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Clinton Formally Steps Down As U S Secretary Of State


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Clinton formally steps down as U.S. secretary of state


Hillary Rodham Clinton. File photo, source: Wikipedia.org

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1 (Xinhua) -- Hillary Clinton on Friday formally stepped down as the 67th U.S. Secretary of State, ending her four- year tenure as the country's chief diplomat.

"Thank you," Clinton said in her farewell remarks at the lobby of the State Department building. "Just standing here looking out at all of you, the people I have been honored to serve and lead and work with over the last four years, is an incredible experience."


Since taking office in January of 2009, Clinton has visited 112 countries and covered over 950,000 miles, which makes her one of the most-traveled secretaries of state in U.S. history.

But her legacy has also been marred by the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya last year, which killed U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The State Department has been under harsh criticism for its inadequate protection of the U.S. mission.

In her remarks, Clinton admitted that the Americans are living in "complex and even dangerous times", citing the fresh attack on the U.S. embassy in the Turkish capital of Ankara on Friday.

Full story: http://news.xinhuane...c_124313332.htm

-- XINHUA 2013-02-02


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Çlinton has made lots of folks happy by stepping down, kinda of brings a tear to my own eye. I hope this is the last thing ever heard from her. She did a poor job.

She will be missed by few.

She will not be missed by the blindered old American dinosaurs of Pattaya but she received an enthusthastic standing ovation from her State Department colleagues during her final appearance in Washington DC yesterday. She also enjoys very high approval ratings from the general American public. http://www.washingto...arded-congress/ Given the international public relations disaster left her by the previous administration she did a fabulous job. With such widespread support she could quite possibly be elected president in 2016.

Edited by Groongthep
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I look forward to Fox News bringing us "Ankaragate".

Shouldn't be necessary, this time the administration has called it an act terror, rather than try to BS the public that it was something else.

Ah but it could be the Marxists or Al Qaeda. It won't stop Fox trying to make a scandal out of it.

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Çlinton has made lots of folks happy by stepping down, kinda of brings a tear to my own eye. I hope this is the last thing ever heard from her. She did a poor job.

She will be missed by few.

She will not be missed by the blindered old American dinosaurs of Pattaya but she received an enthusthastic standing ovation from her State Department colleagues during her final appearance in Washington DC yesterday. She also enjoys very high approval ratings from the general American public. http://www.washingto...arded-congress/ Given the international public relations disaster left her by the previous administration she did a fabulous job. With such widespread support she could quite possibly be elected president in 2016.

I am neither blindered, dinosaur-like nor living in Pattaya. You got me on the "old" part. What's your point?

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Maybe,the job was too much for her.

It's entirely normal for top administration officials to step down when a president wins a second term. She is now replaced by the very capable Senator John Kerry. Edited by Jingthing
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She stated from the very beginning (ie 4 years ago) she would only serve 1 term if Obama got re-elected. She was neither forced out nor was the job too much for her.

She would be the best thing for American Politics to not only run as the democrat party (and win that) then go on to win the presidential race.

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Maybe,the job was too much for her.

Yes, she must have been really lazy and had no work ethic to only put in 105 hour weeks spending 20% of her time on a plane and having to meet world leaders or ambassadors on an almost daily basis with the knowledge that the smallest misstep would result in a flame posting on Thaivisa.

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Maybe,the job was too much for her.

It's entirely normal for top administration officials to step down when a president wins a second term. She is now replaced by the very capable Senator John Kerry.

Gotta switch from Del Monte to Heinz with my freedom fries. :)

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Maybe,the job was too much for her.

Yes, she must have been really lazy and had no work ethic to only put in 105 hour weeks spending 20% of her time on a plane and having to meet world leaders or ambassadors on an almost daily basis with the knowledge that the smallest misstep would result in a flame posting on Thaivisa.

How many hours has FM Surapong put in total?

Now... how many of these were work-related?

Are we even close to 105?

Edited by americaninbangkok
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Maybe,the job was too much for her.

It's entirely normal for top administration officials to step down when a president wins a second term. She is now replaced by the very capable Senator John Kerry.

Gotta switch from Del Monte to Heinz with my freedom fries. smile.png

I remember when John Kerry was running for president, many Americans were boycotting Heinz.. rolleyes.gif

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What a waste of money these politicians do for us(and their ego). I wish the stupid Democrats and the greedy Republicans could cancel out each other as they are both evil self serving hypocrites and none care a rats ass about the future and the environment.!!!!!!!

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Çlinton has made lots of folks happy by stepping down, kinda of brings a tear to my own eye. I hope this is the last thing ever heard from her. She did a poor job.

You are Quite wrong, she has done an excellent job!!

For her cronies!!!!
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She is the obvious frontrunner for 2016 & you can bet FOX news will be bashing her 24/7 for the next 4 years.

I know people that watch that crap and actually believe it. They even repeat it like it is some factual information gleaned from a legitimate news source.

Imagine that.

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Hillary may be missed by few but I still miss former US Secretary of State (under George W Bush) Donald (Rummy) Rumsfeld:

There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.

(From Wikipedia): The above statement was made by Rumsfeld on February 12, 2002 at a press briefing where he addressed the absence of evidence linking the government of Iraq with the supply of weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups.

Edited by JLCrab
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Hillary has done a Great job, among her many achievements she has got China on side with Asia & the USA, and has been instrumental in defusing what could have been a disaster for the economy in Europe. She is probably the best since Kissinger!

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OOPS Of course Rummy was Secretary of Defense under GWB but I miss such a straight talker like him all the same .

Colin Powell was Secretary of State in 2002. Regarding Iraq he was famous for saying "You break it, you bought it"

Edited by JLCrab
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And with her departure we will never find out what really happened in Benghazi.

The cover up is holding for now.

What we do know was that those brave men fought an Alamo type battle for 7 hours before being killed. One of the dead ex seals had a laser targeting device. They felt a rescue mission would be coming. However obama told the dept of defense to "stand down".

Hours later Hillary was telling the cover up story about some trailer for some video which had only been viewed a couple hundred times.

Later Susan Rice would be asked to fall on her sword for repeating this lie cover up.

At the time Stephanie Cutter & David Plouff were running the government.

From my perspective obama is guilty of far more serious crimes than Richard Nixon ever dreamed about.

However with the media existing only to shield obama from scandal nothing more will ever be done.

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And with her departure we will never find out what really happened in Benghazi.

The cover up is holding for now.

What we do know was that those brave men fought an Alamo type battle for 7 hours before being killed. One of the dead ex seals had a laser targeting device. They felt a rescue mission would be coming. However obama told the dept of defense to "stand down".

Hours later Hillary was telling the cover up story about some trailer for some video which had only been viewed a couple hundred times.

Later Susan Rice would be asked to fall on her sword for repeating this lie cover up.

At the time Stephanie Cutter & David Plouff were running the government.

From my perspective obama is guilty of far more serious crimes than Richard Nixon ever dreamed about.

However with the media existing only to shield obama from scandal nothing more will ever be done.

Yes you are quite right, but Hillary had a big fight with Obama over this matter, she in fact almost resigned over this!

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From The WSJ (via Time 02NOV2012):

The U.S. effort in Benghazi was at its heart a CIA operation, according to officials briefed on the intelligence. Of the more than 30 American officials evacuated from Benghazi following the deadly assault, only seven worked for the State Department. Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principal purpose of the consulate, these officials said.

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