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Farang Begging For Money At Skytrain Stop..


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Thread's getting a little boring.

Just to throw some fresh meat to the pack perhaps .......

Whilst I am as disturbed as anyone to see a Farang begging on the streets of Bangkok (whether from genuine need or as a pure scam) I can't help but wonder how much my distaste is really embarrassment, because I feel the chap is - as we used to say in school - "letting the side down".

Or is that just my own isolated reaction?


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Ebonics has been discarded and discredited long ago as an accepted 'dialect' in the US education system. Quite right too, it is colloquialism, not a language.

I remember meeting this black guy (he refused to be labelled African-American as there is only one type of American - it's a nationality) from Harrisburg while I was at Northwestern and he was really upset about all the ebonics crap as it marginalises an already marginalised segment of the population and gives bigots even more ammo to make fun and discriminate.

Couldn't agree more.

It might be just the thing for street cred and muscle flexing but in the real world it's a negative.

My sentiments exactly, it's just a dialect and has NO place in the educational system as it puts students at a disadvantage when entering into the work place and integrated society. And yes Black is perfect I don't like being called African-American either, American is what I proudly am. But that being said the colloquialism is harmless when spoken in casual context like we all are doing here BS’ing on the forums. Now would I ever word a thesis in slang? Of course not, but I won't drop it all together from my vocabulary. Though I am taking this a bit off topic, sorry :o

######, you guys got all serious on my jokin' ass!

But I can tell you that Ebonics is taken seriously as a player in the field of education at universities in the US. That's just an acceptance of realities. It is studied and analyzed, theses are written on it, it is mentioned in lectures... I think it's actually considered to be much more than just a collection of profanities by the under-privileged and criminal elements.

Anyway, ahem..... i have an idea: i'll go back to the BTS and take like a one-minute video of The BTS Beggar, maybe record his BTS beggin' ass responding to a question or something, and then post the short video here. Anyone?

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Thread's getting a little boring.

Just to throw some fresh meat to the pack perhaps .......

Whilst I am as disturbed as anyone to see a Farang begging on the streets of Bangkok (whether from genuine need or as a pure scam) I can't help but wonder how much my distaste is really embarrassment, because I feel the chap is - as we used to say in school - "letting the side down".

Or is that just my own isolated reaction?


I think it's most of the posters' feelings too Patrick.

Edited by Neeranam
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It makes my blood boil! This country needs a way of flushing out all the scum it attracts

Yes, finally we agree ThaiPRO.

The sooner we get rid of beggars, used car salesman, Dj's, Timeshare sellers and MrLucky indians....this place will be heaven

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Saw him there myself last night... just shook my head in disgust as I passed by.


I don't get it ...what harm is this guy doing ?? Everyone is going overboard here and yet he is doing what tens of thousands of other beggers do every day in Bangkok...begging . The only difference is that he is a farang...so what ?? If you don't like it ...don't look !! :o

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Saw him there myself last night... just shook my head in disgust as I passed by.


I don't get it ...what harm is this guy doing ?? Everyone is going overboard here and yet he is doing what tens of thousands of other beggers do every day in Bangkok...begging . The only difference is that he is a farang...so what ?? If you don't like it ...don't look !! :o

tens of thousands of beggars in Bangkok? where do you get thos figures, sure theres some but i notice more in London for example.

He is letting himself down spectacularly and i have no sympathy whatsoever - people should get themselves in these situations (if he is genuinely broke) he may well have sold his passport etc etc usual old story

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It’s pretty obvious the man is providing a beneficial service to those who feel strained by the weight of carrying a 100, 500, or 1000 baht note around in their wallet. From one location to the next, it’s a difficult and risky job that requires skill and quick thinking dodging unseen obstacles, which is not always an easy thing to do. And yet, he never gives up to abandon his posts, but with steadfast dedication continues serving with pride. If there was a clearer photo of him, he could well become the next unknown celebrity of the Internet.

Golden rewards shower down on him from above.


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It’s pretty obvious the man is providing a beneficial service to those who feel strained by the weight of carrying a 100, 500, or 1000 baht note around in their wallet. From one location to the next, it’s a difficult and risky job that requires skill and quick thinking dodging unseen obstacles, which is not always an easy thing to do. And yet, he never gives up to abandon his posts, but with steadfast dedication continues serving with pride. If there was a clearer photo of him, he could well become the next unknown celebrity of the Internet.

Golden rewards shower down on him from above.


HAHAH, That was beautiful! :o:D:D

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Saw him there myself last night... just shook my head in disgust as I passed by.


I don't get it ...what harm is this guy doing ?? Everyone is going overboard here and yet he is doing what tens of thousands of other beggers do every day in Bangkok...begging . The only difference is that he is a farang...so what ?? If you don't like it ...don't look !! :o

Well, for a start a lot of Thais think most farang are alcohol crazed sex tourists, so this is hardly helping to improve the stereotype.

Do you really think he is down on his luck. Why doesn't he go to his embassy and get help - some embassys will pay for a flight home, on the condition that it is repayed at a later date.

A lot of people spend a lot of money, and spend a lot of time to be able to make a living in this country - and perhaps they resent that.

To be honest, I'm surprised there is only one. But, there are thousands of Burmese/Cambodian beggars - so it's not like he is the only foreign beggar.

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As Bambi says, she gave him some money a few months ago, so how long does it take for this "man" to get enough to fly home, or enough to make a phone call? He is just a con artist taking money from a lot of people some of which are probably less fortunate than he is.

All you do gooder, pc posse need to sort your lives out, this "man" is making a mockery of Westeners and he deserves no sympathy, he should be arrested and taken to his embassy for deportation.

It would be nice to see someone go upto him and offer to take him to the Dutch embassy to sort out his woes, i am pretty sure he would decline this offer. :o

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As Bambi says, she gave him some money a few months ago, so how long does it take for this "man" to get enough to fly home, or enough to make a phone call? He is just a con artist taking money from a lot of people some of which are probably less fortunate than he is.

All you do gooder, pc posse need to sort your lives out, this "man" is making a mockery of Westeners and he deserves no sympathy, he should be arrested and taken to his embassy for deportation.

It would be nice to see someone go upto him and offer to take him to the Dutch embassy to sort out his woes, i am pretty sure he would decline this offer. :o

I heard he’s now flying in and out of the country on a regular basis with the seating arrangement in the new Beggar Class Section!


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As Bambi says, she gave him some money a few months ago, so how long does it take for this "man" to get enough to fly home, or enough to make a phone call? He is just a con artist taking money from a lot of people some of which are probably less fortunate than he is.

All you do gooder, pc posse need to sort your lives out, this "man" is making a mockery of Westeners and he deserves no sympathy, he should be arrested and taken to his embassy for deportation.

It would be nice to see someone go upto him and offer to take him to the Dutch embassy to sort out his woes, i am pretty sure he would decline this offer. :D

I heard he’s now flying in and out of the country on a regular basis with the seating arrangement in the new Beggar Class Section!


I wonder if he had to pay for 2 seats for taking up so much room :o And that excess baggage charge must be murder :D

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As Bambi says, she gave him some money a few months ago, so how long does it take for this "man" to get enough to fly home, or enough to make a phone call? He is just a con artist taking money from a lot of people some of which are probably less fortunate than he is.

All you do gooder, pc posse need to sort your lives out, this "man" is making a mockery of Westeners and he deserves no sympathy, he should be arrested and taken to his embassy for deportation.

It would be nice to see someone go upto him and offer to take him to the Dutch embassy to sort out his woes, i am pretty sure he would decline this offer. :D

I heard he’s now flying in and out of the country on a regular basis with the seating arrangement in the new Beggar Class Section!


I wonder if he had to pay for 2 seats for taking up so much room :o And that excess baggage charge must be murder :D

No. It's a very small plane, powered by slingshot. They just aim it in the right direction. Baggage is no problem as long as all you have is no bigger than a sport bag.

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As Bambi says, she gave him some money a few months ago, so how long does it take for this "man" to get enough to fly home, or enough to make a phone call? He is just a con artist taking money from a lot of people some of which are probably less fortunate than he is.

All you do gooder, pc posse need to sort your lives out, this "man" is making a mockery of Westeners and he deserves no sympathy, he should be arrested and taken to his embassy for deportation.

It would be nice to see someone go upto him and offer to take him to the Dutch embassy to sort out his woes, i am pretty sure he would decline this offer. :D

I heard he’s now flying in and out of the country on a regular basis with the seating arrangement in the new Beggar Class Section!


I wonder if he had to pay for 2 seats for taking up so much room :o And that excess baggage charge must be murder :D

No. It's a very small plane, powered by slingshot. They just aim it in the right direction. Baggage is no problem as long as all you have is no bigger than a sport bag.


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Actually it is very amusing, and I'm sitting at my desk on a American Base in Iraq as a govt contractor. I do 4 month stints at a time and thus I have ALOT of time on my hands. Amusing tirades like this are a welcome diversion.

It's fun. And also, me personally I would never buy a time share or get into Amway. BUT I respect the people who sell it and are successful because it's a tough long road that takes dedication and discipline. It's the work ethic not the product that I respect. Simple concept really.

Oh and who is Ali G?

I would imagine selling timeshare in Iraq would be a tough long road! :D Did you create an entirely false resume like the other 99% of "contractors" working in Iraq?

How can you have work ethic when selling what is essentially a prettily packaged scam? Its like buying into forestation, another great MLM scam thats going the rounds.

On the topic of iraq, Have u bought ya first million yet hoping when it floats the buck will make ya rich? :o

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It makes my blood boil! This country needs a way of flushing out all the scum it attracts

Yes, finally we agree ThaiPRO.

The sooner we get rid of beggars, used car salesman, Dj's, Timeshare sellers and MrLucky indians....this place will be heaven

Missed by some N&M, but not I. Very subtle.


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They have a big problem with beggars (er, sorry, make that "pan-handlers", sounds much classier than "beggar") in Vancouver (Canada).

They hang out in front of convenience stores, banks and ATM machines, and were getting very rude and abusive towards people that didn't "donate" to their cup/hat/rag.

The city had to actually pass a bylaw forbidding them from setting up in front of such places. One of the newspapers did a series on the problem. Turns out the AVERAGE pan-handler was making about $95.00 Canadian (about 3,200 Baht) per day. Just for sitting on their butts.

Canada has a very good social services program (welfare) that anyone who really needs it can use, so why are there so many of them on the streets then ?

Well, it turns out that a few of them are genuine street kids (from broken homes/abusive parents, runaways ect) that perhaps don't know what services are available.

But, a lot of those "kids" are actually from fairly well-to-do families. Bored and dis-affected, they sit there pan-handling for money, often "borrowing" a neighbour's dog in an attempt to solicite sympathy (the money is to buy food for the dog, not the beggar. Yeah, right).

After a hard day's begging, they go back to their fancy homes, dump the dog at the neighbours, clean up and go out partying, often going to clubs along the same street as they'd been begging on that day.

I started working (full-time) to support myself when I was 17. I worked many menial labour jobs (fruit picker/janitor/dishwasher/ect) just to make my way. I ended up taking a high-level first-aid course and working in that field until eventually joining the army.

Even here, I keep a "nest-egg" stashed just in case things go sour. Enough for a ticket home and to support myself until I land another job.

When I see some of the Thai beggars, especially those with missing/malformed limbs, I'm willing to donate. Chances of people like that ever getting a normal job, or much support from the state, are very slim as many of you know.

If I see someone who appears healthy and able to work (of any nationality), but instead sits on his ass expecting you to support him, I have no sympathy.

Next time you see that guy, mention to him that you remember seeing him drinking at a certain place a couple of days ago (say, Soi Cowboy or Nana Plaza). Ask him the name of that cute girl he was drinking with. Ask him how he plans on buying a plane ticket home, when he spends so much time and money chasing women in the bars.

See what his reaction is to those questions.

If he can answer you straight up, looking you in the eyes, he's probably telling the truth. If he starts hesitating, looking away, trying to change the subject, he's either lying or possibly mentally unbalanced (in which case the authorities should be notified so he can get the help he needs).

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Does anybody really think that this man is pulling a fast one on the public? Do you honestly believe that he goes home and counts his blessings all the while laughing at the gullible people who give him money? I don't care how much money he makes (and I can assure you he's not rolling in it) this man is not in a good situation. He is quite possibly mentally ill, or at the very least disturbed. Otherwise he wouldn't be doing what he's doing. If you don't want to give him money then fine, don't. And if you want to alert others to the fact that you think he's dishonest in his claims, then fine as well. But it is not right to post his picuture and dehumanize him. I'm not sure why such vitriol is directed his way, but it is a little scary to read some of these posts. Please have some compassion for a troubled man.

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Does anybody really think that this man is pulling a fast one on the public? Do you honestly believe that he goes home and counts his blessings all the while laughing at the gullible people who give him money? I don't care how much money he makes (and I can assure you he's not rolling in it) this man is not in a good situation. He is quite possibly mentally ill, or at the very least disturbed. Otherwise he wouldn't be doing what he's doing. If you don't want to give him money then fine, don't. And if you want to alert others to the fact that you think he's dishonest in his claims, then fine as well. But it is not right to post his picuture and dehumanize him. I'm not sure why such vitriol is directed his way, but it is a little scary to read some of these posts. Please have some compassion for a troubled man.

Do you have any evidence at all that he is mentally disabled?

Because I am quite happy to carry on believing that he is not disabled.

And I am happy to believe that he has no moral problems with trying to obtain money by deception from kind-hearted people.

And for those reasons, I am quite happy for him to be reviled here.

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Does anybody really think that this man is pulling a fast one on the public? Do you honestly believe that he goes home and counts his blessings all the while laughing at the gullible people who give him money? I don't care how much money he makes (and I can assure you he's not rolling in it) this man is not in a good situation. He is quite possibly mentally ill, or at the very least disturbed. Otherwise he wouldn't be doing what he's doing. If you don't want to give him money then fine, don't. And if you want to alert others to the fact that you think he's dishonest in his claims, then fine as well. But it is not right to post his picuture and dehumanize him. I'm not sure why such vitriol is directed his way, but it is a little scary to read some of these posts. Please have some compassion for a troubled man.

I do. I've seen it over and over in the states. You obviously haven't spent much time on the streets or know any 'street people'. So naive........... :o

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Does anybody really think that this man is pulling a fast one on the public? Do you honestly believe that he goes home and counts his blessings all the while laughing at the gullible people who give him money? I don't care how much money he makes (and I can assure you he's not rolling in it) this man is not in a good situation. He is quite possibly mentally ill, or at the very least disturbed. Otherwise he wouldn't be doing what he's doing. If you don't want to give him money then fine, don't. And if you want to alert others to the fact that you think he's dishonest in his claims, then fine as well. But it is not right to post his picuture and dehumanize him. I'm not sure why such vitriol is directed his way, but it is a little scary to read some of these posts. Please have some compassion for a troubled man.

The "troubled" man needs to be deported. I recommend calling the Dutch embassy and informing them about this "mentally incapacitated" person

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