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How Come Many Thais Seem To Think Farungs Are Christians?


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It depends on how you come at it. Agnosticism has many definitions, but they are along the same lines of epistemology. We might call them meta-definitions (urg). It is strictly speaking a methodology rather than a belief.

If we talk science, we have to use one definition

If we talk formal logic, we have to use another

If we talk cognitivism, we have to use another.

and so on

What is important is to know what path you are already on in any given conversation. Oftentimes this is the first stumbling block for any discussion and why people can never agree, because they dont see that they are both talking from different paths.

Well, just be aware that you're misusing the term, Im sure you can find a better word to describe what I understand you wish to express. It's certainly not agnosticism, which implies only two possibilities to life.

The two possibilities you refer to, I take to be either:

life originated spotaneously; the scientific possibility, big bang et all

life the universe and everything had a creator, intelligent design, a deity

Would this be correct?

It would be correct if you have decided to use those parameters, certainly. It's all about what you agree to discuss in the first place.

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I don't get this argument at all.

I would say that an agnostic is an atheist who thinks scientifically.

1. Agnosticism does NOT say belief in god and non-god is equiprobable. This is an error. An agnostic can assign a lower probability to the existence of god than to god's non-existence. It could be 1% or 0.1% or 0.0000000000000000000000000000001%. It could be 50% but doesn't have to be. It can't be 0%, the atheist's position, because you cannot disprove the existence of anything.

This is not scientific, which is inductive, this is prop-logic, which is deductive (should try to be..). Agnosticism is not a scientific stance in the sense that jingthing and I were discussing it. We are at risk of going very off track into all sorts of confusion.

Jingthing begins with whether or not atheism is a belief or lack of belief and we continue into whether or not agnosticism is a suitable stance for the anti-dogmatic. We are talking in terms of propositions here.

Edited by OxfordWill
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It depends on how you come at it. Agnosticism has many definitions, but they are along the same lines of epistemology. We might call them meta-definitions (urg). It is strictly speaking a methodology rather than a belief.

If we talk science, we have to use one definition

If we talk formal logic, we have to use another

If we talk cognitivism, we have to use another.

and so on

What is important is to know what path you are already on in any given conversation. Oftentimes this is the first stumbling block for any discussion and why people can never agree, because they dont see that they are both talking from different paths.

Well, just be aware that you're misusing the term, Im sure you can find a better word to describe what I understand you wish to express. It's certainly not agnosticism, which implies only two possibilities to life.

The two possibilities you refer to, I take to be either:

life originated spotaneously; the scientific possibility, big bang et all

life the universe and everything had a creator, intelligent design, a deity

Would this be correct?

It would be correct if you have decided to use those parameters, certainly. It's all about what you agree to discuss in the first place.

I get that you can come at this from several angles using different methods and applying specific philosophic or psychological tools. However what i am most interested in at the moment is the following question; "other than the scientific or creator theories are there other hypotheses which attempt to explain the creation of the universe and life?"

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It depends on how you come at it. Agnosticism has many definitions, but they are along the same lines of epistemology. We might call them meta-definitions (urg). It is strictly speaking a methodology rather than a belief.

If we talk science, we have to use one definition

If we talk formal logic, we have to use another

If we talk cognitivism, we have to use another.

and so on

What is important is to know what path you are already on in any given conversation. Oftentimes this is the first stumbling block for any discussion and why people can never agree, because they dont see that they are both talking from different paths.

Well, just be aware that you're misusing the term, Im sure you can find a better word to describe what I understand you wish to express. It's certainly not agnosticism, which implies only two possibilities to life.

The two possibilities you refer to, I take to be either:

life originated spotaneously; the scientific possibility, big bang et all

life the universe and everything had a creator, intelligent design, a deity

Would this be correct?

It would be correct if you have decided to use those parameters, certainly. It's all about what you agree to discuss in the first place.

I get that you can come at this from several angles using different methods and applying specific philosophic or psychological tools. However what i am most interested in at the moment is the following question; "other than the scientific or creator theories are there other hypotheses which attempt to explain the creation of the universe and life?"

There is a set of hypotheses that life began in another part of the universe and arrived on Earth by chance, such as with the crash of a comet or meteor.

It's not my view....just saying.

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OK, back to the topic then.

The answer to me seems obvious and simple with a couple of assumptions. The question arises in the context of a Thai speaking with a person from a caucasian majority country. Thais in general assume that you must 'follow' a religion of some kind. The majority of people from caucasian majority countries are christian or at least were brought up with christian values. Therefore it is logical to conclude that a 'falang' is likely to be christian.

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It's because most people in the world finds westerners complete lack of spirituality disturbing. Like we are living shallow lives, which we are in most cases. So what kind of atheist are you? The informed kind who understands what science can and can't explain or the one who sees atheism as an excuse for moral relativism/nihilism?

why exclude agnostics?

edit: just rad further on, agnosticism most certainly was not excluded from the dicussion

Edited by candypants
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And why would anyone assume lack of spirituality/religion = shallow life? I have another interesting story to share regarding this. We were talking about Thais and their belief in ghosts. What was interesting here, was that many Thais told me that they think farungs don't believe in Ghosts and thought they might make fun of Thais who do. But many have no clue about Christianity and other New Age stuff flooding the oh so advanced western culture, and after I tell them what weird things farungs believe (including ghosts), Thais would be a bit stunned.

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And why would anyone assume lack of spirituality/religion = shallow life? I have another interesting story to share regarding this. We were talking about Thais and their belief in ghosts. What was interesting here, was that many Thais told me that they think farungs don't believe in Ghosts and thought they might make fun of Thais who do. But many have no clue about Christianity and other New Age stuff flooding the oh so advanced western culture, and after I tell them what weird things farungs believe (including ghosts), Thais would be a bit stunned.

Try telling Thais that Christian Westerners believe in the Resurrection and that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus and see the responsesmile.png

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And why would anyone assume lack of spirituality/religion = shallow life? I have another interesting story to share regarding this. We were talking about Thais and their belief in ghosts. What was interesting here, was that many Thais told me that they think farungs don't believe in Ghosts and thought they might make fun of Thais who do. But many have no clue about Christianity and other New Age stuff flooding the oh so advanced western culture, and after I tell them what weird things farungs believe (including ghosts), Thais would be a bit stunned.

yes superstition is not only in Asia....a lot esoteric and some science flavored believes (some magnetic waves in water etc etc).

My wife (Thai) told once, that it is normal that Thais believe in ghosts, as they are uneducated and don't know anything, but it is a shame if westerners believe in it as they come from developed countries.

I told her that she far overestimates the western education and brought some examples of peoples she know in Europe. And that Western people and Eastern are the same stupid, it just comes in different flavors....

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Try telling Thais that Christian Westerners believe in the Resurrection and that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus and see the responsesmile.png

Haha, I did... And the story with Noah and his arch, where penguins and all species walked in to the arch and stayed in for like .... was that 2 years? and someone asked how did they clean the animal's poo if there was only one window? Yeah, I'd like to have an answer to that one as well. ;)

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And why would anyone assume lack of spirituality/religion = shallow life? I have another interesting story to share regarding this. We were talking about Thais and their belief in ghosts. What was interesting here, was that many Thais told me that they think farungs don't believe in Ghosts and thought they might make fun of Thais who do. But many have no clue about Christianity and other New Age stuff flooding the oh so advanced western culture, and after I tell them what weird things farungs believe (including ghosts), Thais would be a bit stunned.

Try telling Thais that Christian Westerners believe in the Resurrection and that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus and see the responsesmile.png

Well most aeh many aeh I mean a few Christian Westerner believe that it is meant symbolic and in fact he had older/younger sisters or brothers.

And a lot Westerners make pretty ugly jokes about it. Similar Jokes about Buddha wouldn't be very appreciated....

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Try telling Thais that Christian Westerners believe in the Resurrection and that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus and see the responsesmile.png

Haha, I did... And the story with Noah and his arch, where penguins and all species walked in to the arch and stayed in for like .... was that 2 years? and someone asked how did they clean the animal's poo if there was only one window? Yeah, I'd like to have an answer to that one as well. wink.png

There is this museum in USA where you can see the people hunting Dinosaurs as god created them all together and all the C14 method is just a trick from Satan....

Almost unbelievable that there are people believe such things.....

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My wife (Thai) told once, that it is normal that Thais believe in ghosts, as they are uneducated and don't know anything, but it is a shame if westerners believe in it as they come from developed countries.

I told her that she far overestimates the western education and brought some examples of peoples she know in Europe. And that Western people and Eastern are the same stupid, it just comes in different flavors....

Yes! I was just about to write about the same thing, you were quicker. ;) I had a discussion about exactly this isse, where Thais would drop their jaws as they'd expect farungs to be more "educated" and NOT believe in such things.

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Probably it's because the farang say Americans don't have majority of Buddhism or other religion in their country. I wouldn't say I'd be surprised if a farang isn't a Christian but I'd be quite surprised if they are a Buddhist or a Muslim

Life is wonderful

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To answer the OP, so you can all get back to bashing people's beliefs and feeling all superior in your great intellect: The reason Thais believe farangs are Christian is because they are told this. It is simply a stereotype they are comfortable with and it is not an unreasonable assumption.

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My wife (Thai) told once, that it is normal that Thais believe in ghosts, as they are uneducated and don't know anything, but it is a shame if westerners believe in it as they come from developed countries.

I told her that she far overestimates the western education and brought some examples of peoples she know in Europe. And that Western people and Eastern are the same stupid, it just comes in different flavors....

Yes! I was just about to write about the same thing, you were quicker. wink.png I had a discussion about exactly this isse, where Thais would drop their jaws as they'd expect farungs to be more "educated" and NOT believe in such things.

Depends... are we assuming that all Christians believe in that? Then perhaps it´s true that all atheists are the same... inflexible, have to prove wrong when they've been proven wrong, cannot engage a serious conversation? Or is that an assumption as well?

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To answer the OP, so you can all get back to bashing people's beliefs and feeling all superior in your great intellect: The reason Thais believe farangs are Christian is because they are told this. It is simply a stereotype they are comfortable with and it is not an unreasonable assumption.

I think it's meant as a compliment

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To answer the OP, so you can all get back to bashing people's beliefs and feeling all superior in your great intellect: The reason Thais believe farangs are Christian is because they are told this. It is simply a stereotype they are comfortable with and it is not an unreasonable assumption.

I think it's meant as a compliment

Probably, They make many other assumptions too, and not done with negative undertones. ie, farangs cannot eat spicy food.

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My wife (Thai) told once, that it is normal that Thais believe in ghosts, as they are uneducated and don't know anything, but it is a shame if westerners believe in it as they come from developed countries.

I told her that she far overestimates the western education and brought some examples of peoples she know in Europe. And that Western people and Eastern are the same stupid, it just comes in different flavors....

Yes! I was just about to write about the same thing, you were quicker. wink.png I had a discussion about exactly this isse, where Thais would drop their jaws as they'd expect farungs to be more "educated" and NOT believe in such things.

Actually most Thais see every farang as farang, no matter if he is from south Spain or north east Russia....

On the other hand, I know a couple of Europeans for who every Asian is a Chinese with a uniform set of culture.....

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