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Why Is It ...


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.... that any activities involving my darling wife and a paint brush end up with ME being the one being covered in paint?

Case in point, today's activity was painting some wooden fence panels. These are rubber-wood lattice panels about 80cm long by 30 high, they're like the ones HomePro sell for 350 Baht a pop and are intended to prevent our geese from wandering into the downstairs area of the house.

We were priming said panels with thinned gloss (brown in colour) in readiness for a final brown coat. All was going well until a moments distraction and my lovely caught her loaded brush on the edge of the paint pot resulting in a spay of brown droplets, 99.99% of which hit yours truly. I now appear to have the dreaded brown-spot disease, of course I have to work tomorrow and the spots are unlikely to have faded by then.

Such is life and I love the little lady, no real harm done :)

Anyone else have a wife who paints them?

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Sounds familiar... just the other day my dearest told me she is going to paint a small area in one of the rooms. After she asked me how to open the tin of paint, I felt a bit reluctant about her endeavour. But I said that I might be able to help with the painting too... biggrin.png

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Well Crossy - you have given me so much good advice I'd like to be able to help.

But first a few more facts are needed:

What exactly was that distraction?????. The answer to that question may well lead to a better apportionment of blame.

Were you wearing the proper protective clothing? (latex trousers, jacket and full face mask???

In my experience never get near a lady with a loaded paint brush - work at opposite ends of the job and make sure she stops work 1 metre before you meet.

Well that's all for now but maybe I'll have more to contribute later

PS - I don't know how old you are but haven't you ever seen the 60's ?? film blow up????

enough said

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