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Police Station Construction Stalled Amid Corruption Probe: Thailand


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Police station construction stalled amid corruption probe

Prasit Tangprasert,

Surasak Limseub,

Piyanuch Thamnukasetchai

The Nation


Pillars have been in place for years on an otherwise bare plot of land in Surat Thani

SURAT THANI: -- Police stations nationwide were torn down with the intention that new stations would quickly be built, but construction has slowed to a crawl amid allegations of corruption.

Provincial Police Region 3 chief Pol Lt-General Cherd Chuwet yesterday instructed all the torn-down police precincts still awaiting new buildings to find short-term solutions.

newsjsWith many police-station projects at a standstill, the Pheu Thai Party has requested that the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) look into whether there was collusion in the contracts to build 163 police housing units worth Bt3 billion and 369 new police stations worth Bt5.848 billion.

DSI chief Tharit Pengdit yesterday said he and Pheu Thai spokesman Phrompong Nopparit will today visit Phuket and Krabi to inspect four incomplete precincts.

Cherd said his jurisdiction had 61 precincts under the project, 18 of which were demolished pending construction. His office was awaiting an official Royal Thai Police conclusion on the matter and supervisors' instruction about what to do in the meantime. Affirming that the police services were ongoing despite the inconvenience of having no facilities, he said he was certain the precincts would be completed soon.

Chard also commented about police housing units in Yasothon, which were left incomplete with two construction stages yet to be made. He said he has instructed provincial police to investigate the case.

In Angthong, where four police stations were demolished and left incomplete, Muang, Chaiyo and Ketchaiyo precincts managed to find temporary quarters, while Ram Masak precinct in Pho Thong district has for two years used a police housing unit as its office while detaining suspects at the neighbouring Pho Thong precinct. They urged the government to solve the problem quickly and get the precinct construction completed to keep officers' morale from falling any further.

Thanin Prempree, director of the DSI's corruption suppression centre, said he would ask the Royal Thai Police to submit all the contract documents for a detailed probe. Investigators would especially look at two projects being granted to the same contractor, PCC Development and Construction Co. Given that the two projects were in locations far from one another, it was unlikely that PCC could complete them in time, Thanin said.


-- The Nation 2013-02-01

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Somehow, it seems a bit ill-considered for whomever was in charge to have demolished a bunch of police station facilities around the country BEFORE their replacements were completed (or, based on the OP report above, even begun from the looks of it).

But then again, considering the kind of "policing" that the police here actually do, maybe whomever was in charge figured they didn't really need any police stations anyway. Just pocket the construction money and call it a day.

BTW, nice to see that DSI Tharit and PT Nopparit continue to be BBFs together....

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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While I would hesitate to suggest these contracts were corruption free, it does seem the current administration spends an inordinate amount of time seeking malfeasance in earlier contracts, and very little on their own. One might suggest that they have a reluctance to make payments where they are not included in the gravy sharing.

This perception is reinforced by the cessation of all investigation into red shirt crimes about 18 months ago, to be replaced by nit-picking over Abhisit's military record and frivolous charges not likely to pass day one in court. Sort of makes questionable the concept of an independent police force (not that I believe it ever was, but consider it desirable in a democracy.)

Well said. This administration is defiantly more concerned with the malfeasance of the Dem administration. To the point of over looking there own record.

I am not saying there was not corruption in the Dem administration. But to put it all on the Dems is ludicrous. They had to let in so many other players that it was hard to keep tract of which party was actually at fault. Yes the Dems were at the root of some of it.

My point is if the Dems had been given the support the PT is enjoying the corruption would not have been as bad as it was.

Thailand would have had a PM who was an on the scene leader and let us say a more honest leader than people who come from a certain family.

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The police "replenishment" program was in full force during the former Democrat era.

The projects appear to be localized in the southern regions, which coincidentally are Democrat party strongholds.

In consideration of the above, I hope that before anyone points a stubby little finger at the current administration, that he/she considers the history of this project. If I wanted to spin this, I'd say oh look, the much maligned DSI is taking on corruption. I won't because I am not that naive.

It's crap like this that prevents the Democrats from being taken seriously when they raise the issue of corruption. IMO, all of these buggers are tainted and corrupt: The police and their political cronies in all of the parties.

While i agree that they are all corrupt the present goverment is even more so they learned from the best. But i don't get how you know its all in the south. Anthong certainly is not and neither is Yasothon.

Its a shame there is not one party that is totally corrupt free, like an other remarked they are checking their enemies but not checking themselves and with all those mega projects they will outdo any previous government in corruption for sure.

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While I would hesitate to suggest these contracts were corruption free, it does seem the current administration spends an inordinate amount of time seeking malfeasance in earlier contracts, and very little on their own. One might suggest that they have a reluctance to make payments where they are not included in the gravy sharing.

This perception is reinforced by the cessation of all investigation into red shirt crimes about 18 months ago, to be replaced by nit-picking over Abhisit's military record and frivolous charges not likely to pass day one in court. Sort of makes questionable the concept of an independent police force (not that I believe it ever was, but consider it desirable in a democracy.)

Well said. This administration is defiantly more concerned with the malfeasance of the Dem administration. To the point of over looking there own record.

I am not saying there was not corruption in the Dem administration. But to put it all on the Dems is ludicrous. They had to let in so many other players that it was hard to keep tract of which party was actually at fault. Yes the Dems were at the root of some of it.

My point is if the Dems had been given the support the PT is enjoying the corruption would not have been as bad as it was.

Thailand would have had a PM who was an on the scene leader and let us say a more honest leader than people who come from a certain family.

I agree with your first sentence but that is politics- especially in Thailand. Not exactly going to investigate corruption in their own party, and no doubt it would be the same whoever was it power.

Your last points are just opinion with no way or proving right or wrong. I would counter and say if they had a majority, corruption would be worse- no way to prove right or wrong. This being Thailand, and the greed of politics, i would be skeptical to allude that corruption would reduce for any reason!

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The police "replenishment" program was in full force during the former Democrat era.

The projects appear to be localized in the southern regions, which coincidentally are Democrat party strongholds.

In consideration of the above, I hope that before anyone points a stubby little finger at the current administration, that he/she considers the history of this project. If I wanted to spin this, I'd say oh look, the much maligned DSI is taking on corruption. I won't because I am not that naive.

It's crap like this that prevents the Democrats from being taken seriously when they raise the issue of corruption. IMO, all of these buggers are tainted and corrupt: The police and their political cronies in all of the parties.

Hey g'kid, nobody, again nobody, would deny that there has been big corruption under all the governments, all parties, all leaders, for the last several decades. And if there is valid evidence uncovered then there should be prosecutions regardless of party, regardless of timing, regardless of whatever.

That doesn't mean that an investigation should not start now.

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I would be most interested to know how PCC as winner of the bid for this project was given a 15%+_ up front payment. If any project is awarded to a company that is not able to start the work without a up front payment, I would be suspious and question all involved. This is just another example of how this entire system works from top to bottom.

Who own this company?

Who were the bidders?

Is no performance bond required?

Who arranges these so called tranparent procedures?

I really believe that if there were powers that did more than lip service to solving corruption problems, that most of those serving in any government positions would be in jail as should those who were involved with them. Take the assits of all those involved and Thailand could be one of the most financial stable countries in the world, with a standard of living second to none.

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Somehow, it seems a bit ill-considered for whomever was in charge to have demolished a bunch of police station facilities around the country BEFORE their replacements were completed (or, based on the OP report above, even begun from the looks of it).

But then again, considering the kind of "policing" that the police here actually do, maybe whomever was in charge figured they didn't really need any police stations anyway. Just pocket the construction money and call it a day.

BTW, nice to see that DSI Tharit and PT Nopparit continue to be BBFs together....

If the new station is going to be on the same land as the old one...............................relocate, demolish, build, relocate seems logical.

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DSI chief Tharit Pengdit yesterday said he and Pheu Thai spokesman Phrompong Nopparit will today visit Phuket and Krabi to inspect four incomplete precincts.

Interesting team to say the least. Wonder if they would ever go to the North to investigate ...uuhh... something. Or investigate the rich scam. Ohh yes I forget, they gave the police 150 million to investigate the rice scam.

Edited by Nickymaster
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The police "replenishment" program was in full force during the former Democrat era.

The projects appear to be localized in the southern regions, which coincidentally are Democrat party strongholds.

In consideration of the above, I hope that before anyone points a stubby little finger at the current administration, that he/she considers the history of this project. If I wanted to spin this, I'd say oh look, the much maligned DSI is taking on corruption. I won't because I am not that naive.

It's crap like this that prevents the Democrats from being taken seriously when they raise the issue of corruption. IMO, all of these buggers are tainted and corrupt: The police and their political cronies in all of the parties.

It's crap like this that prevents anyone with half a brain taking any Thai political party seriously when they raise the issue of corruption.

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The police "replenishment" program was in full force during the former Democrat era.

The projects appear to be localized in the southern regions, which coincidentally are Democrat party strongholds.

In consideration of the above, I hope that before anyone points a stubby little finger at the current administration, that he/she considers the history of this project. If I wanted to spin this, I'd say oh look, the much maligned DSI is taking on corruption. I won't because I am not that naive.

It's crap like this that prevents the Democrats from being taken seriously when they raise the issue of corruption. IMO, all of these buggers are tainted and corrupt: The police and their political cronies in all of the parties.

I assume from your post that you know the history of the project, perhaps you would like to share it with us?

The article says "Several years" I was wondering how many years that was but when you post the history then we will all know.

Could it possibly be it was aproved and started before the Dems came to power?

But if that was so then you would lose the opportunity to have a pick.

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Somehow, it seems a bit ill-considered for whomever was in charge to have demolished a bunch of police station facilities around the country BEFORE their replacements were completed (or, based on the OP report above, even begun from the looks of it).

If the new station is going to be on the same land as the old one...............................relocate, demolish, build, relocate seems logical.

You're presuming the new projects were going to be built on top of the older buildings... Which may have been the case, but may also not have been the case in various of the locations.

But either way, you mention the notion of "relocate," which apparently, based on the OP post here, they didn't manage to do in at least some portion of the cases.

Finally, I've worked on a lot of construction projects in the past. And it's certainly possible, depending on how a facility is configured, to keep an existing structure in place while a new one is built onsite, such as by shifting the parking area for the building site, or setting up a temporary structure on the original site.

The point, of course, is to do these kinds of projects without leaving their (police) occupants homeless, which they apparently failed to do in at least some of these sites.

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