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Honey Be Allergy, What Name Of Antiserum In Thailand?


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I have the honey bee allergy, after a bite Iam in life danger and blood pressure go down rapidly ,when I not get antiserum within half hour!

Since around one week in Isaan it's getting more hot!

Many flys and around3 to 5 honey bees I must eliminate every day !

The live in the mango trees big nests!

Local villagers burn them down without any protection every 2 week!

But I don't know pharmacy have this antiserum injection ?

In the eu one pack is 85€

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I have never heard of an antiserum and AFAIK there is no such thing.

The immediate first aid for a bee sting in someone who is allergic is an injection of epinephrine. There is a device called "EpiPen" which is used for self-injecting. It is available in Thailand although only a very large pharmacy is likely to have it, or you may need to contact the distributor to find out where in your area it is sold. It doers not require a prescription.

The Distributor for this in Thailand is:

DKSH (Thailand) Ltd

2106 Sukhumvit Rd

Bangchak, Phrakhanong Bangkok 10260

Tel: 0 2220 9000, 1364 (Call Center)

Fax: 0 2220 9090

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://www.dksh.co.th

And here is some information on EpiPen and how to use it: http://www.epipen.com/about-epipen/overview and also in attached file

Use it immediately after being stung, do not wait to see first if you have a a reaction. Always carry it with you when you go outdoors as it needs to be injected immediately.

After injecting, still go to the nearest hospital. It is probably a good idea to have someone write down for you in Thai "I am allergic to bee stings and I was stung by a bee today." in Thai and have this in your wallet to show the hospital staff along with the empty EpiPen syringe so that they will understand what is going ion and what drug you have already

As your allergy is sever and the EpiPen contains only 1 dose and may be hard to locate I suggest you buy 2 and immediately replace each time used so that yo always have at least one on hand.

It is also a good idea to take the medication diphenhydramine (a tablet) after being stung. Do this in addition to, not instead of, the EpiPen as it does not act as fast, but it will help in the long run. You can buy this at any pharmacy under many different brand names. Take 1 25 mg capsule at right after injecting yourself with the EPIPEN. If the place where the bee stung you is very red and swollen, take a second 25mg capsule and mix it with a little water into a paste and put it directly on the sting.

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Nice info....I presume his english is not great and by antiserum he meant the epipen thingy.

Funny story...well, probably not funny to a nurse or a doctor...but to an australian it is....well not funny in the rofl funny....ironic roll your eyes funny...anyway..

Couple years ago I had tennis elbow from some repeated work while building a house. Tried the exercises and rest for some time to get rid of it, pressure wraps and all that but nothing.

I read about a guy in America that had arthritis in his fingers and he owned a bee farm. He would grab a bee and sting himslef every time the fingers played up, right in the joint where it was sore.

He said that it helped a lot.

I did the same as we also at the time had some bee hives on our little farm. I sat the bees arse right down on the sore spot. right where you could feel the tendon i think it was.

I did this 5 times from memory over about 2 to 3 months.

it went away after a few months and now have no recurrence of it at all.

but....as a youngster I was allergic to bees, each sting I would swell up to huge levels, not just around the site where stung, but the whole arm or whole leg and with each sting, the size of swelling got worse.

So, it was with some trepidation i stung myself the first time and had no reaction. I did try to find those epipens prior to it, but never could find one....so just went ahead to see what would happen.

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