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Hi all,

Thinking about buying a MBP 13"(not retina) soon, but not sure if it'd be O.Kish time to do so considering their updating cycle, any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.



if the "updating cycle" is your only worry you can simply buy anything avaiable.

since there is no such thing ;) mac's just work,

the only reason for a cycle is your expectations growing ;)

okay thats not entirely true, new Operatinsystems do not support hardware 3-4 Generations behind (but this is mostly the case if the new architecture is very much different)

main hangup may be the Price, in case you get a used one .. they will be much cheaper after all the show-off kiddies bought a retina one and the market is flooded with non-retina ones.

i myself are also always 1 or 2 generation behind since this saves me a fortune on $ an i never hit any limitation because of that.

(well iam programmer, not video Artist) ..

if you want to buy a new one .. just get a retina one.

there will be updates soon

they beeing updated about 2 - 3 times per Year. that is not really the point for a Purchase decition.

since the current will probably hit the non-updatabe marker in somethings like 5 years .. so the Updated one will it this in 5 years and 3 months ;)


the only thing speaks Against Retina is that anything else will look SO CHEAP and so Low-Resolution after seen a retina display in this size ;)


Is getting a retina worth the extra?

I don't wanna go the "second hand" route, nothing against, it's just not my personal preference.




Didn't look at all at the retina MBP 13, but for the 15 - which I got when it came out - the retina version is a totally different computer:

- Way lighter

- SSD only

It's more expensive than a hard-drive based standard MBP, but actually cheaper than a SSD-based standard model with the same capacity.

And the retina screen is fantastic for reading text, and also for looking at pictures.

For video, the media is so low res that you won't see a difference. There are no 4k movies out, yet, and even if there were storage requirements would make them impractical.

But for pictures and text, it's great.

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