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American Accused Of Unlawful Encounter With 13 Year Old Girl On Pattaya Beach

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What's all this over the top conservative language about. Your city has thousands of prostitutes running around and mass corruption. Your country obviously doesn't mind these activities so just tell it how it is.

As far as the guy is concerned. Lock him up, he is sick !!

I am not sure of what 'over the top conservative language' you're rambling about, but you sure are judgmental with so few facts

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The girl wet willingly with the farang and she lied about age and now HE is guilty of a crime ??? so sad to see Thailand adopted the bad ways of the west, poor guy I hope he will be ok. Sadly I doubt so, another victim of the bib mafia sad.png

The girl/child is 13yo, and you suggest the 38yo so called man is guilt free?

HE said she told him she was 19yo, but regardless of that the man was wanting to have sex with a 13yo child, it is his resposibility to ensure he is not procuring a child, and if you disagree with that, well..........

13yo girl is defo not a child anymore so I don't see what the big fuss is all about, okay this is wrong but nothing happened and if she was willing to go back to the room with him I'm sure she wasn't a virgin. Story doesn't go the normal pedo way where a child is lured into the predators nest with candy or other gifts.

In this case I see a 13yo teenage girl who was trying to earn some extra cash by scamming a poor farang in thinking she was 19 or a police scam.

I'm not saying it's ok to go after teenage girls, god forbid as it's illegal but I don't think this guy deserves the "hang them high" pedo treatment sick.gif

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So if the a girl is not pre-pubescent it's ok to have sex with her? Clearly you need treatment.

Did I say it was OK? Unless she's pre-pubescent it's not paedophilia. I'm doubting that she was pre-pubescent and even if she was, I doubt she appeared pre-pubescent to the accused. He may well be guilty of soliciting a minor for sex, but paedophiles tend to hang around primary schools not Beach Road at 4am.

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The girl wet willingly with the farang and she lied about age and now HE is guilty of a crime ??? so sad to see Thailand adopted the bad ways of the west, poor guy I hope he will be ok. Sadly I doubt so, another victim of the bib mafia sad.png

The girl/child is 13yo, and you suggest the 38yo so called man is guilt free?

HE said she told him she was 19yo, but regardless of that the man was wanting to have sex with a 13yo child, it is his resposibility to ensure he is not procuring a child, and if you disagree with that, well..........

13yo girl is defo not a child anymore so I don't see what the big fuss is all about, okay this is wrong but nothing happened and if she was willing to go back to the room with him I'm sure she wasn't a virgin. Story doesn't go the normal pedo way where a child is lured into the predators nest with candy or other gifts.

In this case I see a 13yo teenage girl who was trying to earn some extra cash by scamming a poor farang in thinking she was 19 or a police scam.

I'm not saying it's ok to go after teenage girls, god forbid as it's illegal but I don't think this guy deserves the "hang them high" pedo treatment sick.gif

Teenagers that are 18 or 19 are legal! But as this guy is finding out, it's wise to check ID cards!!


I am not sure about here in LOS, but in my country, you are innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law.

In Thailand, you're guilty until you prove you're innocent. Sad but true.

And while they are at it they should take a walk down Soi Cowboy in BKK and pick up the numerous 13 & 14 & 15 year old girls working as prostitutes in full view of the BIB...

This forum would certainly be a lot quieter if only people who knew what they were talking about piped up.

The modus operandi of many pedophiles is to be a good bloke...gain the trust....and then go to work on the victims.

Not that familiar with the various methodologies pedophiles may use...care to enlighten me?

Maybe you decide for one before you post.


What's wrong with a set-up of this type if that's the case?

It has the potential to make people do something they actually don't/didn't want to do. That's why many countries don't allow such practices.

Did you look at the picture of the girl in the article? She's as tall as the officers surrounding her.

She's actually shorter than all of the men in that first photograph. I smell something.

You don't seriously argue about how old an Asian girl looks when the only thing you can see is her back?! Everyone who lived in Asia knows that many Asian females have the body of a 13yo; look into her face and she might indeed look like a 13yo, but as well could look like a 35yo. Ever wondered why the yellow press likes to use photographs showing the big, fat Farang and his Thai prostitute from behind?

HE said she told him she was 19yo, but regardless of that the man was wanting to have sex with a 13yo child

If she really told him she was 19yo, how can you conclude he wanted to have sex with a 13yo? Doesn't sound logical, don't you think?

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What was 13 year old girl doing on Pataya Beach 4 AM in the morning? Where were her parents?

Far enough from this sad story, and closer to the banc account of Mr. Rosenthal.


well is it sick 13 ? We think so because the law says so. i think 16 is the correct age for consent as all girls mature at different ages.

< Off topic comments edited out of post >

it is obvious that either

a) the police and welfare people monitoring did not care about her potential "trauma" as they let it get to the stage where the punter and girl were doing something to get him arrested thus if she was a fresh runaway puttin her in a postion that may traumatise


cool.png they knew she was an under age hooker and used her to entrap the farang either for publicity that they are doing something about paedophilia or a pay off

But why dont they raid the known paedo places which i doubt are in full view on pattaya beach road probably because they get backhanders to turn a blind eye....

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In a case like this, is the accused held on remand or given bail?

If convicted, would he be deported (after serving time in Thailand) and, if so, would he face charges in the US?

1. High Profile Case, underage girl, American, he'll be kept in jail until he pays off the right people, or goes to court

Deported as undesireable after jail, faces trial in the USA, will be convicted and serve time in US Jail, I said he WILL be convicted and serve time in US Jail - this falls under the Trafficking in Persons act that makes it a Federal Crime for soliciting children for sex, irregardless of where the soliciting took place.

2. Should give him extra ten years for trying to screw a kid.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  • Like 1

In a case like this, is the accused held on remand or given bail?

If convicted, would he be deported (after serving time in Thailand) and, if so, would he face charges in the US?

1. High Profile Case, underage girl, American, he'll be kept in jail until he pays off the right people, or goes to court

Deported as undesireable after jail, faces trial in the USA, will be convicted and serve time in US Jail, I said he WILL be convicted and serve time in US Jail - this falls under the Trafficking in Persons act that makes it a Federal Crime for soliciting children for sex, irregardless of where the soliciting took place.

2. Should give him extra ten years for trying to screw a kid.clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Depends on her declarations in the police report. If the parrents accept a huge sum, it will never go to court. By this the US conviction will be dropped somewhere fast and clean. His records will remain not 100% clean alhough. Whatever the outcome - that we will never know - the girl will remain as victim for the rest of her life.


The man didn't commit any crime yet. They were found in a 'state of undress'. I doubt the US authorities would try and accuse him of undressing in presence of a prostitute who lied about her age, and I doubt that is a crime in Thailand.

Ever hear of the felony of lewd and lascivious conduct with a minor for starters. Any good prosecutor could easily come up with another half-dozen charges...all of which would be different than any charges faced in Thailand.


The man didn't commit any crime yet. They were found in a 'state of undress'. I doubt the US authorities would try and accuse him of undressing in presence of a prostitute who lied about her age, and I doubt that is a crime in Thailand.

Ever hear of the felony of lewd and lascivious conduct with a minor for starters. Any good prosecutor could easily come up with another half-dozen charges...all of which would be different than any charges faced in Thailand.

Ever hear of virginity check in these type of cases if he didn't touch the girl and she confesses it ? Half dozen of your prosecutors will not take the case...if the test is positive or negative...


The man didn't commit any crime yet. They were found in a 'state of undress'. I doubt the US authorities would try and accuse him of undressing in presence of a prostitute who lied about her age, and I doubt that is a crime in Thailand.

Ever hear of the felony of lewd and lascivious conduct with a minor for starters. Any good prosecutor could easily come up with another half-dozen charges...all of which would be different than any charges faced in Thailand.

no doubt even a bad prosecutor can, does not mean though he/she can prove it all and convince the jury or the judge.


We can discount the possibility that they are 'protecting the girl's innocence' - otherwise they wouldn't have let her end up in a 'state of undress' in the man's room.

So what's the real deal? Why would they be hanging around 'monitoring' the girl? Obviously she was bait. But why use an 'innocent child' in this way?

Could it be that she is 'in business' with her 'guardians'? Could it be a regular job? Could it be that he is neither the first nor the last to take this particular bait? Could it be that unlike the other 'fish' he was unable or unwilling to pay his tithe to Hell? We will never know. All we can be sure of is that such scenarios have been played out before, and better explanations of this incident seem somewhat unconvincing.


Shame on the police for allowing the situation to go as far as them being in the room together long enough to get undressed. The guy made a big mistake, bad on him, he deserves punishment for what he tried to do.

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We can discount the possibility that they are 'protecting the girl's innocence' - otherwise they wouldn't have let her end up in a 'state of undress' in the man's room.

So what's the real deal? Why would they be hanging around 'monitoring' the girl? Obviously she was bait. But why use an 'innocent child' in this way?

Could it be that she is 'in business' with her 'guardians'? Could it be a regular job? Could it be that he is neither the first nor the last to take this particular bait? Could it be that unlike the other 'fish' he was unable or unwilling to pay his tithe to Hell? We will never know. All we can be sure of is that such scenarios have been played out before, and better explanations of this incident seem somewhat unconvincing.

very very good post, let me add one more,

Why not do it(use her as a bait) day time? why do it at 4 am being well aware that most punters would be heavily intoxicated, foreign, not to mention unable to see well, due to lack of light.


I would assume that this girl has had some previous dealings with the police or else how did they know she was 13 before bursting into the room unless she really did look that age in which case the guy will get what he deserves.

Officers from the Police Region 2 Child and Women Protection Unit were monitoring the 13 year old girl around 4am on Tuesday Morning and were about to detain her and take her into care when they saw an approach by the American,

Why do I smell a set up ?

I agree! Looks like some form of Entrapment to me. What is a 13 Year Old Girl doing hanging around the beach at the early hours in the morning? Bait perhaps?

I am not protecting this American as it is obvious that what he tried to do was wrong. Very Wrong! But a mature 13 year old girl dressing up in sexy clothes and approaching drunk men at 4 in the morning doesn't sound right to me either. They should have got her off the street instead of using her as bait and let her go so far as to his hotel room.


Also, don't hotels check ID cards of Thai hookers?

yes they suppose to, only for some reason, the hotel has not been charged or raided,

girl has not been charged with prostitution

her parents have not been summoned and possibly charged

hotel has not been raided by immigration for failing to report foreigner checking in, as i doubt he had his passport with him


I would assume that this girl has had some previous dealings with the police or else how did they know she was 13 before bursting into the room unless she really did look that age in which case the guy will get what he deserves.

why do you guys fail to understand that this was not her first time and would not be the last. She knew the deal, negotiated and carried on.

He did not approach her in central and offered money, he did not wait for her outside the school or candy shop or games arcade or internet shop or 7-11

If anything, she was most likely the one who made the sound "sexy man i go with you"short time boom boom"


The girl wet willingly with the farang and she lied about age and now HE is guilty of a crime ??? so sad to see Thailand adopted the bad ways of the west, poor guy I hope he will be ok. Sadly I doubt so, another victim of the bib mafia sad.png

The girl/child is 13yo, and you suggest the 38yo so called man is guilt free?

HE said she told him she was 19yo, but regardless of that the man was wanting to have sex with a 13yo child, it is his resposibility to ensure he is not procuring a child, and if you disagree with that, well..........

13yo girl is defo not a child anymore so I don't see what the big fuss is all about, okay this is wrong but nothing happened and if she was willing to go back to the room with him I'm sure she wasn't a virgin. Story doesn't go the normal pedo way where a child is lured into the predators nest with candy or other gifts.

In this case I see a 13yo teenage girl who was trying to earn some extra cash by scamming a poor farang in thinking she was 19 or a police scam.

I'm not saying it's ok to go after teenage girls, god forbid as it's illegal but I don't think this guy deserves the "hang them high" pedo treatment sick.gif

I don't know about anyone else on here, but in the context of a discussion about a middle aged man caught bang to rights procuring sex with a 13 year old child, when somebody states, "13 year old girl is defo not a child", "Don't know what the big fuss is all about", " I'm sure she wasn't a virgin", "Scamming a poor farang" etc etc, alarm bells start to ring. As for him saying ' She told me she was 19', this is what's known in the UK as the Mandy Rice Davies defence, ie, he would say that wouldn't he. And for apologists saying that it is easy to mistake a 13 year old child for a 19 year old woman, bullcrap, if they really can't tell the difference, they shouldn't be allowed out on their own.

The girl wet willingly with the farang and she lied about age and now HE is guilty of a crime ??? so sad to see Thailand adopted the bad ways of the west, poor guy I hope he will be ok. Sadly I doubt so, another victim of the bib mafia sad.png

The girl/child is 13yo, and you suggest the 38yo so called man is guilt free?

HE said she told him she was 19yo, but regardless of that the man was wanting to have sex with a 13yo child, it is his resposibility to ensure he is not procuring a child, and if you disagree with that, well..........

13yo girl is defo not a child anymore so I don't see what the big fuss is all about, okay this is wrong but nothing happened and if she was willing to go back to the room with him I'm sure she wasn't a virgin. Story doesn't go the normal pedo way where a child is lured into the predators nest with candy or other gifts.

In this case I see a 13yo teenage girl who was trying to earn some extra cash by scamming a poor farang in thinking she was 19 or a police scam.

I'm not saying it's ok to go after teenage girls, god forbid as it's illegal but I don't think this guy deserves the "hang them high" pedo treatment sick.gif

I don't know about anyone else on here, but in the context of a discussion about a middle aged man caught bang to rights procuring sex with a 13 year old child, when somebody states, "13 year old girl is defo not a child", "Don't know what the big fuss is all about", " I'm sure she wasn't a virgin", "Scamming a poor farang" etc etc, alarm bells start to ring. As for him saying ' She told me she was 19', this is what's known in the UK as the Mandy Rice Davies defence, ie, he would say that wouldn't he. And for apologists saying that it is easy to mistake a 13 year old child for a 19 year old woman, bullcrap, if they really can't tell the difference, they shouldn't be allowed out on their own.

You're not from around here -- are you ? ;)


The girl wet willingly with the farang and she lied about age and now HE is guilty of a crime ??? so sad to see Thailand adopted the bad ways of the west, poor guy I hope he will be ok. Sadly I doubt so, another victim of the bib mafia sad.png

The girl/child is 13yo, and you suggest the 38yo so called man is guilt free?

HE said she told him she was 19yo, but regardless of that the man was wanting to have sex with a 13yo child, it is his resposibility to ensure he is not procuring a child, and if you disagree with that, well..........

13yo girl is defo not a child anymore so I don't see what the big fuss is all about, okay this is wrong but nothing happened and if she was willing to go back to the room with him I'm sure she wasn't a virgin. Story doesn't go the normal pedo way where a child is lured into the predators nest with candy or other gifts.

In this case I see a 13yo teenage girl who was trying to earn some extra cash by scamming a poor farang in thinking she was 19 or a police scam.

I'm not saying it's ok to go after teenage girls, god forbid as it's illegal but I don't think this guy deserves the "hang them high" pedo treatment sick.gif

I don't know about anyone else on here, but in the context of a discussion about a middle aged man caught bang to rights procuring sex with a 13 year old child, when somebody states, "13 year old girl is defo not a child", "Don't know what the big fuss is all about", " I'm sure she wasn't a virgin", "Scamming a poor farang" etc etc, alarm bells start to ring. As for him saying ' She told me she was 19', this is what's known in the UK as the Mandy Rice Davies defence, ie, he would say that wouldn't he. And for apologists saying that it is easy to mistake a 13 year old child for a 19 year old woman, bullcrap, if they really can't tell the difference, they shouldn't be allowed out on their own.

strange but no word from her denying it


2 things

1. Anyone remember this?

There is a possible reason for her co-operating with the police. Was she one of the girls arrested? Was she lesening her sentance by entrapping a "bigger fish"? Is this how the police new her age?

Only an absolute idiot would be trolling for underage girls at 4am on the beach, unless he knew she would be there from a previous encounter, perhaps.

We can what if, maybe this till we are blue in the face but it was a set up IMHO.

2. Why haven't the girls parents been charged? &lt;deleted&gt; was a 13 year old girl doing on the beach at 4am in the worlds biggest house of ill repute?

Too many if's, but's and maybe's for me to draw any conclusion I'm afraid. I'll wait until I know more before I hang the guy. But I surely would hang the parents, I know if I had a daughter that age there is no way I would let her get into that postion n the first place!


I would assume that this girl has had some previous dealings with the police or else how did they know she was 13 before bursting into the room unless she really did look that age in which case the guy will get what he deserves.

why do you guys fail to understand that this was not her first time and would not be the last. She knew the deal, negotiated and carried on.

He did not approach her in central and offered money, he did not wait for her outside the school or candy shop or games arcade or internet shop or 7-11

If anything, she was most likely the one who made the sound "sexy man i go with you"short time boom boom"

You are an accident waiting to happen mate. Learn right from wrong.


I would assume that this girl has had some previous dealings with the police or else how did they know she was 13 before bursting into the room unless she really did look that age in which case the guy will get what he deserves.

why do you guys fail to understand that this was not her first time and would not be the last. She knew the deal, negotiated and carried on.

He did not approach her in central and offered money, he did not wait for her outside the school or candy shop or games arcade or internet shop or 7-11

If anything, she was most likely the one who made the sound "sexy man i go with you"short time boom boom"

You are an accident waiting to happen mate. Learn right from wrong.

do not make me laugh, if your definition of "right" is the rubbish you post, i will stick to your "wrong"


So what does a "19 yr old" 13 yr old look like anyways.... for reference of course as I would hate to be set-up like this poor guy.

As to the whole he's a peado/caught bang to rights blah blah blah.

Maybe the agreed 700b was for a massage, after all 700b is pretty cheap for a take home.

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