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House/land Sales Contrac/rental Contract For Sale

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I have been asked quite a few times for a copy of my condo sales contract. I sold a contract last year. I paid a lot of money for it from my lawyer.

If anyone wants a copy, I would be happy to email them one for 500bt or £10gbp.

If you are not interested in paying, please do not ask me for free! I paid 15,000bt for just the sales contract! Maybe a little over what others quoted butIi also paid a transfer fee of 8,000bt which was under what others asked! So horses for courses.

Anyway, the sales contract is in English with Thai under and the blanks can be filled in.

Please contact me if you are interested and I'll provide my paypal account details.

You can get free copies on a well known website but when you compare they are crap.

I am also have a rental agreement in English that my lawyers drew up also. Same money same conditions.


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