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Rimping Vs. Tops Cards: Pros & Cons


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Both Rimping, a locally owned and operated supermarket store, and Tops, which I believe has its headquarters in Hong Kong, own and operate several grocery stores in the Chiang Mai area. I buy things at both. In my opinion, and it is just my opinion, Rimping has excellent bakery sections (one store does not have its own bakery; most do) although Tops also has some excellent baked items (smaller section though), especially their breads. Rimping, again in my opinion, has the better wine sections with a much vaster supply of wines and allows one to select three bottles of wine for B1,000 from barrels of selected products. These might not be great wines but they are adequate for most purposes. Tops has, I think, a smaller selection of wines and spirits. Rimping also has a huge selection of cheeses, probably the best in Chiang Mai, but Tops also has quite a large variety. Stores in both companies tend to be large, well stocked, and comfortable to shop in with Rimping generally playing soft, classical music (on occasion jazz) in the background and having better service. Also in my opinion, Tops tends to be cheaper than Rimping with lots of items store wide on sale and these items change frequently.

Different people have different needs so it would be normal for different shoppers as to which store they use. As mentioned, I go to both but usually for different things or to compare items.

What I thought I would do here is start a discussion about the frequent user (reward) card that both companies use and compare them. Let's begin with Tops. Their card is free. It looks like a credit card with a magnetic strip on the back. The cashier swipes it before adding up your purchases. (Both systems up to this point are essentially the same with respect to the physical card). With the Spots Card you get 3 types of reward:

1) cash voucher (based on amount of your purchases) this can be used like cash at the store;

2) coupons for discounts on various items. These are similar to the coupons many of us cut out from newspapers back home. So for instance, you might get a coupon that allows you a 6 baht reduction if you buy 2 packs of Dutchie yoghurt and show the coupon. Generally, each mailing to you (every 3 months or so) gives you 12 or so coupons like this for a wide arrange of food and grooming needs.

3) In addition, Tops mails to you with the above about 5 "Discount" coupons. These are worth amounts varying from 25 baht to 75 baht based on your purchases. So if you purchase more than 1,150 baht at one time, you can use a coupon giving you a 75 baht reduction. Lower rebates come with lower amounts of purchases. For instance, 45 baht for any purchase of 800 baht or more and so on.

The cash voucher is based on this: you get a 20 baht cash voucher for every 200 spots you accumulate. Every 10 baht spent (when you purchae 200 baht or more) earns you 1 spot. Sometimes more (they will have a product on display, for instance, that says you earn double spots for purchasing this). They mail your vouchers and coupons to you roughly every 3 months.

My own estimate of this, and I am not a mathematician or put any time into this, is that you can get about 7% off of your total purchases if you faithfully use the card system. That's a pretty good deal. Obviously, it also ties you into their company because the more you shop, the more spots you get, the greater your voucher. But that is the purpose of all frequent user programs.

Let's turn now to Rimping. I know less about their system because although I buy from their stores and enjoy their stores and their service, they charge B 90 for their card. If you lose the card, you again pay B 90. You accumulate "bonus points" and these points can be used to purchase items that they have in a special catalog (also on display on their web site). How these points accumulate is unclear because as mentioned I don't have their card and they don't explain it on their web site. So, for instance, if you have 1,255 "bonus points" you can get a 14" Hatari fan (something that sells probably for about B 350). Or 2,350 bonus points gets you a Sharp Rice Cooker (I've seen these on sale for about B 400). Perhaps some frequent shoppers at Rimping can explain how precisely this system works so a better comparison can be made?

My observation and assessment is that Tops has a better system AT LEAST FOR MY NEEDS than does Rimping. You pay nothing for their card, whereas Rimping charges a not so nominal B 90 and if you lose their card, you pay it again. I also prefer the cash back vouchers and the discounts and coupons to a system that basically limits your redemption choices to those in a small catalog (admittedly, they present quite a few options for different people). Lastly, the kind of set up that Tops uses encourages lots of items on sale in the store (often with higher spots awards). Rimping, in my humble opinion, has very little on sale ever.

I hope this comparison of reward systems will stimulate some discussion, and perhaps even lead to some improvements for customers!

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First off I have to acknowledge that I am being surrpetitiously paid by Rimping to respond to this posting. My commission is one standard Lindt chocolate bar per reply. So everyone should take what I say with a grain of cocoa.

That said, if you lose your Rimping card, all you have to do is tell the cashier the phone number you filled in on the form to get the card. So no need to repurchase. If you lose your Tops card, you can do the same.

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First off I have to acknowledge that I am being surrpetitiously paid by Rimping to respond to this posting. My commission is one standard Lindt chocolate bar per reply. So everyone should take what I say with a grain of cocoa.

That said, if you lose your Rimping card, all you have to do is tell the cashier the phone number you filled in on the form to get the card. So no need to repurchase. If you lose your Tops card, you can do the same.

This is NOT the information that Rimping posts on their web site. They say you have to pay for it again:

Q. What do I have to do if I lose my card?

A. "...We will provide you a new member card for a 90 baht fee."

Source: http://www.rimping.com/

But thanks for your input (maybe that was part of your payback?)

Perhaps you can tell us exactly how Rimping awards "bonus points" since you are a user? That would be something positive you can do.

Edited by TheVicar
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Use them both as they have different products.

Both will accept telephone number instead of a card.

Points accrue at Rimping every time you buy and they have a list of items that may be redeemed as we have done on a few occasions.

Also use,Tesco,Big C Makro etc.

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I've only recently started to use Rimping at Mee Chok. It's a bit cramped but they have such a multitude of duplicate products.

My main beef with that particular store is that the staff do not appear to understand the English signs on each aisle; if you want dried fruit, you need to look under 'Macaroni'.

I've also started to use the market nearby, which impresses me with its variety, its cleanliness and also so many of the folk behind the counters seem to have a much better understanding of English than the supermarkets do.

One of these days I'll remember to get to the stores which sell wine after 11:00 am!

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Use them both as they have different products.

Both will accept telephone number instead of a card.

Points accrue at Rimping every time you buy and they have a list of items that may be redeemed as we have done on a few occasions.

Also use,Tesco,Big C Makro etc.

Thanks! But how exactly do the Rimping points accrue? Is it a point per a certain amount?

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You have my sympathy if which supermarket reward card is a pressing issue in your life. You need to find hobbies and get out more, or procreate at random or even with wife your wife, offspring will keep at least keep you occupied. Focus, life is a learning experience, CM actually offers alot if you look around, try the new age stuff in town to ponder the meaning of life as it ain't reward cards.

I note you have more than 860 posts here; far more than me. Are you practicing what you preach?

On a lighter note, Dustin Hoffman once appeared for an interview on a talk show (I think it was with Larry King). King asked him how life had changed for him. Hoffman replied: "When I was a teenager, and in my 20's, 30's and 40's, all I thought about was sex. When I got to my 50's, I thought having a nice steak dinner was better than sex. Now that I'm in my 60's, I think having a good dump is even better."

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You have my sympathy if which supermarket reward card is a pressing issue in your life. You need to find hobbies and get out more, or procreate at random or even with wife your wife, offspring will keep at least keep you occupied. Focus, life is a learning experience, CM actually offers alot if you look around, try the new age stuff in town to ponder the meaning of life as it ain't reward cards.

I note you have more than 860 posts here; far more than me. Are you practicing what you preach?

A bit unfair seeing as he has been a member for nearly three times as long as you.....

I cannot believe I am posting in a thread about loyalty cards.

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I think if I spent all my time worrying & posting about how many points Tops or Rimping issued I would head for the nearest bridge and jump.

Can you pick me up?

Defiantly some people should get out and get a life.

On another thread he was talking about Makro being the best place to shop. How much groceries can he be buying to make it worth while trying to figure out who has the best reward system?

Wont be long and he will have a thread on why is the sky blue?

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Where's Mapguy when you really need him? Rancid and The Vicar have already weighed in on this really important topic. I thought they hung out togehter.

OK here's my take: Rim Ping is W-A-Y better because you can "cash in" your points for various small appliances which may be useful when you first arrive. We got our popcorn maker and hot water pot this way.

We never had enough patience to "save up" for something really big like an (already) absulate computer.

Meanwhile at Tops, they give me a sheet of coupons in Thai and try to explain some really complicated game. Sometimes, when I can get someone to scan my receipts they give me swag -- like Coke drinking glasses or (once) a really good set of Coke bedsheets which I donated to a hilltribe village without opening.

But, the best is Rim Ping because you can redeem your points for Gift Vouchers. A few months ago I redeemed ours and gave a bunch of 100 baht gift vouchers to the organization, which auctioned them for their fund raising efforts.

Now, don't we all feel good?

Edited by NancyL
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Wont be long and he will have a thread on why is the sky blue?

This is actually a two-part question. (If we give it some thought...)

1. "Why?"

Well, philosophers have been trying to figure this one out since the beginning of time, and haven't come up with a difinitve answer yet, so let's table it for now.

2. "Is the sky blue"


I hope this helps. :)

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Wont be long and he will have a thread on why is the sky blue?

This is actually a two-part question. (If we give it some thought...)

1. "Why?"

Well, philosophers have been trying to figure this one out since the beginning of time, and haven't come up with a difinitve answer yet, so let's table it for now.

2. "Is the sky blue"


I hope this helps. smile.png


You have no idea how much that has bothered me.

Now I have time to get on to important things like which is the best reward system on a grocery card.

I personally don't care and If I knew some one and knew how to do it I would do exactly as uptheos does give them away to a needy family.

Maybe that is some thing a card system could look into especially Rimping as they are a local organization and it would be a community help thing.

After all for the amount of points I accrue it would not mean that much to me but to a needy Thai it would go a long way.

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First off I have to acknowledge that I am being surrpetitiously paid by Rimping to respond to this posting. My commission is one standard Lindt chocolate bar per reply. So everyone should take what I say with a grain of cocoa.

That said, if you lose your Rimping card, all you have to do is tell the cashier the phone number you filled in on the form to get the card. So no need to repurchase. If you lose your Tops card, you can do the same.

This is NOT the information that Rimping posts on their web site. They say you have to pay for it again:

Q. What do I have to do if I lose my card?

A. "...We will provide you a new member card for a 90 baht fee."

Source: http://www.rimping.com/

But thanks for your input (maybe that was part of your payback?)

Perhaps you can tell us exactly how Rimping awards "bonus points" since you are a user? That would be something positive you can do.

If it helps.... I exchange my Rimping points for vouchers. which I can then use as 'cash' for future purchases.

Last year I exchanged 12,000 points for 3 1000 baht vouchers,which I then used to buy 9 bottles of their wines.

Not something for nothing,but better than nothing at all.

The rimping catalouge just isnt a good bargain at all.

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The value of the topsa card is not the points but the access to the two for one items and the discount that is applied to most items automaticly. For example without card large singer water 34b with card 31. Over the bill this adds up..

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The value of the topsa card is not the points but the access to the two for one items and the discount that is applied to most items automaticly. For example without card large singer water 34b with card 31. Over the bill this adds up..

I didn't know you needed the card for the 2 for 1 deals. Especially the ones that are taped together and there are no single ones available.

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The value of the topsa card is not the points but the access to the two for one items and the discount that is applied to most items automaticly. For example without card large singer water 34b with card 31. Over the bill this adds up..

You are absolutely right Harry, you have to look at the sign very closely to see it. A lot of people without a card get embarrassed at checkout when they discover this and pay rather than have it cancelled or they pay the bill thinking they have a bargain and walk out paying more than anyone else for the same items, without ever realising it.

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The value of the topsa card is not the points but the access to the two for one items and the discount that is applied to most items automaticly. For example without card large singer water 34b with card 31. Over the bill this adds up..

Excellent point which I neglected. Does Rimping have anything similar with their card?

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