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Taxi Scam


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Had a terrible experience last week. Jumped into a taxi and it was only a few blocks and the driver had to stop and take a piss. Left me in the taxi with the meter running. Cost me 2baht for him taking a piss!!

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Had a terrible experience last week. Jumped into a taxi and it was only a few blocks and the driver had to stop and take a piss. Left me in the taxi with the meter running. Cost me 2baht for him taking a piss!!

Happened to me the other week too!

Maybe the same driver....did you get his number?

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Had a terrible experience last week. Jumped into a taxi and it was only a few blocks and the driver had to stop and take a piss. Left me in the taxi with the meter running. Cost me 2baht for him taking a piss!!

Better than not stopping for him to take a piss, though

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Had a terrible experience last week. Jumped into a taxi and it was only a few blocks and the driver had to stop and take a piss. Left me in the taxi with the meter running. Cost me 2baht for him taking a piss!!

Happened to me the other week too!

Maybe the same driver....did you get his number?

I always enjoyed playing the straight man. Good comeback.

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I remember the first time I was coming to Thailand,many years ago, I went on line, read everything I could about Thailand, and everywhere I will see warnings about the Taxi drivers, how they will take you the long way so they can overcharge you, how they will try to take you to shops where they get commissions etc. When I got there I was stressing over the taxi situation.

The truth is

They never took me any where other than where i wanted to go,

I dont think I was ever overcharged,but even if they took the long way, so what ? my 150 baht ride became 200, so I was overcharged 50 bht a little bit over $1,

big deal.all this fuss over a dollar?

I should stress over a $1?

others are in a difficult economic situation and they do, and for others it is not the $1 but the principle, I get it .

But for me, I don't care, For me it is simple the price to pay for living a stress free life.

I jumped into a taxi, gave my destination,driver did not use the meter, I waited until near my destination, told him to put on the meter, he said no, I told him I will not pay unless he put on the meter, he did, got to my destination, I looked at the meter, looked at the driver, he asked for 120 Baht which was about right. I pointed at the meter, it was 35 Baht (I think) I gave him 35 Baht. Served him right.
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I am more interested about this guys views of Maggi Thatcher. I mean, since when has a Thai given anything for any other country ?

I was bloody surprised as well, he said she was good as she bombed the Argentinians. He didn't like David Cameron, but thought Tony Blair was ok. He didn't mention John Major or Gordon Clown.

Thought Tony Blair was OK ???????????? For all her faults, I thought Maggie was the best PM in my life time, Yes, she sure sorted the Argies out, and the miners.
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I'd suggest taking up a sport, charity work or online dating ...

id suggest the op buys a lottery ticket .........a thai taxi driver knowing about the history of uk politics is a first for me !biggrin.png

He doesn't know anything about the history of UK politics if he liked Tony Blair.
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Taxis... I hate them, and so do most Thais I know, b/c they also get/got ripped off.

Not me. I love taxis. Stick you're hand out, and there's one, just like your wristwatch. Take you anywhere in the city and they're cheap as chips. Marvelous. Leave something in the back, and there's a good chance it'll come back. Bangkok taxis are Tops.


There's good and bad in every job except Politics, then it's all bad.
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Had a terrible experience last week. Jumped into a taxi and it was only a few blocks and the driver had to stop and take a piss. Left me in the taxi with the meter running. Cost me 2baht for him taking a piss!!

Better than not stopping for him to take a piss, though

About taking a piss, why do so many Thai drivers take a piss in full view of people when they can be more discreet. Is it because they are kinky?
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I'd suggest taking up a sport, charity work or online dating ...

id suggest the op buys a lottery ticket .........a thai taxi driver knowing about the history of uk politics is a first for me !biggrin.png

He doesn't know anything about the history of UK politics if he liked Tony Blair.

He liked Thatcher too - so clearly he didn't have much of an idea, but still better than thugs like Chalerm et al

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No sympathy for people (especially farangs) who get scammed by taxi drivers - eyes wide fuc_kin shut. And scamming taxi drivers are hardly unique to Thailand. There's probably a league table somewhere on the web, but I can't be arsed looking. My own personal worst places for 'watch out for the bastard taxi drivers are Mexico and Portugal

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recall taking three taxis last trip I was back. On the way from and to the airport, both taxis had seat belts in the back - regular meter cabs they were, though the first from the airport was a seven-seater van. He forgot to put the meter on leaving the airport, but I reminded him promptly, or he'd have lost out.

The second one, his meter was knackered, he said. Carelessly I offered him what I intended to pay him, (meter plus a ~10% tip) and he accepted straight away.

Thinking on it, there were a few other taxi drivers, one or two of whom might have added on a couple of baht to their route by not taking the shortest or nearest U-turns, but I imagine, like myself, they prefer to use the roads that they know well.


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Had a terrible experience last week. Jumped into a taxi and it was only a few blocks and the driver had to stop and take a piss. Left me in the taxi with the meter running. Cost me 2baht for him taking a piss!!

Better than not stopping for him to take a piss, though

About taking a piss, why do so many Thai drivers take a piss in full view of people when they can be more discreet. Is it because they are kinky?

this will stop once the 7900 toilets are built at every bus stop....

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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