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Too Much Time On Facebook ' Can Harm Your Child's Mental Health'


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Its good to see al those old-timers complaining, now its Facebook before it was rock and roll. Its funny, i don't use Facebook but i use my smartphone a lot times are changing either get with it or stay behind. Even my dad got a smart phone. Too much of anything is always bad, same goes for Facebook but its certainly more healthy then the hobby of many of the contributors here on thaivisa (alcohol consumption) just to put it in perspective.

I understand the generation gap implication here, but will have to disagree. There is a world of difference between what you and I do and what these kids do and the devices we both use, The phones are only hi-tech extension of what is in our heads and what is going into our heads; all driven by the motivating force of our nature and upbringing, or the lack thereof. I think you know that and did not mean to generalize it this way. yes?

There is clearly a problem with the younger generation set these days and ignoring it only sets up a collision with the inevitable down the road. "More healthy than what alcoholics do" leaves a lot to be desired, if that is the best the kids can aim for in your given analogy.

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Its good to see al those old-timers complaining, now its Facebook before it was rock and roll. Its funny, i don't use Facebook but i use my smartphone a lot times are changing either get with it or stay behind. Even my dad got a smart phone. Too much of anything is always bad, same goes for Facebook but its certainly more healthy then the hobby of many of the contributors here on thaivisa (alcohol consumption) just to put it in perspective.

I understand the generation gap implication here, but will have to disagree. There is a world of difference between what you and I do and what these kids do and the devices we both use, The phones are only hi-tech extension of what is in our heads and what is going into our heads; all driven by the motivating force of our nature and upbringing, or the lack thereof. I think you know that and did not mean to generalize it this way. yes?

There is clearly a problem with the younger generation set these days and ignoring it only sets up a collision with the inevitable down the road. "More healthy than what alcoholics do" leaves a lot to be desired, if that is the best the kids can aim for in your given analogy.

I am not saying its healthy, im saying its not as bad and there are worse things. This kind of thing always brings out the older age persons who have plenty of problems themselves to vent about what the young ones do. My gf also does a lot of facebook and i think at times its crazy, but its a sign of times and could be worse. When i was younger my parents were worried about my computer use, it has paid of incredibly.

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Is "Facebook" another type of addiction?

Also, How do you unsubscribe from FB? Have been trying to get out of it for some time ,but cant simply unsubscribe and remove details.

very interesting question, as I understand "now" you can unsubscribe and erase your total history as if you never had an account, that is something they were forced (through court action) to do, whether it actually works out that way is anybody's guess

I predict that in several years time people will get clued about privacy on the internet and services like facebook will be forced to change - right now the general public have no idea what is going on when they open that account - for me it is scary as I know how the internet is being comercialy exploited, when you make a mobile phone call you expect it to be private, expectation on the internet is an entirely different thing and it shouldn't be.

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I don't use it as i see no point in it but if others like it, that is up to them. You got people going to places just to take pictures, i go there to enjoy not to show that i have been there. But I don't see facebook and such as evil, its just a sign of changing times.

Just like computers have changed our ability to write proper, its change and change is not always bad just different. The older people are the more they resist change as its harder to adapt.

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very interesting question, as I understand "now" you can unsubscribe and erase your total history as if you never had an account, that is something they were forced (through court action) to do, whether it actually works out that way is anybody's guess

I predict that in several years time people will get clued about privacy on the internet and services like facebook will be forced to change - right now the general public have no idea what is going on when they open that account - for me it is scary as I know how the internet is being comercialy exploited, when you make a mobile phone call you expect it to be private, expectation on the internet is an entirely different thing and it shouldn't be.

VIRTUAL REVOLUTION - the BBC / Open University documentary that looks into the influences of the world-wide-web : how it shifts the power, the culture, the values, and the personal spaces. it is very inspiring.

it was on Thursday evening, True Vision channel 17 ( explorer 3 ). may also find the official BBC programme site : http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00n4j0r. check out some YouTube video too.

- Episode 1 the great levelling

- Episode 2 enemy of the state

- Episode 3 the cost of free

- Episode 4 homo interneticus

MUST SEE - cost of free !

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There is nothing inherently right or wrong about Facebook. It's a tool. That's all.

My Daughter pestered me into getting a Facebook account before I came over here. My first question after getting the account was "Ok, now how do prevent anybody from finding me on this Facebook?" To which she replied (with a large sigh!), "But Dad, that's the whole point of the thing!" tongue.png I have actually found it a pretty neat way to maintain contact with and keep up with the lives of my family members and some friends back home. And I also post about my life here and some of the trips that I have taken here. Also post a lot of the photos I take on my trips. But, I don't put anything on the internet (Facebook or otherwise) that would cause me any trouble either.

Of course, I am from a different generation than them. I have less than twenty "Facebook Friends", while they have hundreds! But again, it's just a tool. If kids are using it too much or when they should not be using it, that's the problem. Not Facebook. Heck, I had to take control of and put limits on when and how much the Nintendo box was to be used when my "kids" were kids!

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There is nothing inherently right or wrong about Facebook. It's a tool. That's all.

My Daughter pestered me into getting a Facebook account before I came over here. My first question after getting the account was "Ok, now how do prevent anybody from finding me on this Facebook?" To which she replied (with a large sigh!), "But Dad, that's the whole point of the thing!" tongue.png I have actually found it a pretty neat way to maintain contact with and keep up with the lives of my family members and some friends back home. And I also post about my life here and some of the trips that I have taken here. Also post a lot of the photos I take on my trips. But, I don't put anything on the internet (Facebook or otherwise) that would cause me any trouble either.

Of course, I am from a different generation than them. I have less than twenty "Facebook Friends", while they have hundreds! But again, it's just a tool. If kids are using it too much or when they should not be using it, that's the problem. Not Facebook. Heck, I had to take control of and put limits on when and how much the Nintendo box was to be used when my "kids" were kids!

I would agree with you except for one thing and for me it's a biggie - Privacy and the big brother is watching you policies, do a search on google "facebook privacy issues" and start reading, your average user doesn't quite understand the implications of much of it but I do and I don't like it, facebook has had governments take them to court over privacy - just as well because I don't know where this thing would be without them, it is still IMO way beyond what is acceptable but each to their own, for me for now it is something I steer well clear of - it just doesn't sit well in my head. I

Imagine this, you have a Thaivisa account which you have a user name that you like to be anonymous, you also have a facebook account which is generally in your real name, facebook can match your real name to your thaivisa account through tracking cookies - you getting the idea

Disable cookies on your browser and see if you can log into your FB account - you can't and that raises massive issues for me.

Edited by smedly
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Thai children aged eight to 18 spend about eight hours daily watching television, using cellphones or playing on the computer, although experts say children, especially those in primary school, should spend no more than two hours per day on any of these activ

So, why did the schools give those Chinese Tablets to the kids then?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Which California State College? Or do they mean University of California?

Anyways, the findings said that adults who use Facebook a lot are more likely to suffer from some type of disability. The article and people in Thailand incorrectly think that this means Facebook caused the issue. It's like saying that unemployed people are more likely to suffer from a metal disability. OMG, we need to employ everyone so that no one gets a disability! lol... doesn't work like that.

Move on... next news item...

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