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Injured American Pit Bull Terrier “Terrorizes” East Pattaya Village

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RIP, hope the assailants get dealt with by police sad.png

The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

That's overgeneralized. While I agree that a certain type of people owns these types of dogs, there's also lots of regular people who own them.

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I feel bad for the dog. It's a shame it bit some people and had to be put down. I blame the ex owners of this dog. Pitbulls can make great pets in the right hands.

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I feel bad for the dog. It's a shame it bit some people and had to be put down. I blame the ex owners of this dog. Pitbulls can make great pets in the right hands.

it has not been put down, but was taken to a vet for treatment.


In my Moo Baan their is an English guy who has one of these dogs and lets it roam around on its own, there are sometimes young children paying as well. I spoke to him and said why not take it for walks with a lead, told me to p#*s off and threatened me. I want to kill it & as as I dread the day I hear a child screaming - what would you do lemoncake?

why not get police to talk with him? (the guy i mean) or can contact the city hall.

see exactly my point when owner has this kind of attitude,, it would reflect on the dog as well.

A number of my neighbors come to play with my pitbull, but she never roams the streets and never out unleashed or without my supervision.

The parents love her also, because they feel safe if there is a thief or anything like that, she would always let everyone know.

They even ask me to leave her outside sometimes over night, as she(dog) knows all the neighbors and keeps the street safe.


Pit bull victims are generally children and elderly who can fight them off. Watch their videos here.


Many older pit bulls snap and start killing. The pit bull breed should be eradicated.

and here we go with this nonsense.rolleyes.gif

I can post thousands of pics and clips of pitbulls being with kids and being cute cuddly "soft toys"

There are hundreds of thousands pitbulls out there if not millions, i guess they do not all attack.

Put that in comparison to all dog attacks in general and you might find its nowhere near as tragic as some trying to make it out to be.

Dog is a dog and will always be a dog, no matter how old. The sooner some people realize it the better it would be, especially the idiotic owners who mistreat them in the first place, do not learn about the breed, do not give it any exercises, do not feed it correctly, do not learn their pattern of behavior to know if/when have a problem.

As one poster said, his friend use to feed it gun powder and the game was to attack something hanging. What do you think would turn out of this dog?!

My reply is in reference to the following sentence only: "Put that in comparison to all dog attacks in general and you might find its nowhere near as tragic as some trying to make it out to be."

Actually pit bull type dogs clearly lead the list of fatal attacks. In the US, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published in 2000 a study on dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF) that covered the years 1979-1998. The study found reports of 327 people killed by dogs over the 20-year period. Using newspaper articles, the CDC was able to obtain breed "identifications" for 238 of the 327 cases of fatal dog attacks; of which "pit bull terrier" or mixes thereof were reportedly involved in 76 cases. The breed with the next-highest number of attributed fatalities was the Rottweiler and mixes thereof, with 44 fatalities.

I know this study is over a decade old, but since then the number of pit bull type dogs has definitely increased in the US. I absolutely agree with everything else you wrote, though!


Pit bull victims are generally children and elderly who can fight them off. Watch their videos here.


Many older pit bulls snap and start killing. The pit bull breed should be eradicated.

and here we go with this nonsense.rolleyes.gif

I can post thousands of pics and clips of pitbulls being with kids and being cute cuddly "soft toys"

There are hundreds of thousands pitbulls out there if not millions, i guess they do not all attack.

Put that in comparison to all dog attacks in general and you might find its nowhere near as tragic as some trying to make it out to be.

Dog is a dog and will always be a dog, no matter how old. The sooner some people realize it the better it would be, especially the idiotic owners who mistreat them in the first place, do not learn about the breed, do not give it any exercises, do not feed it correctly, do not learn their pattern of behavior to know if/when have a problem.

As one poster said, his friend use to feed it gun powder and the game was to attack something hanging. What do you think would turn out of this dog?!

My reply is in reference to the following sentence only: "Put that in comparison to all dog attacks in general and you might find its nowhere near as tragic as some trying to make it out to be."

Actually pit bull type dogs clearly lead the list of fatal attacks. In the US, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published in 2000 a study on dog bite-related fatalities (DBRF) that covered the years 1979-1998. The study found reports of 327 people killed by dogs over the 20-year period. Using newspaper articles, the CDC was able to obtain breed "identifications" for 238 of the 327 cases of fatal dog attacks; of which "pit bull terrier" or mixes thereof were reportedly involved in 76 cases. The breed with the next-highest number of attributed fatalities was the Rottweiler and mixes thereof, with 44 fatalities.

I know this study is over a decade old, but since then the number of pit bull type dogs has definitely increased in the US. I absolutely agree with everything else you wrote, though!

I did not mean per breed but dog attacks in general.

Also keep in mind the kind of people who get them and the reason.

Morons do not get a poodle to make it into a guard dog or a fighting dog.

Though personally i do not even understand the need of "guard dog" because all my dogs, even the little one, all guard the house without being trained to do it.

Its dogs natural instinct to protect its home and its owners.

Sure the little shitzu does not look scary, but then it does make enough noise not to mention still has teeth and can bite


They're not the easiest dog to train and the owners in most cases are partially retarded and only get them as they make them look tough.

All dogs have the potential to turn, if these do its often ends in tragedy for small kids, this isn't the case with a normal dog.

any animal, even a cat can be a potential problem if in the wrong hands.

i strongly disagree about pitbull being hard to train, in fact its rather one of the easiest breeds to train, because they want to please the owner.

The problem in Thailand, when dog disobeys, it gets kicked and when obeys gets nothing, not exactly way to train an animal.

I have one, a pitbull, also found on the road, mistreated, sick, pregnant, broken leg, just to name a few problems.

Now she has been with me for almost 2 years and is the most loving animal you ever meet, cats sleep with her.

The only time she gets aggressive is when there is a timmid female dog around, which is easily controlled because i am aware of the problem and stop her before she gets into that mode.

My situation is similar. I was given my pit by the vet college where she was taken from her owner as a young puppy. I have had her for 4 years, a few before my wife came into the picture. I have taken her through obedience and agility, and she has been great with my 3 cats, friends, strangers, and most importantly, my wife. My wife never had dogs before, but i showed her how to properly read and handle her, and now her and the pit have become best of friends (albeit the pit being far below her in the pecking order, which goes: cats, me/wife, friends, dog).

We NEVER let our pit loose, NEVER set her up for bad situations, and ALWAYS keep on top of her. It's not that we dont trust her, it's the other jerks who let their dogs run around like idiots here in Canada. Why would you set up any dog for failure? My dog has been harassed by more bichon's then I can count! All it would take is for my dog to get tired of the little yapping turd (with the extremely unconscientious owner)

I am definitely not covered in tattoos, bald, and trying to be tough. I'm just an animal lover trying to make a good citizen out of a dog that could have remained in bad hands and become a danger. Any dog could. I have been rewarded with the best and most obedient dog I have ever had, the comfort of knowing my wife has a loyal protector when I'm away for business, and the owner of the most fought over date to my wedding (seriously, there was an argument over who got to be her caretaker at the wedding an walk he down the aisle.)

To anyone who claims that Thais can't handle dogs, my wife does an absolutely wonderful job with all animals, including our horses.

I would venture that many of the reactionist and presumptuous jackals who have posted dont know sh*t.

Have a good day smile.png

very very well said.

and there are by far more people like yourself who own the breed. Just good ones do not make the headlines.


is the most loving animal you ever meet,

How many times have I read that in the papers.

So............ selectively read about dogs and talk to voices too. Must be an authority on what to do with papers.

I my line of work dogs can be a hazzard, many of the people I work with carry a can or two of "Bite Back" (pepper spray for dogs), it is quite efective.

Supprising how many boneheads do not pay their Rent, Rates, Gas, Electricity, etc, but can afford to keep a big dog... or two.


RIP, hope the assailants get dealt with by police sad.png

The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

My standard serving of canned Purina, with a rat-poison chaser, has never served me wrong...disgusting creatures pit-bulls

One or 2 million of the owners could do with a feed round your way, England's full of Staff's i've got to be on the look out for my toddler daughter when at the park as they seem to be everywhere.

Whats wrong with a Cocker Spaniel or a Golden Labrador like when the country was civilised, just a normal family pet.

Anybody know where I can buy a pet gorilla?

What the heck is a Golden lab?

Why the need to put American in front of the type of dog? I don't believe "American" is included in formal naming the dog like a German Shepard of an Irish Setter regardless of orgin....

Again, the lack of accountability at any given chance...



RIP, hope the assailants get dealt with by police sad.png

The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

My standard serving of canned Purina, with a rat-poison chaser, has never served me wrong...disgusting creatures pit-bulls

One or 2 million of the owners could do with a feed round your way, England's full of Staff's i've got to be on the look out for my toddler daughter when at the park as they seem to be everywhere.

Whats wrong with a Cocker Spaniel or a Golden Labrador like when the country was civilised, just a normal family pet.

American Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bulll Terrriers are not the same thing....no comparison..


American Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bulll Terrriers are not the same thing....no comparison..

Absolutely , pits are much more lazy and docile, while staffs are a ball of energy and the only breed that can run itself to death if not stopped .


They're not the easiest dog to train and the owners in most cases are partially retarded and only get them as they make them look tough.

All dogs have the potential to turn, if these do its often ends in tragedy for small kids, this isn't the case with a normal dog.

any animal, even a cat can be a potential problem if in the wrong hands.

i strongly disagree about pitbull being hard to train, in fact its rather one of the easiest breeds to train, because they want to please the owner.

The problem in Thailand, when dog disobeys, it gets kicked and when obeys gets nothing, not exactly way to train an animal.

I have one, a pitbull, also found on the road, mistreated, sick, pregnant, broken leg, just to name a few problems.

Now she has been with me for almost 2 years and is the most loving animal you ever meet, cats sleep with her.

The only time she gets aggressive is when there is a timmid female dog around, which is easily controlled because i am aware of the problem and stop her before she gets into that mode.

Fair play you may be one of the decent owners, but there are a significant number who go for this kind of dog who are fools, and if this dog isnt raised 100% properly and goes off the rails its a killing machine.

For this reason alone itd be good to see them neutered to the point the become extinct.

There are by far more good owners than the bad ones, its the bad ones who give the breed the bad name.

As i said if its raised in the wrong hands, it is a strong and powerful weapon, but any dogs in the wrong hands is a killing machine.

Just look at some posters, if you let them raise a poodle it would attack.

Course it would, a Poodle is a big dog, bigger tthan a Pit Bull.


American Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bulll Terrriers are not the same thing....no comparison..

You mean the fact they are from the same lineage, the fact they look the almost identical apart from size, the fact they can both lock their jaw and are potentially dangerous animals there is no comparison. If you had said there is no comparison between a Staff and a Chihuahua i may go along with you.

You are so blinkered there is no point debating with you



News in the UK today, all dogs to be micro chipped by 2016, it will be a criminal offense not to have a dog chipped.

Just waiting for the boneheads to start shouting that they will not have their dogs chipped.

Personally I like to see a law that says you must have a breeders license to keep a un-neutered bitch, also making all breeders responsible for registering, vaccinating and chipping of all puppies before selling.

I agree, in an ideal world this would be the norm. Unfortunately, I could see it falling by the wayside as whose responsibility would it be to carry it out?

However, couldn't you imagine:

Cop walks up to man walking his dog: "excuse me, sir, does your dog have a license to carry those testicles?"

Would the owner of an unlicensed intact female get charged with carrying a concealed weapon?


But in all seriousness, if properly put in place, I would back that law 100%.


Iam not gonna battle on a forum like an Internet warrior as some of the other members enjoy doing. Rant complete. Some humans disgust me. Poisoning dogs, eradicated breeds... Where do you get off?? Disgusting, <deleted>!

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Iam not gonna battle on a forum like an Internet warrior as some of the other members enjoy doing. Rant complete. Some humans disgust me. Poisoning dogs, eradicated breeds... Where do you get off?? Disgusting, <deleted>!

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

- Mahatma Gandhi


American Pit Bulls and Staffordshire Bulll Terrriers are not the same thing....no comparison..

You mean the fact they are from the same lineage, the fact they look the almost identical apart from size, the fact they can both lock their jaw and are potentially dangerous animals there is no comparison. If you had said there is no comparison between a Staff and a Chihuahua i may go along with you.

You are so blinkered there is no point debating with you


I do not think you have a faintest clue not only about breeds but dogs in general, but keep on going. It's not what you know, it's what you appear to know on Internet .

Have you owned either breeds ?


Its not the dogs that are bad, but bad owners, I took in 2 abandoned pit bulls and they were great friendly dogs. that dogs wounds would have healed in a week or so. What happened to the cannot kill bit? try getting a vet to put down a dying dog, cannot Bhudda etc, but will run you up a nice bill of course.

As for attacks on humans well heres some stats, normal dogs up there by a long way

Another great bit of Pattaya's jurno work dog terrorizers village yet showed no sign of aggression when approached. do people actually buy this stuff?

The study concluded that dog attacks were most common with the following breeds:

  • Labrador retrievers: 13.3%
  • Pit Bulls: 8.4%
  • German Shepherds: 7.8%
  • Rottweilers: 3.9%
  • Chows: 3.5%

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In my Moo Baan their is an English guy who has one of these dogs and lets it roam around on its own, there are sometimes young children paying as well. I spoke to him and said why not take it for walks with a lead, told me to p#*s off and threatened me. I want to kill it & as as I dread the day I hear a child screaming - what would you do lemoncake?

best kill all the dogs as pitbulls are well down on the biting league, why do people always use same old same old child attacks, well I guess its an emotional statement based on ignorance of statistics. Guess you think you are better than the English guy, but you want to kill a dog for walking about not bothering anything.

by the way who are the kids "paying" has to be the BIB for sure.

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RIP, hope the assailants get dealt with by police sad.png

The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

So Cesar Millan who had a Pit Bull who helped him for years with other dogs in his program, is an "arsehol_e"?

One of Millan's many dogs, Daddy, was an American Pit Bull Terrier integral to Millan's work and his television series, Dog Whisperer.[26] Daddy was known for his calm temperament, tolerance for smaller dogs and capacity for empathy.[27] Prior to Daddy's death in February 2010 at age 16,[28] Millan selected another pit bull puppy, Junior, as Daddy's protégé — to apprentice with Daddy and learn his temperament.



Many people don’t know that Daddy originally belonged to rapper Redman. When the pit bull was four months old, Redman didn’t feel he could care for it properly in his environment. He sought a trainer and, through a referral, found Cesar. Daddy has been with the Millan family ever since!

Daddy was Cesar’s first right-hand dog. Since Cesar raised him from four months of age, Daddy was used to being around dogs of all sizes. This exposure and his natural balanced energy made him a perfect candidate for rehabilitating other dogs, particularly those with dog-aggressive issues. Daddy doesn’t react unless he is given a command to react, and his calm-submissive energy is contagious.

One of Daddy’s remarkable traits is his extreme tolerance for smaller dogs. He allows them to do whatever they want to him. Italian greyhounds Lita and Rex like to climb on top of Daddy, often curling around his body to go to sleep. Daddy is also a keen observer of emotion. If a family member is having a rough day or feeling sad, Daddy immediately picks up on it. He’ll lay at your feet and wait for a belly rub or a pat on the back. After receiving affection, he shakes it off and walks away. He does the same with dogs who seem down!

Often, in the morning, Daddy will let you know he’s awake by bringing you a gift: a shoe, a T-Shirt, or a stuffed toy. He’ll walk around with the item in his mouth, waiting for someone to notice. Then he lets you take it out of his mouth and walks away with his tail wagging. daddy01.jpg

On hot days, Daddy likes to dig holes in the ground and enjoy the cool reprieve they provide. Even more than that, he loves mud! The last time it rained, Daddy had a blast, rolling around like there was no tomorrow. When he came back, wagging his tail in greeting, he was completely brown. There was even mud in his nose!

As Daddy ages, the Millans have had to pay close watch to his health and bring him on frequent veterinary check-ups. As Redman does not plan on returning to Los Angeles, he felt that arranging for Daddy’s return to him would be too complicated, due to the dog’s age. The rapper decided that the dog would be better off staying with Cesar and officially signed Daddy over to the Millan family!

Read more: http://www.cesarsway...y#ixzz2K9GQ0Y8H


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What a dog daddy was! Iam not a 100% fan of Cesar's methods from training my dogs but the basic principles are spot on! Look at 2 of my babies, real "baby killers" ha ha!


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The dogs been going around biting people, lets hope its put down.

You can give most the strays a good kick to fend them off, but not a pitbull.

Owners of these kind of dogs are generally <deleted> the world over.

My standard serving of canned Purina, with a rat-poison chaser, has never served me wrong...disgusting creatures pit-bulls

Disgusting the dogs? Some owners maybe who teach them wrong or not at all.

But, I read "disgusting" posts from the, "usual suspects"! sick.gif

I just lost my small, 4 month young, very pretty and nice Pudel-Thai-Mix to a freely as it seems placed Rat Poison in the small rural Isaan Village!

Was very unpleasant, for me and my 5 year young son to see the dying mess! His last dying pee running threw my hands!

Yes, -DISGUSTING-! Who placed it at the wrong place! bah.gif

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