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Frog Nightmare


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I have a nice little garden with waterfall full of nice plants right next to my balcony. It has been taken over by a family of frogs who party all night and half the day croaking like there is no tomorrow. Now I like frogs. I know they only live in nice environments and some people might even wish they had my problem. The problem is being green at heart but wanting to kill them all for some peace and quiet. I know a number of ways to do that but would never consider actually doing it. I have completely emptied the pond ...pumped out the water...captured over a dozen of the critters..put them in a fast flowing creek nearbye only to have them back the next day.Does anyone have any suggestions other than carbolic acid or bleach to encourage these blighters to find a new home ?

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Could you pin a net around the pond to keep them away from the water? Prefereably with a smaller pond at the far end of the garden away from hearing to entice them in to biggrin.png

Other than that - cat, dog, pet snake - or see the lady in Warrarot that sells frogs, she'll probably happily pop around every few months for a free restock.

//Edit: Not sure what happened there - edit did a repost???

Edited by wolf5370
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If there are a lot of frogs, snakes and birds will appear and have a good meal. In 2010 we had a lot (and I mean hundreds) of frogs around. got crazy at night, but now there are only a few and mostly small ones. 2011 there were many snakes around, 2012 I have seen only one. So,if you live a little outside the city, just be patient. O. and, don't let your wife/girlfriend kiss a frog.

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Like joop said, it ebbs and flows with the years and seasons.

Some years the frogs behind my apt building sound like they are taking over the world.

Next year, hardly a peep.

This year I have multiple pigeon births (eggs, new chicks, etc.) happening in the planter box off my living room on the side of my bldg.

Cheep cheep cheep, chirp chirp chirp, flutter flutter, coo coo coo.

It's called the cycle of life....wink.png

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For you a nightmare.

Not hearing their "music" I ask my wife where they are missing them.

We have a small fishpool near to our home where they start their songs surrounded by greens like bushes and trees. Maybe that could be an idea for you.

A few like to stay under our platform at the entrance. Once I killed one unwittingly putting on my gumboots! The grandchildren found one in in their plastic bowl under our platform.


Sometimes snakes are around here. I kill them and not the mozzi-eaters. The frogs are our friends.

The frogs don't mind him and vice versa. Therefore no weapon against frogs.


Edited by puck2
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First off learn to live with them, they do a lot of good eating insects,also

they are loosing their habitat at an alarming pace,just look at all the

shophouses,condos,shopping malls that are been built.

Used to see quiet a few of the bright green ones in the river at the back

of my house,non now,also never seen a Kingfisher on the river for a few

years, Nature we are better off for it ,but its going fast,so dont kill them,

or move them on,try and live with them.

regards Worgeordie

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Like joop said, it ebbs and flows with the years and seasons.

Some years the frogs behind my apt building sound like they are taking over the world.

Next year, hardly a peep.

This year I have multiple pigeon births (eggs, new chicks, etc.) happening in the planter box off my living room on the side of my bldg.

Cheep cheep cheep, chirp chirp chirp, flutter flutter, coo coo coo.

It's called the cycle of life....wink.png

O K OK....I'll just double up on the Sangsom and get used to it.... will try the snake bit though...(the rubber ones)...thanks all for your thoughts...

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