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Cat Wanted & Dog Wanted

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I am just about to move into a new home and require a cat to keep the rats at bay and a dog to keep the burglars away, does anybody have any dogs or cats they don't want?

Thanks in advance



If you're not picky about breeds, why not adopt a soi pup? I did so a year ago and it turned out to be a great dog for watching the house.

Don't let it take other soi dogs habits though... I still have to train mine not to chase cars and motorcycles, she doesn't bite anyone. I've trained her to leave the mailman alone and also the kids when their ball rolls out in our driveway.

If you're not picky about breeds, why not adopt a soi pup? I did so a year ago and it turned out to be a great dog for watching the house.

Don't let it take other soi dogs habits though... I still have to train mine not to chase cars and motorcycles, she doesn't bite anyone. I've trained her to leave the mailman alone and also the kids when their ball rolls out in our driveway.

This is the problem penzman, I have a 1 year old son and am quite wary about any dog older than a few months as it is too unpredictable to take that risk, I have been told of some new soi dog pups just down the road from me and I think I'm going to go and check them out tomorrow, they are still very young so I'm not going to take one away from its mum yet but I thought that was a more ethical aproach than buying one. I will wait for a month and see how they grow, I don't really want to be stuck with a sick pup either as my boy is expensive enough! :-(

Thanks for your suggestion, I hope others follow your advice and try not to get sucked in by the cute puppy in the market!

And thanks stumonster, I'll PM Bambina now


Get a Thai Ridgeback, you should be able to find one for free, they are great house gaurding dogs and I think any dog that gets brought up right will be good around kids. You would want something that is bigger than the other dogs in the area :o

These dogs don't need anything except a bowl of food everyday and a pat on the head in return for sitting under a tree all day and have them check any one out like they were a secret service agent.

Wait until your child is a bit older and get a labradour or something if you want something to cuddle and treat like a family member.

Get a Thai Ridgeback, you should be able to find one for free, they are great house gaurding dogs and I think any dog that gets brought up right will be good around kids. You would want something that is bigger than the other dogs in the area :o

These dogs don't need anything except a bowl of food everyday and a pat on the head in return for sitting under a tree all day and have them check any one out like they were a secret service agent.

Wait until your child is a bit older and get a labradour or something if you want something to cuddle and treat like a family member.

I am very worried about these type of dogs despite loving the look of them and the feel of their silky fur/feathers, does anybody know of any problems with these dogs and children.

My dog won't be going out much, we will be moving into a walled house and there will be enough room for the dog to run around and play, I am even willing to take it out for walks! I know that sounds a bit alien here but I'm not keen on brushing the critters off the dog every time he wants to come back in through the gate, I also don't want to be responsible if he bites the hand off a little Thai toddler :-(

I would love a labrador now but I have heard that they need as much attention as a baby and our baby is enough work already thanks! :-)

I know I might sound a bit picky but I want my dog to be treated like one of the family but to fulfil it's duties at the same time whilst not attacking mine or anybody else children/bikes/cars...

Thanks for your input though :-)


I have a 12 month old English Bull Terrier that i need a good home for, A friend of mine on this forum is going to try and take her but its really cracking me up that she has to go.


I have a 12 month old English Bull Terrier that i need a good home for, A friend of mine on this forum is going to try and take her but its really cracking me up that she has to go.


Uh why does she have to go? :o

I have a 12 month old English Bull Terrier that i need a good home for, A friend of mine on this forum is going to try and take her but its really cracking me up that she has to go.


I love the look of these dogs but I am also scared of them, I would never be able to convince my wife to take her in, sorry :-(

Anybody with a terrier cross would find a good home here :-)


I have a 12 month old English Bull Terrier that i need a good home for, A friend of mine on this forum is going to try and take her but its really cracking me up that she has to go.


Uh why does she have to go? :o

She lives together with the rottwieler (who is a lovely docile dog not with scruffy thai men though :D ), thai dog and shittyzu and they play and sleep together etc but one spark of jealousy and she picks on the rotty, now the rotty has had enough and when she fights she goes into kill mode, very scary as she won't even listen to me trying to stop her, its happened 3 times in 6 months and the last time it happened i rammed the hose down her throat and turned it on and luckily she let go, even throwing water on her head does'nt work. She still growled after at me and i had to hit her in the face, it worked and she came to sit by me, even through this the terrier still wanted to fight.

If the wife would have been alone they would have killed eachother and we can't risk it, its hard because even now they are laying together outside but when we go out or to bed the rotty is locked away from the terrier as you never know.

We've had the rotty and the thai dog for 4 year the shittyzu for 3 years and pigdog (terrier) for 11 months so she has to go. They all get on together but its the pig that starts trouble we otherwise would'nt have.

Tao and I are very sad as she's a really cuddley dog but then again so are the others.

Kurgan is going to try to take her as he has a male bulldog and they should get on very well.

Heres the family.


heres the pig





Sorry to hear that mate!!! Guess Alpha dog making its presence known. I agree bit worrisome that sort of behaviour. I tend to stick with one dog and one dog only. (less hassles in the end) Nice looking dog though - hope it works out well for Kurgen.

- seems to be enjoying himself in the last pic though!!! :o


Anyway, I'm still after my dog ;-)

Does anybody have a terrier cross or terrier cross pups?

I am also after a cat don't forget, I saw a lovely tabby kitten in the street tonight, I was tempted to grab it but felt like a snatcher!

Any tips on getting my hands on a pussy? ;-)


Terriers are great dogs and will sort out any rats, no need for a cat!

You know, taking on a dog is a bit of a commitment, why don't you get something nice that the whole family can enjoy? It may be worth paying for a nice breed, something you will like.

Any dog will take care of a property but what about ones that will bark all night or get into big fights the minute it gets outside?

I have just got a labrador and had a Thai ridge back before that. I say had as it is no longer with us, never knew what happened but he just wasn't there one day, I think he chased one local too many.....

It was a great dog and defended our yard with courage and fought with the local dogs daily. It was a very timid dog (it kind of came with the land when we moved there) and you could never do anything with it like a normal dog. I guess if I had him from a pup it may have been different.

The Lab though is all over you and although needs attention, is great fun to be around. She loves water so is easy to wash and the first time I put a lead on her she fell right in line next to me.

The interesting thing though is all the local dogs who used to fight with my old ridgeback are scared witless of the Lab and won't come anywhere near her!

I am just about to move into a new home and require a cat to keep the rats at bay and a dog to keep the burglars away, does anybody have any dogs or cats they don't want?

Thanks in advance


If I have this right you want a dog to keep the burglars away, but you have a one year old and you are worried about unpredictable dogs. This is totally understandable and actually quite similar to our situation. I live in a family compound with several small children. You have mentioned in this and another thread that you are interested in a Lab or a Lab/Terrier cross. Please note that Labrador Retrievers, similar to Golden Retrievers, are very gentle and accordingly are completely worthless as guard dogs. They are more apt to invite burglars into your house to show them around than chase them away. Their gentleness is what makes them such great pets. Terriers, as you know, are different although everyone I know with a Bull Terrier tells me they are wonderful dogs. For us, besides our super friendly Golden, we have a poodle that does exactly what we need. The poodle is not a guard dog, but rather an alarm dog. She is yappy. She is a house dog with a great sense of smell and hearing. Safe, but noisy when she needs to be. When we have people working on our house we always have to keep the poodle away from them as they are afraid of her. Exactly what the doctor ordered.

Good luck.


Sound advice old man river, my wife actually wants a poodle but I was concerned about them being too yappy and possibly a danger to my little boy AND I had visions of me being the only falang in the area walking down the road with the only(or possibly the most feminine) poodle hanging off my arm... something I should get to grips with really :o

My Mum actually has a terrier crossed with something, she lives in spain and the other half of him is incredibly hard to guage, he is about 2ft high with fluffy white curly hair, is cuddly and trustworthy but likes to bark at strange things, he is also very stupid, which is quite sweet, I wouldn't mind getting him here but I would have to wrestle him off my mum first, so preferably I would like a terrier cross but not a fighting terrier, if that makes sense??

thanks for the suggestions old man river, my wife will probably get her way and we will soon have a ratty little yapping poodle who I'll probalby love like any other dog we might have got.

Any other advice or experiences would be appreciated!

one more thing Old Man River, do you have any cats in your compound and do they get on with the poodle??

Sound advice old man river, my wife actually wants a poodle but I was concerned about them being too yappy and possibly a danger to my little boy AND I had visions of me being the only falang in the area walking down the road with the only(or possibly the most feminine) poodle hanging off my arm... something I should get to grips with really :o

My Mum actually has a terrier crossed with something, she lives in spain and the other half of him is incredibly hard to guage, he is about 2ft high with fluffy white curly hair, is cuddly and trustworthy but likes to bark at strange things, he is also very stupid, which is quite sweet, I wouldn't mind getting him here but I would have to wrestle him off my mum first, so preferably I would like a terrier cross but not a fighting terrier, if that makes sense??

thanks for the suggestions old man river, my wife will probably get her way and we will soon have a ratty little yapping poodle who I'll probalby love like any other dog we might have got.

Any other advice or experiences would be appreciated!

one more thing Old Man River, do you have any cats in your compound and do they get on with the poodle??

Yes, cats slip into the compound as unwanted guests. I think dogs were invented to chase cats so it is the poodle that does the chasing. Of course, once the cat is cornered the poodle will turn and run in the opposite direction as fast as she can while the cat escapes. Neither is ever really a danger to the other and I hate to admit it, but it is fun to watch.

I have always hated poodles, but you do learn to love them. Having the Golden Retriever does give me back some of my lost self respect for having the ratty little yapping alarm dog running around, which as you have guessed is the wife's dog.

One caveat. My experience is that puppies will jump on kids to try and play with them and not understand they may be hurting the child. After a year or so they settle down (except for Labs and Goldens which don't mentally mature until at least three years). With the poodle we had to be careful with her around kids in the compound until she outgrew this, which she did. If you get a poodle, you might not want to get the cute little puppy dog, but rather one a little older. Of course, puppies are hard to pass up.

Best regards,


I have to disagree with Golden's being worthless are guard dogs. My golden is very friendly and inviting to any person who walks by, when I am there.

When I am not there, it is a different story. He will bark and growl with the best of them (reports from the village security guards).



poodles can be trained well and dog size should be a consideration. Too many dogs live in areas that are really too small for them and rarely get walked. though with the amount of dogs on the loose in thailand it can be a hardship to walk your dog. I take a solid stick with me when I take mine for a hop around the moobarn as they all understand the stick.

I have a little bitsa , whom is great company in the house and will bark at anyone she does not know who comes in the gate. Ticks ( mut ) and fleas ( heab ) are endemic so they need a regular wash with flea shampoo - and buy the shampoo from your local vet not the supermarket.

I got mu puppy as a soi puppy after she had been badly hit by a taxi , which neccesitated the removal of one of her hind legs. She is now 18 months old and is the baby of the family. :o



Sound advice old man river, my wife actually wants a poodle but I was concerned about them being too yappy and possibly a danger to my little boy AND I had visions of me being the only falang in the area walking down the road with the only(or possibly the most feminine) poodle hanging off my arm... something I should get to grips with really :o

My Mum actually has a terrier crossed with something, she lives in spain and the other half of him is incredibly hard to guage, he is about 2ft high with fluffy white curly hair, is cuddly and trustworthy but likes to bark at strange things, he is also very stupid, which is quite sweet, I wouldn't mind getting him here but I would have to wrestle him off my mum first, so preferably I would like a terrier cross but not a fighting terrier, if that makes sense??

thanks for the suggestions old man river, my wife will probably get her way and we will soon have a ratty little yapping poodle who I'll probalby love like any other dog we might have got.

Any other advice or experiences would be appreciated!

one more thing Old Man River, do you have any cats in your compound and do they get on with the poodle??

I would take a few street dogs in. I have three of them, they hardly ever fight with each other, make huge noise when a stranger approaches the house, but don't bite guests, or the son. The next big advantage with street dogs is that once you sorted out the normal problems, you hardly ever need to go to the vet, unlike with pedigree dogs who constantly suffer from one or the other ailment.

Sound advice old man river, my wife actually wants a poodle but I was concerned about them being too yappy and possibly a danger to my little boy AND I had visions of me being the only falang in the area walking down the road with the only(or possibly the most feminine) poodle hanging off my arm... something I should get to grips with really :o

My Mum actually has a terrier crossed with something, she lives in spain and the other half of him is incredibly hard to guage, he is about 2ft high with fluffy white curly hair, is cuddly and trustworthy but likes to bark at strange things, he is also very stupid, which is quite sweet, I wouldn't mind getting him here but I would have to wrestle him off my mum first, so preferably I would like a terrier cross but not a fighting terrier, if that makes sense??

thanks for the suggestions old man river, my wife will probably get her way and we will soon have a ratty little yapping poodle who I'll probalby love like any other dog we might have got.

Any other advice or experiences would be appreciated!

one more thing Old Man River, do you have any cats in your compound and do they get on with the poodle??

I tried to answer this message this afternoon, but it looks like it went into cyberspace. If it shows up later, sorry for the duplicate response.

Yes, cats do invite themselves in from time to time and no, the poodle (and most dogs) don't get on with cats. The poodle will chase the cat until she gets it cornered. As soon as the cat strikes out with its paws, my yappy poodle takes off in the opposite direction as fast as she can. Since I doubt either animal is in danger of the other, it is fun to watch.

On poodles, they are the flavor of the month in Bangkok, so no stigma in having one.

One caveat and this is my experience and others may have different opinions, but I have found that puppies still in the chewing mode will jump on small children to try and play with them. They will not understand that they may be hurting the child (and it is not their intention). With our dogs (poodle and Golden) we have had to monitor this closely. After about a year the poodle settled down, but the Golden, now one year old, still loves to jump on people. I have read that Labs and Goldens don't mature mentally for several years and friends have confirmed this so if you end up with a Lab, watch closely for this with small children.

Best regards.

I have to disagree with Golden's being worthless are guard dogs. My golden is very friendly and inviting to any person who walks by, when I am there.

When I am not there, it is a different story. He will bark and growl with the best of them (reports from the village security guards).


You are very fortunate to have a Golden like that, but it may be the exception and not the norm. Pretty much every book I have read on Labs and Goldens say they are poor choices for security purposes. For us, since there is always someone around I have no personal experience on how my Golden would react if alone. I do know, from what I've seen, she has never failed to attack a worker in our yard - with a ball in her mouth.

They are great dogs!


I have a golden retriever who is fantastic with my 17 month old ... however she's about 4 years old so I don't know what she would have been like with him as a pup. Ever since my son's been able to crawl she's let him crawl and climb all over her and always runs up to when we get home after a day out ... definately a good family pet. She barks at strangers at the gate, but doesn't bark any other time. She is also very smoochy with the cat! We also have a shih tzu puppy and it's true what someone said earlier - puppies do jump up and try to play and my son was quite frightened of it at first. However, after a couple of weeks he loved the pup and plays with it constantly. We do after put the pup in another room sometimes, especially when my son has his mind on doing something else and the pup keeps wanting to play.

If you are interested in adopting a soi dog, you should have a look at the soi dog rescue site. They have a clinic out in the middle of nowhere in Bangna and you can go and look at the pups (and kittens as well, I think) that are up for adoption. I went and had a look just before we got our puppy and would have gone through with it but my partner was desperate for a shitzu.

  • 1 year later...

Its a shame your dog is female,i'm after a male,would have to loved to take it

I have a 12 month old English Bull Terrier that i need a good home for, A friend of mine on this forum is going to try and take her but its really cracking me up that she has to go.


Uh why does she have to go? :o

She lives together with the rottwieler (who is a lovely docile dog not with scruffy thai men though :D ), thai dog and shittyzu and they play and sleep together etc but one spark of jealousy and she picks on the rotty, now the rotty has had enough and when she fights she goes into kill mode, very scary as she won't even listen to me trying to stop her, its happened 3 times in 6 months and the last time it happened i rammed the hose down her throat and turned it on and luckily she let go, even throwing water on her head does'nt work. She still growled after at me and i had to hit her in the face, it worked and she came to sit by me, even through this the terrier still wanted to fight.

If the wife would have been alone they would have killed eachother and we can't risk it, its hard because even now they are laying together outside but when we go out or to bed the rotty is locked away from the terrier as you never know.

We've had the rotty and the thai dog for 4 year the shittyzu for 3 years and pigdog (terrier) for 11 months so she has to go. They all get on together but its the pig that starts trouble we otherwise would'nt have.

Tao and I are very sad as she's a really cuddley dog but then again so are the others.

Kurgan is going to try to take her as he has a male bulldog and they should get on very well.

Heres the family.


heres the pig




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