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After 10 Years Issan Still Amazes Me.

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A funeral in our village tonight (which my wife didnt press me to attend since I'm sick) reminded me that one of the joys of living in Issan is actually a joy of dying in Issaan. Where else in the world could I guarantee there to be a crowd of over 200 at my funeral - dancing, drinking and gambling?

It certainly beats morose family members standing around in Yorkshire and muttering things like "nice that tha's seein' 'im off wee 'am" (it's a ham tea for the wake)biggrin.png

That's funny, as I am from Yorkshire, nice one cheesy.gif

Thailand puts "fun" in "funeral".

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Each to their own, but I do wonder why so many Westerners fund practices that are the complete antithesis of Buddhism e.g. funding "making merit" that is purely for self glorification/recognition for their partner. I suppose keeps the partner happy & that's the priority.


I see far too much here strange behavior from some falangs that think that they actually are thai

In defense of some of the married ones, marriage into another culture does require you adapt and participate in each others cultures to some extent and that looks different for every relationship. It doesn't mean you throw away your own culture and become someone else but you certainly love your spouse by doing this. Cross cultural marriages have a unique richness that makes them much better than a single culture marriage in my opinion. I might be a bit biased... *sprints out on a midnight noodle run for wife*

Thank you, very good answer


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Each to their own, but I do wonder why so many Westerners fund practices that are the complete antithesis of Buddhism e.g. funding "making merit" that is purely for self glorification/recognition for their partner. I suppose keeps the partner happy & that's the priority.

How many Thais and foreigners are practicing textbook Buddhism or even thinking about it? Right or wrong, to a foreigner this looks like a cultural norm so why wouldn't they participate in it if they have no other religious convictions preventing them from doing so?

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My GF occassionally fleeces my wallet so that she can go 'tambun' at the wat. If The Lord Buddha is really looking down knowing who has made merit, I suspect He is also accutely aware of exactly where the money has come from.

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The face BS never did amaze me i must say and im glad i did get away from that scene.

Yes the village know it was you who gave all the goodies. You paid for all but really, what do you get out of it?...The farang will fork out yet again, and no-one will even say as much as a thankyou.

You get to go home empty handed after the freeloader grab up and vacuum everything in site, then probably have to stop off at Tesco on way home and buy another 4000 baht worth for the rest of the vultures, all so your wife can look good again and get her face from your wallet.

Really, im suprised they did not want to "borrow" some fuel from you and syphon out your fuel tank whistling.gif

How you last 10 years of this is beyond me, you must have very deep pockets..i think you and your kind deserve a medal sir!!

Sorry to sound negative but I cant think of anything worse these days, make me to feel glad i am single rolleyes.gif

Yes, you deserve it.

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without losing ALL YOUR FACE by giving away idioticly huge amount of money....

Doesn't giving away huge amounts of money give you face? You certainly lose ThaiVisa face though. smile.png

Understand Thailand and the culture here is also a good thing. So you talk for the whole forum of THAIVISA now? I can tell you so you know.....To give a away too little money makes you a cheap one, To just give away far too much money makes you a hippocrate and a stupid one. There is a fine line that separates these two observations....Try to understand that.



It's the Thai way, those who have pay

In 8 years in Thailand, 5 of them in Isaan with my wife, I've never paid out any money for anything except the household budget and the rare treats for kid's birthdays etc. There's good reason for this; I don't have money to burn. I've always made this clear and as a result nobody - in or out of family - have asked me for any. The money the family give in the name of Buddha comes from their own pockets.
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