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Single Entry Visa In Kl Or 30 Day?

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I'd like to stay in Thailand for a year.

Am I able to get a single entry visa by flying to KL every 3 months (60+30 extension at thai embassy)? I think I have to stay 2-3 days to get the visa, right?. Will I be able to do this 4 times?

I guess my other option for KL is flying in every month but only staying for a few hours at the airport and coming right back? Would I be able to do this 12 times?

Thanks for your help.

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I found several years ago that the best place to fly was Singapore with Air Asia.

The frequency of flights was such that you land in Singapore, clear immigration, have a coffee and check in for the return flight.

I've done it twice and even the air asia website asks "are you real?"

Albeit expensive but comparable to be stuck in the Visa-Run bus as far as travelling is concerned.

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Check the topics about double entry tourist visa from Vientianne.

Every double entry tourist visa gives you about 160-170 days.

btw: Why not try to get a triple entry tourist visa, forehand, in your home country?

That will get you to almost 3/4 of a year. After that, another single entry almost everywhere in the area, or a double entry from Laos.

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As said the normal procedure would be a flight to Udon and then travel the hour to Vientiane for a two entry tourist visa, or even fly to Vientiane if you must (unless you have a history of Thai tourist visas in your passport).

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I'm already in Thailand and have 2 weeks left on my 30day.

I have another 30day and one double entry visa I got in 2010. Should I have any issue getting a double entry at Vientiene? Do you mean that flying directly to Vientiene is more problematic than Udon for people with visa history?

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Well I'd only have to fly out 4 times for 2 double entry visas.. 4x2300 baht = 9200 baht (bkk to udon)

Isn't ed visa 20,000+ baht just for the tuition? I am trying to learn but using software and friends at the moment

Edited by artiztik
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If you get a double entry visa you can get almost 6 months without needing a new visa by extending each entry 30 days at immigration (1900 baht). You just have to be sure you the border run to use the 2nd entry before the visa expires (90 days from issue). So you would only need to make 2 trips to Vientiane.

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