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Police Urge Thai Women To Beware Of African Drug Traffickers


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If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas. But we know why this is not going to happen. Instead some prominent police officers can continue to expand their bank account while stating they are doing a good job. While these killers are allowed to continue to poison Thai people. The heavy drugs are spreading in Bangkok and they will, before long, be found all over the country. And while the brown uniform mafia refuses to do its job, the country is going to find itself in a real, serious mess. And pretty soon too.

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1 OP and 4 pages full of more or less open rascism!

Not all...but too many!

Hmmmm, my country is going down the pan cos of similar opinions. Open your eyes.


...what are you talking about?

๊ืUnfortunat that l cannot write here my thoughts, BUT sure readers know what my thoughts are. Easy get out you might think smile.png but noooooooooo.

Okay, but I don't know. So...thanks for the comment!

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I am not sure I understand why posters are upset about African drug traffickers using women for nefarious transactions. Nothing big goes on in the country without the tacit approval of some influential Thai person. TIT, many shady things go on in the open with everyone (not literally of course) not making a fuss over it. Murder, robbery, scams, drunk driving, garbage buried on some beaches, women being used as drug mules... All things which add to the sleazy tapestry of Thailand. If you are really upset with this, put on your detective hat and investigate who controls the drug trade and make your issues known to him/her.

It would have been more exciting if the police warned foreigners about Thai women. As I suspect that there are many more Thai women duping foreigners than there are Africans duping Thai women.

I am quiet sure, that the big action in drug- dealing in Thailand is done by Thais...

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In the latest data from the Department of Corrections listed below, there are 68 women condemned to death on drug charges in Thai jails. The figure is sharply increased if we include Thai women condemned to death abroad. At the same time as we were debating in Bangkok the linkage of Drugs and the Death Penalty also reported below, 13 young Thai women were condemned to death in China on drug charges.

All of the women are under 40 years of age, the youngest is 20, and several others are in their twenties..........One 22 year old from Samut Prakhan had opened a beauty parlour in Pattaya where a young black man made friendly overtures to her. A woman in Aranyapradhet was also courted by a young black who invited her to accompany him abroad on the understanding that they would marry on their return to Thailand.

Its a sad sad situation that women are loosing their lives for the love of money.

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Actually no but if the Police are putting warnings out then they obviously have done some research into this and found in the majority of the cases the Thai girl had a Black "boyfriend"

Of the over 100 Thai girls who have been arrested you can bet that most had a Black boyfriend and the Police know this also, hence the warning.

It is not racist for the Police to put out this warning or maybe you are so PC that you think it is wrong?

Wake up, these guys are causing problems, have you been down Suk lately? Soi 3 is now known as Soi Africa down to the amount of Black guys hanging around there, Maybe these guys just enjoy hanging around the streets at night but somehow I doubt that is the real intention of them being there, don't you?

It is not racist for the Police to be warning people, it is just a fact that they are causing problems, if the Police would have said it was white guys would you then play the race card?

I think you'll find the article said African - not every black person is from Africa. It's not playing the race card to have an issue with you personally lumping all black males into the same category without even realising you have done so. You took an article about African drug traffickers and drew the conclusion that all black males are scum.

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In the latest data from the Department of Corrections listed below, there are 68 women condemned to death on drug charges in Thai jails. The figure is sharply increased if we include Thai women condemned to death abroad. At the same time as we were debating in Bangkok the linkage of Drugs and the Death Penalty also reported below, 13 young Thai women were condemned to death in China on drug charges.

All of the women are under 40 years of age, the youngest is 20, and several others are in their twenties..........One 22 year old from Samut Prakhan had opened a beauty parlour in Pattaya where a young black man made friendly overtures to her. A woman in Aranyapradhet was also courted by a young black who invited her to accompany him abroad on the understanding that they would marry on their return to Thailand.

Its a sad sad situation that women are loosing their lives for the love of money.

Some have lost their by having unprotected sex for 500baht.

For me its like saying that Thai women are so gullible that their dogs make them buy goose liver for lunch.

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If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas.

How about just deporting those who are breaking the law and leaving the rest alone? Or is this mass deportation to extend to the inhabitants of other continents too? Every time a Swede breaks the law they deport all Europeans?

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In the latest data from the Department of Corrections listed below, there are 68 women condemned to death on drug charges in Thai jails. The figure is sharply increased if we include Thai women condemned to death abroad. At the same time as we were debating in Bangkok the linkage of Drugs and the Death Penalty also reported below, 13 young Thai women were condemned to death in China on drug charges.

All of the women are under 40 years of age, the youngest is 20, and several others are in their twenties..........One 22 year old from Samut Prakhan had opened a beauty parlour in Pattaya where a young black man made friendly overtures to her. A woman in Aranyapradhet was also courted by a young black who invited her to accompany him abroad on the understanding that they would marry on their return to Thailand.

Its a sad sad situation that women are loosing their lives for the love of money.

Some have lost their by having unprotected sex for 500baht.

For me its like saying that Thai women are so gullible that their dogs make them buy goose liver for lunch.

Well you have a very strange imagination there.

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I can go to Soi Nana and score dope right now...If i can then why cant the cops?

Just look for a black dude looking around for someone to make eye contact, give him a nod and its on.

It's complicated. A foreign translator at Lumpini Police Station informed me there are 11 different criminal gangs in their district. Some with influential connections......

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The police will never be able to solve this problem this way. Some people just think africa is a single country. the police knows where to find these people anyway and most of the time they are working together.

when something is done by a british guy, i never see european. i never see asian when a crime is committed by a chinese man. so they should just know how to make a difference here.

how many non africans are doing drugs in this country? i cant imagine the number. go to pattaya and see

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No it isn't it is simply a good warning from the Police

No, it is a poorly worded, ill-thought out, racist, stereotypical, bigoted generalisation of people from an entire continent.

You obviously have a chip on your shoulder!!

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One must presume they are in bed with the cops, just look at the Corner of Soi 13 and Suk in the evening. coffee1.gif

Yeah, I know I get a little tired of "Wassup man" "Wassup bro" or even "everything,everything". Enjoy the "hey baby" from their female counterparts even less.

Well go and buy your drugs somewhere else then...try the BiB, and all you will get is "Hey you Farang"

Wow, slow down. I live on Soi 13. Got no time for them, just walking home and it seems they never stop asking even though I never respond. What's the BiB?

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No it isn't it is simply a good warning from the Police

No, it is a poorly worded, ill-thought out, racist, stereotypical, bigoted generalisation of people from an entire continent.

Look what a simple ggogle search found.....all racist ill thought out statements from different countries around the world about nigerians!!!



malaysia-warns-women-against-nigerian-boyfriends - www.punchng.com › News



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I'm always amused by all the moral outrage that some posters lash out with, in the vein of "All blacks are not criminals!"

Yes, there are good and bad in every group. But the guys on Sukumvit are drug dealer/pimps who happen to be black. Many of us are not racisits but we would be equaly appalled by American Klu Klux Klan members, dressed in hoods, waving rebel flags and dealing drugs on Sukumvitt :)

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why African drug dealers? they should aware of all drug dealers not just using some racist words here.

most of these girls are prostitutes doing drugs already. i think the police should do their job better because they know where these drugs dealers are.

Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker

I've never heard from any Thai that they like Africans, or 'negro' as they say.

Not that they hate them or anything, but that they would not want to be involved in anyway with them.

So it is surprising that these Africans (would) have any success on such sites.

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One must presume they are in bed with the cops, just look at the Corner of Soi 13 and Suk in the evening. coffee1.gif

Yeah, I know I get a little tired of "Wassup man" "Wassup bro" or even "everything,everything". Enjoy the "hey baby" from their female counterparts even less.

Well go and buy your drugs somewhere else then...try the BiB, and all you will get is "Hey you Farang"

Wow, slow down. I live on Soi 13. Got no time for them, just walking home and it seems they never stop asking even though I never respond. What's the BiB?

BIB - boys in brown, slang for Royal Thai Police

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Actually no but if the Police are putting warnings out then they obviously have done some research into this and found in the majority of the cases the Thai girl had a Black "boyfriend"

Of the over 100 Thai girls who have been arrested you can bet that most had a Black boyfriend and the Police know this also, hence the warning.

It is not racist for the Police to put out this warning or maybe you are so PC that you think it is wrong?

Wake up, these guys are causing problems, have you been down Suk lately? Soi 3 is now known as Soi Africa down to the amount of Black guys hanging around there, Maybe these guys just enjoy hanging around the streets at night but somehow I doubt that is the real intention of them being there, don't you?

It is not racist for the Police to be warning people, it is just a fact that they are causing problems, if the Police would have said it was white guys would you then play the race card?

I think you'll find the article said African - not every black person is from Africa. It's not playing the race card to have an issue with you personally lumping all black males into the same category without even realising you have done so. You took an article about African drug traffickers and drew the conclusion that all black males are scum.

The ones that deal drugs on Suk ARE scum, the ones that get Thai girls to smuggle drugs for them ARE scum.

You are so PC you are blind to the problems that these people are causing here.

Open your eyes

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If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas.

How about just deporting those who are breaking the law and leaving the rest alone? Or is this mass deportation to extend to the inhabitants of other continents too? Every time a Swede breaks the law they deport all Europeans?

That would need a working judicial form in Thailand. But they should not have allowed into the country from the beginning. So better deport all and apply the law strictly on the new applicants. What has Europe to do with Africa?

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If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas.

How about just deporting those who are breaking the law and leaving the rest alone? Or is this mass deportation to extend to the inhabitants of other continents too? Every time a Swede breaks the law they deport all Europeans?

That would need a working judicial form in Thailand. But they should not have allowed into the country from the beginning. So better deport all and apply the law strictly on the new applicants. What has Europe to do with Africa?

It's a continent in the same way that Africa is. It contains many sovereign nations just as Africa does. There is a difference between countries and continents just as there is a difference between drug dealers and those who don't deal drugs.

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Why are the Thai police talking by continent? Are they really so stupid that they do not know from which country these drug hustlers are coming from? Lumpini police station also has "African Liaison Officers" so they should be able to investigate and find which country the drug dealers come from.

And what is all the talk about racism - most drug dealing on Sukhumvit is headquaters is a pub in Soi Africa called "WHITE DOGS"

The T-shirts, Viagra and DVDs on sale on Sukhumvit are all fakes - I do not know if the drugs are real or fake coz I never bought any but tourists sometimes ar found dead in their rooms with their little doggie bags of white powders.

Word has it that the cops monitor the deals and then follow the customers to bust them discreetly

Solution: Boycott Nana the district where the whole world hustles and bustles either for a dime, a hole or a score

PS all the bars on the Lumpini streets open until dawn's crack are illegal as are all the violation of intellectual properties

PPS there are also non Thai girls hunted on the streets of Thailand by these people in the hope that they can be converted into drug mules

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If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas.

So you would deport all the white South Africans who are working here legally and have familes etc and dont go anywhere near drugs ?

Or any Egyptians, Morrocans, Libyans, Tunisians doing the same ?

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In this Post 9-11 era

1) Shame on Lagos immigration for allowing and assisting these people to come to Thailand on whatever passport

2) Shame on all the nations that allow this bandwagon of hustlers to travel on the fake passports of other African nations

3) Shame on media for not investigating which African country all these Africans come from and thereby painting all Africans with the same brush

4) Shame on the Imo state human trafickers luring village boys to jobs that do not exist

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If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas.

So you would deport all the white South Africans who are working here legally and have familes etc and dont go anywhere near drugs ?

Or any Egyptians, Morrocans, Libyans, Tunisians doing the same ?

But isn't it easy to do a stop and search on ANYONE followed by plain clothes to folk who are always day after day plying their trade. It is so easy it's laughable. On Tv posters tell the same stories about being accosted by the same folk. It's easy if the will is there, but alas it is not. sad.png
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If they were serious about it, they would deport all africans and deny new visas.

So you would deport all the white South Africans who are working here legally and have familes etc and dont go anywhere near drugs ?

Or any Egyptians, Morrocans, Libyans, Tunisians doing the same ?

I think in the world he's talking about, there ia a general exemption for the whitefella blink.png

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Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker


I'd love to know these hookerless dating sites. The ones I've found are full of freelancers, bar girls, ladyboys and chancers with the odd few "normal everyday Thai girls" mostly willing to give it up at first sniff of a relationship - yea e'en to black men!

Sent from Android please allow errors in type or judgment.

those "good girls" are actually just bald white men who pretend to be a thai girl.

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Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker


I'd love to know these hookerless dating sites. The ones I've found are full of freelancers, bar girls, ladyboys and chancers with the odd few "normal everyday Thai girls" mostly willing to give it up at first sniff of a relationship - yea e'en to black men!

Sent from Android please allow errors in type or judgment.

those "good girls" are actually just bald white men who pretend to be a thai girl.

Oh crap! There goes my bald Demi Moore fetish. :(

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Go on any of the Thai dating website and see how many Black guys are on there, this is where these guys hunt for their victims, normal everyday Thai girls, NOT your average bar Hooker


I'd love to know these hookerless dating sites. The ones I've found are full of freelancers, bar girls, ladyboys and chancers with the odd few "normal everyday Thai girls" mostly willing to give it up at first sniff of a relationship - yea e'en to black men!

Sent from Android please allow errors in type or judgment.

those "good girls" are actually just bald white men who pretend to be a thai girl.

Where in my post did I say "good girls"

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Whats the difference drugs from Blacks or from Thais

The difference is that the drug dealers from Africa do not value life, to them BKK is heaven.

No war, no rival clans, no decapitations with machetes, no Kony 2012...

They just sling dope because prison in Thailand is still better than the shit life they had back in Africa running from lions, wild elephants and 12 year olds with AK-47's...

Well said. The conditions in Thai correction institutions - though appalling by Europen/US/Aussie standards - is a lot better than in African countries. The only way to stop these Nigerians from plying their trade, is to ship them back to their country when caught in the act. Maybe hold them in an area, then ship them back when the numbers are viable.


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So the Police are aware of Africans selling drugs in Thailand. How hard would it be to catch all the guys peddling on Sukhumvit? Love how thee warning is only aimed at Thai women. Everyone else can go run and jump!

The Police may have already caught them. They catch them, they fine them, they catch them again, they fine them again....

Sometimes the Police will arrange a monthly fine to be paid in cash.

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