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Where's Rainbow Warrior


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When did the original sink?

From the Greenpeace web site http://www.greenpeace.org.au/rainbow_warrior/


On 10 July, 1985, two bombs exploded on the Greenpeace flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland harbour. The explosion killed a crew member and rocked the world.

Twenty years on, we commemorate that event and celebrate the resolute spirit that launched the Rainbow Warrior II and has led Greenpeace to many environmental victories since.

On the 20th anniversary of our flagship's sinking, the Rainbow Warrior II visited Australia, promoting clean energy solutions and tackling climate change.


If no one can see her now - perhaps we should ask some of the Dive Schools to have a look!

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When did the original sink?

From the Greenpeace web site http://www.greenpeace.org.au/rainbow_warrior/


On 10 July, 1985, ... and rocked the world. ....

Was that what that was? All these years I've been wondering.

Yup, The French "Secret" Service blew it up, then got caught.

I forgot it was them who sank it. Wasn't exactly one of those events you remember where you were when you heard.

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Its about the only thing the French have blown up and they ran away from that too!

That was in retaliation for greenpeace disrupting their atomic testing. They did a lot of blowing up back then.

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