess weight charge, use of inside info to feather your nest, division of kickbacks, how to screw your business partners, how to use the statue of limitations to avoid jail time, etc.

With the internet conection to Thailand, I doubt that he will have enough air time via skype, so best to put him on a public tv channel to rplace some of the soaps.

And no doubt somewhere in the lesson plan there would be good credible content on:

- The pillars of democracy, but ignore them

- Freedom of the press and freedom of speech, but how to pretty much cancel it

- Hate speeches as 99% of the content in education programs, and their place in developing a civil society

- How to be a good detective to search out and identify tricky vote buying activities. On the other hand, too much content for one lesson.

The EC itself is a sick joke.

They seemed to look OK but really killed any credibility they might have had when 4 of the 5 commissions set off on an overseas 'inspection of voting facilities in a couple of countries in Europe', away from Thailand for about 10 days, returned just a few days before the last elections.

They should have been both punished and removed for gross dereliction of duty.

They are also renound for being uncooperative with each other.

Edited by scorecard
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That would be like the police getting drug traffickers to lecture recruits.

Sent from my HTC phone.

Uhh, they do that.

In any case, the former PM understands the election process in Thailand, and his party did win a landslide mandate to govern, which is something the Democrats never achieved.

That must be the reason the former PM became a criminal on the run.

The internaional foreign affairs community doesn't share your view. Have ytou informed them?

I believe the common position was that the man did not have a fair trial. This is why he was given unfettered access to many countries subsequent to the illegal military coup and Abhisit's appointment as PM.

Had the former PM's conviction been perceived as the product of a fair judicial process, he would have been blocked from entering Switerland, France and Germany.

"The internaional foreign affairs community doesn't share your view. Have ytou informed them?"

If you tell me who the spokesperson is for the foreign affairs community I will tell him/her....

"I believe the common position was that the man did not have a fair trial. This is why he was given unfettered access to many countries subsequent to the illegal military coup and Abhisit's appointment as PM."

Wrong. Many countries think Thaksin is a very corrupt criminal. Please do some research.

"Had the former PM's conviction been perceived as the product of a fair judicial process, he would have been blocked from entering Switerland, France and Germany."

I know that the Thai foreign minister is telling countries to accept Thaksin from visiting them. Gross abuse of power from the Thai foreign ministry to say the least. Luckily the general public can deal with these criminals as we have witnessed when criminal Thaksin wanted to make a road show in the US. He left the country with his tail between his legs.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Would this count as community service?

Perhaps it is part of the truth and reconciliation process (South African version) where offenders were asked to confess their crimes for amnesty. Would probably take a couple of years to get through them all.

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When will this bull-sh1t with Thaksin - Thaksin -Thaksin come to an end. He get more paper space as a convicted fugitive than the current leaders of Thailand - then I suppose this is Thailand and could you expect anything different

He is the current leader of Thailand.
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Inviting criminals to lecture on the crimes they have committed happens in more countries.

Mind you that it is not a guarantee that they have changed and won't commit these criminal acts again.

The difference being that in Thailand, apparently criminals get to gloat via Skype, long before they have reformed or repented for their crimes!

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I must admit that if k. Thaksin was a criminal rather than a 'fugitive' criminal it might make sense to invite him to speak a bit on his 'experiences'.

Since the EC has to be 100% impartial and be seen as such, since they setup elections and decide on qualifications of the parties and candidates, inviting the fugitive self-proclaimed 'thinker' of the main political party Pheu Thai, older brother of our PM, decider of policies, etc., etc., I don't think it is a good idea.

Furthermore, this being Thailand, I wonder if student really asked for Thaksin, were prodded to do so, or if this is yet another very small step in getting Thaksin back.

December 2010 k. Chalerm was very upset with k. Apichart, maybe they kissed and made up? Maybe k. Apichart has seen the light same like k. Tarit

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It should absolutely be used to also highlight the the course-sponsoring Election Commission's completely toothless banning of politicians for electoral fraud by its worst offender.

The irony of the EC inviting someone that broke so many of its own regulations to lecture the youth of tomorrow is beyond compare.


Well, no worries as I don't think you will be attending the university course. You won't need to compare.

How do you know? It'd be interesting to hear what the worst violator of Election Commission's regulations has to say about political electioneering.

It'd also be intriguing to see if the EC could also comment on the meaningless nature of their punitive actions.


Edited by Buchholz
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That would be like the police getting drug traffickers to lecture recruits.

Sent from my HTC phone.

Uhh, they do that.

In any case, the former PM understands the election process in Thailand, and his party did win a landslide mandate to govern, which is something the Democrats never achieved.

That must be the reason the former PM became a criminal on the run.

The internaional foreign affairs community doesn't share your view. Have ytou informed them?

I believe the common position was that the man did not have a fair trial. This is why he was given unfettered access to many countries subsequent to the illegal military coup and Abhisit's appointment as PM.

Had the former PM's conviction been perceived as the product of a fair judicial process, he would have been blocked from entering Switerland, France and Germany.

So why not return to Thailand?

With all that international support he should breeze a re-trial.

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If this is a real attempt to allow a Q & A session with students (not just hand-picked ones) it's worth a try. Students can often ask the most awkward questions.

But if it's another opportunity - like the Macau broadcast - for Mr T to spew all his lies about how he was treated so 'wrongly', then it's a definite no.

Very difficult, if not impossible, to get him to answer a question honestly. Why not get Chalerm, feed him up with ear-medicine & it would be hilarious.

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If this is a real attempt to allow a Q & A session with students (not just hand-picked ones) it's worth a try. Students can often ask the most awkward questions.

If that was the case I would expect the series of lectures to number one in total, and that one would end prematurely.

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Checked my calendar today. Nope not April 1....... The only thing Thaksin could contribute would be how to win elections by vote buying and false election promises.

Well he is pretty good at getting money out of the public bank accounts into his own.

Had to give my head a shake when I read

"get well-rounded opinions for the political development of the country"

That from a man who can't even enter the country with out being thrown in jail.

but on the brite side they have found a group of peers where he can fit in nicely.

Edited by hellodolly
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You are right - certain countries lack of ethics and morals are being shown for what they are. Swiss banks being find for helping tax evaders, money launderers and helping fix the Libor rate. No wonder they welcomed your hero! The others, including the UK and US all edging their bets - and showing who they think really runs things.

Ahh so that explains why the USA and China continue to foster close relations with the Thai military command cadre.

Those pesky EU human rights people were recently in Thailand too weren't they?

Thanks for the reminder.

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When will this bull-sh1t with Thaksin - Thaksin -Thaksin come to an end. He get more paper space as a convicted fugitive than the current leaders of Thailand - then I suppose this is Thailand and could you expect anything different

well... thaksin thinks, phuea thai executes...... and this makes him de facto a current leader of thailand. now, perhaps those students have a funny sense of humour and hope to solve both the problems of the convicted fugitive and leader of thailand by inviting him for a lecture in thailand.

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Inviting criminals to lecture on the crimes they have committed happens in more countries.

Mind you that it is not a guarantee that they have changed and won't commit these criminal acts again.

I can't recall any fugitives doing this.

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As a back up supporting pair of acts to the proposal to that wonderful Thaksin lecture Robert Mugabe could be invited to throw in his 5 satangs wort concerning how democracy is run in his state and how government corruption is dealt with.

Then a lecture from North Korean President Kim Jong-eun as to how the state responds to its peoples and the benevolent society that exists therein in those two thiefdoms fiefdoms

Indeed Thaksin would be salivating and drooling like a lovesick hound at the delights of governance role models as espoused by the aforementioned pair.. The whole proposal shows in my view and many others too how very clearly just how insidious the Thaksin P.T.P. puppet maggot is in its declared aim to restore a despot to power.

Sadly some of the posters here fall for it, Well of course they can be on a plane and away if push comes to shove unlike poor old Mr. and Mrs Somcahai. who becomes victims of the regime..

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ASTV-Manager gave the names of those who were behind the ammat rally, including Admiral Bannawit Keng-rian, Squadron Leader Prasong Sunsiri, and Admiral Phajun Tampratheep. A rally for the elite

A political heavyweight. The kids maybe taking the piss but the Ec started it

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Who better to touch politics? He has shown that without being in the country that you can still run it. Have you ever lost a job running a company, yet still be able to control it? Amazing is correct.

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You are right - certain countries lack of ethics and morals are being shown for what they are. Swiss banks being find for helping tax evaders, money launderers and helping fix the Libor rate. No wonder they welcomed your hero! The others, including the UK and US all edging their bets - and showing who they think really runs things.

Ahh so that explains why the USA and China continue to foster close relations with the Thai military command cadre.

Those pesky EU human rights people were recently in Thailand too weren't they?

Thanks for the reminder.

It is a wise move to foster closer relations with both the current leaders and the likely next.

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