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....but I am just needing a little bit direction here (again I hear you mutter!).

A wee while ago a very helpful member on here posted the index they had used for the evidence folder for their settlement visa. I have trawled through what I thought were likely topic headings back to November but can't find it!!

Now maybe I am just being blonde but if anyone can remember the topic can they please post a link? It was with regards to what lay out they had used for their settement visa application. y hubby's is next week and I wanted to double check we were going in the right direction.

Muchas gracias



I don't remember any link but I'll have a go for you.

1, Application form

2, Letter from sponsor

3, Proof of suitable accomodation

4, Your bank statements / wage slips

5, Copy of your Passport

6, Yours and applicants birth certificate

7, Marriage certificate

8, Phone records / emails / letters

9, Any further supporting docs


Thanks raj, that is pretty much what we have.

I am still in two minds about what format to use as some people seem to have presented it all in plastic poly pockets etc and got on great and other folk seem to be told to take all the fancy stuf out! I guess at the end of the day that wont matter and the content will!



When my G/f applied for a visit visa they told her to take everything out and go to the back of the que. The paperwork was all in order, all in see through plastic sheets with no need what so ever to be taken out.

I have been told from another member, to use the same format but with a ring binder folder instead of a folder that is like a book, if you understand what I mean.

No problem with this presentation (I hope).


I have also been worried about the fact I am in overdraft a lot - like half the month. Now given my husband immigration history we do need to make sure we are doing everything ok.

I have compiled a chart with my monthly outgoings and incomings which leaves me just under £500 a month to play with after mortgage, utilities, insurance, phone, food, loans etc etc. Now I have explained that this has not been able to accrue as savings due to lawyers fees (over two grands worth in last year!), phone cards, extra calls etc.

Now is this a pointless excercise or might it help to show that although I go in the red with this amount of money technically spare I can support him?

Sorry I am so full of questions but with folk talking of assests worth 25 K I get worried - I ain't going to have to re-mortgage am I? (joking - I hope!)


As long as your bank statements, pay slips etc show that you are able to service the overdraft and still have enough to live on and that your bank are happy with the situation and not chasing you to clear it then you will be OK on this point.

Those posting about the possible need for large sums of money in the bank are doing so as they have been out of the UK for some time and will not have a job when they return.


Hi caledonia,

I put all our Documents in plastic edge clips which keep all the pages together, then into a document case and marked all the different pockets with each topic, ie phone statements, e-mails, bank statements.

We did have a hel_l of a lot in the end, but it certinally helped, and it prompted the Embassy to Grant my wife her visa before the interview date.

I also included a letter from my Employer stating my position in the company and time served, which may help to show that you are in constant employment and stable.

Good luck.


Ok guys,

so does that mean you have to put every email in a plastic cover? I hope not or WH Smiths will become very rich!

Someone mentioned earlier their missus had to take them all out and hand them in not inside the plastic covers? Hmmmmm whats it all about? :o


Ok guys,

so does that mean you have to put every email in a plastic cover? I hope not or WH Smiths will become very rich!

Someone mentioned earlier their missus had to take them all out and hand them in not inside the plastic covers? Hmmmmm whats it all about? :o


I think it is up to you whether you use plastic folders or dividers etc. Raj was the one that was asked to take it out - but it seems that may haven been because it was not a loose ring binder (seems they are picky!!).

Now can I also assume that everyone submits their original pack of evidence and then an interview date is given for some weeks/months later so you have to provide the evidence for the stop gap (In our case 4 months)? Our lawyer prepared the original evidence and that is all bound and now I have the additional stuff for the last four months - surely it will be ok for these to be seperate. As in the first load is the main supporting documents with photos, marriage cert etc then I have an additional wee folder really just to display from phone bills and bank statemtns that yes we are still in touch and no I am not yet bankrupt!!

I really am just swesting the small stuff eh!!


Yes that is fine caledonia, from the point the application is submitted, to the point of the actual interview, just keep collecting all the evidence and then present the new evidence when the interview takes place.

I am going to seperate every email / phone record onto it's own individual page. That way there is no need to take anything out, makes it easier to read through I think. Although I might not put the application form itself into plastic sheets, as this has to be written on. Just common sense really, it's mad that we have to be even discussing it! :o

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