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Do E Books Give You The Whole Book?


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Reason I ask is that I've just acquired a Nook and added several books to it's library. The book I'm presently reading is "Three Stations" by Martin Cruz Smith which is shown as having 260 pages, the same number as you'd get in a paperback copy. However, the Nook is considerably smaller @ 6" than a paperback, therefore less words on a page, so how can it be the same number of pages unless it's been shortened?

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This is the last paragraph in a pirated .pdf:

<The monkey tried to drag Emma back toward the

ring, where dogs were performing, jumping over

each other like a self-shuffling deck of cards. Emma

tried to shake the monkey off. Arkady lured it away

with a five-ruble note. He watched Emma’s tentative

progress around a clown with a red nose, blowing

bubbles. Past an acrobat on stilts, who took slow-

motion strides. Past children of seesaw age queuing

at a miniature roller coaster and past older kids

tossing quoits. And through a maze of strollers, to

the moment when Maya looked up and light leapt

into her eyes.>

Same as what you got? Cheers, AA

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An E-book should contain precisely the same amount of words as it's paper equivalent (at least as far as the story or main content goes: preface or forward or indexes etc may differ in some cases); if it doesn't, there's something wrong with it or your device.

The page numbers don't matter much as depending on screen orientation and selected font size, that can fluctuate.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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This is the last paragraph in a pirated .pdf:

<The monkey tried to drag Emma back toward the

ring, where dogs were performing, jumping over

each other like a self-shuffling deck of cards. Emma

tried to shake the monkey off. Arkady lured it away

with a five-ruble note. He watched Emma’s tentative

progress around a clown with a red nose, blowing

bubbles. Past an acrobat on stilts, who took slow-

motion strides. Past children of seesaw age queuing

at a miniature roller coaster and past older kids

tossing quoits. And through a maze of strollers, to

the moment when Maya looked up and light leapt

into her eyes.>

Same as what you got? Cheers, AA

Yes, the same.

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Does it advance a full page each time you click for next page? I know my Sony eReader will show (for instance) page 216, followed by page 216-217, and then page 217.

You are correct. I assumed that the page # changed every time I flipped a page, but sometimes it will take three flips to change the page #.

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I've just started reading a Dean Koontz e book and can't believe how many misspellings there are, it's like the book was never proof read before being published.

Was it legally downloaded? Because pirated ebooks can have lots of glitches.

Or so I've heard. :)

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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I've just started reading a Dean Koontz e book and can't believe how many misspellings there are, it's like the book was never proof read before being published.

Was it legally downloaded? Because pirated ebooks can have lots of glitches.

Or so I've heard. smile.png

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

I can't say without incriminating myself.

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I have a friend -who is NOT ME -- that has lots of pirated ebooks and this guy - who is NOT ME - finds that a fair few have some errors of varying kinds.

Of course I do not condone such actions and personally would never want to save thousands of dollars in that way.

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I have a friend -who is NOT ME -- that has lots of pirated ebooks and this guy - who is NOT ME - finds that a fair few have some errors of varying kinds.

Of course I do not condone such actions and personally would never want to save thousands of dollars in that way.

Of course not. I'd much prefer to pay full price and have no errors of any kind.

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I've just started reading a Dean Koontz e book and can't believe how many misspellings there are, it's like the book was never proof read before being published.

Was it a legal purchase? A lot of the pirates seem to have been OCR'd very poorly.

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I've just started reading a Dean Koontz e book and can't believe how many misspellings there are, it's like the book was never proof read before being published.

Was it a legal purchase? A lot of the pirates seem to have been OCR'd very poorly.

Read post # 12

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If it is a legally downloaded ebook and there's typos or missing pages, you can complain and get a refund. This has happened to me twice. Patti Smith's "Just Kids" downloaded from Borders: It didn't have the photos. I complained and Borders refunded the money in a couple of days. Patti Smith's "Woolgathering" downloaded from Amazon/kindle. Same problem - no photos. I complained and Amazon refunded the cost within hours. I think the problem was a different copyright agreement to the text hence no photos, but there was no warning on either Borders or Amazon sites about this.

If it is a pirate ebook, then you get what you paid for. I'm not having a go at you. I have a friend (not me of course) who has 8000+ ebooks, many of them pirates. Usually pirates are as good as the real thing. Sometimes, the real thing isn't available.

There was an uploader on a certain pirate site who listed ebooks. When you downloaded them they turned out to be a blurry scan of the first 50 pages. He simply wanted people to visit his site. My friend (not me of course) complained to the chief of pirates and the uploader disappeared.

If there is only a few pages difference then your ebook is probably fine. Note that even legal ebooks can have real bad typos or layout or missing pages. There is an ebook forum (mobileread) that discusses this problem. They are worth visiting, but you mustn't talk about pirates there.

Edited by RCR
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