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Best Plants For An Apartment

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If you have a sunny area, cacti can't be beaten. They thrive in Thailand, can take any amount of sunshine, and don't die on you if you forget to water them for a week or two. In fact, you shouldn't water them more than once a week.

Orchids are mostly plants from fairly shady locations, and shouldn't do too badly. They need more care, though.

There are a number of indoor plants which, in nature, grow in shady areas. A good nursery should be willing to help.

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There are lots of parasites in Thailand. Mealybugs are common, they infest most plants with small leaves and many branches, and ruin them within a few weeks. Plants with large leaves like Dieffenbachia or soft ones like Orange trees are attacked by caterpillars and slugs, and they make quick work of them. Cactii have been proposed before, but if you want to put them in sunlight, and not water them for weeks, you need desert cactii. I have a number of them in the garden, but realized that many of them get infested by mealybugs as well, Mamillaria, Echinopsis, Opuntia. Sturdy, pest resistant and decorative are lady palms and areca palms. They stop growing when you don't water them, but survive droughts of several weeks. Watered frequently, they grow surprisingly fast, double or triple in size every year. Can do in dark corners, direct sunlight withers them. Need a shower once per month or so to wash the dust off.


For the balcony, a Benjamin. The classic. The more sun, the better.


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