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Aussie Deaths In Thailand


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"Religious vengeance"??? One of the Thais said in court they were high on drugs and simply wanted to go out and kill a westerner... watch the video

I was referring to the source of the emotional insanity of avenge / revenge / vengeance. If you can find me an earlier source for these constructed ideas than the Holy Books of Yahweh, I will attribute correctly. Just because the invented emotional corruption in the Bible was intended to be All Rights Reversed shouldn't fool you into thinking that their constructed insanity is ever natural, human, self-serving, selfish or sane.

It simply isn't. That's their entire game.

The Yahweh religions inject a great deal of provably unnatural, corrupted distortions of emotion into the minds of children; it's easy to prove because take an emotion like (for example) jealousy or envy or racial hatred or revenge. All these and hundreds more are 100% sourced from the Holy Books of Yahweh. But name one (1) time in your entire life that your feeling one of those emotions served your best interests. Can you?

For me, they only produced endless cringing and shame and more shooting myself in the foot because shame is a self-perpetuating construct that is insane. You should never feel shame. You should feel embarrassed. Mortified. Never ashamed.

Religion's emotions have permeated their way throughout the entire globe and every aspect of Society and Culture. So you can cite me an earlier source for the invention of the insane constructed feeling of "vengeance" than the one (of many) I'm about to show you from the oldest source I can find; or you have concede that there is no such thing as "vengeance" but merely "religious vengeance".

It's a illusory construct designed to get people to hurt themselves hurting others who have hurt them (perhaps only inside their imaginations).

This is how it gets used as a pretext for genocide. Check it out:


Who is seeking revenge?

On behalf of whom?

And for what offence?

If you can't see the comparison with the motives of the Thai murderers to kill this good man who'd never done a thing to them, you need to clean your glasses and take another look.

At this juncture I am all for an eye for an eye. I would endorse Rory to take his own action.

I would endorse Rory making an unemotional decision that serves his and his family's best interests. I don't see how taking one more confused disposal human out of the picture can improve the picture. We have a bad picture and it's because people have a problem with truth and they lie lie lie and worst of all they lie to children.

And the product is emotional insanity. Killing a stranger who represents in your insane mind someone who was probably a world-class disposable human in your past. These people are insane. Putting them out of their misery would be a humane act of mercy but this is not a world where the law will tolerate anything humane.

You'll never find a report of someone who took this kind of revenge saying it was worth it. Or at least, I've never been able to find one.

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Yaba is the biggest problem in Thailand it is made cheaply in burma and thailand and the addicts go totally ting tong on it. it is behind a lot of the crime there.

I disagree. Yaba is pure filthy poison and it will make you go insane at some point, from what I understand of it. But you need to have a problem before yaba can become a problem, you know what I mean? Yaba (for all the rhetoric) is intended to be pain relief. The problem is whatever is causing the pain. Find out why people turn to yaba to relieve their pain (and fall into the trap of course) and you'll have the biggest problem in Thailand identified.

Yaba is merely the Supply which satisfies Demand and has the ability to manufacture it's own Demand (via addiction / dependence). But then it couldn't do that if it were regulated.

No one is dying from this medicine. It's not "crazy medicine" = the reason why no one is dying from meth-amphetamine. Blockaded and banned across the world. The dots are yours to connect, or ignore; as your capacity to cope with reality permits.


Whilst it is patently obvious this poor bloke was one of the good guys; the comments above regarding yobbos and wanke_rs are painfully and tragically valid.

This good man died because of those disposable humans; killed by more disposable humans who perceive colour and race in Humanity. There is only one race, the human race and we should stop calling what cannot be humane that name. They are a being of some kind but they are not human beings if they are empathy-bankrupt and emotionally insane.

Then most Thais are not human. You have a point.

I would swap Thais for "people" but I believe I have a very urgent and valid point, yes. What is the point of Humanity if humans haven't the capacity to be humane?

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Many young male tourists from all over the world come here looking for excitement, they pay no mind to others around them. They bank on the assumption that the Thais Will tolerate their behaviour. Eventually they run across some who won't. This is a cause of a good number of these 'problems'. Been here 11 years, not been a victim of any crime.

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Meanwhile in Hawaii, there have been 11 accidental deaths this year of non-residents. That's an accidental death every 3 and a half days.


Anyways, tourists should be careful wherever they go. A lot of people let their guard down and "go wild" during vacation and many never make it home alive.

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Yaba is not pain relief it just fries your brain and makes you do totally irrational things with your mind going a million miles an hour. Just look at the crystal meth problem in the states. The police hate dealing with meth addicts because they become irrational and hostile. Marijuana ,heroin and cocaine are more like pain relief drugs,although they of course create there own problems; generally they dont make the user hostile and users are not made mentally unstable long term as meth users are. Yaba is an insidious drug it makes the user lose touch with reality and do totally crazy things.

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Yaba is the biggest problem in Thailand it is made cheaply in burma and thailand and the addicts go totally ting tong on it. it is behind a lot of the crime there.

I disagree. Yaba is pure filthy poison and it will make you go insane at some point, from what I understand of it. But you need to have a problem before yaba can become a problem, you know what I mean? Yaba (for all the rhetoric) is intended to be pain relief. The problem is whatever is causing the pain. Find out why people turn to yaba to relieve their pain (and fall into the trap of course) and you'll have the biggest problem in Thailand identified.

Yaba is merely the Supply which satisfies Demand and has the ability to manufacture it's own Demand (via addiction / dependence). But then it couldn't do that if it were regulated.

No one is dying from this medicine. It's not "crazy medicine" = the reason why no one is dying from meth-amphetamine. Blockaded and banned across the world. The dots are yours to connect, or ignore; as your capacity to cope with reality permits. Yaba is not a drug that could be regulated it is an insidious drug which dramatically affects the rational thinking of a user more so than almost every other drug.


Whilst it is patently obvious this poor bloke was one of the good guys; the comments above regarding yobbos and wanke_rs are painfully and tragically valid.

This good man died because of those disposable humans; killed by more disposable humans who perceive colour and race in Humanity. There is only one race, the human race and we should stop calling what cannot be humane that name. They are a being of some kind but they are not human beings if they are empathy-bankrupt and emotionally insane.

Then most Thais are not human. You have a point.

I would swap Thais for "people" but I believe I have a very urgent and valid point, yes. What is the point of Humanity if humans haven't the capacity to be humane?

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Yaba is not pain relief it just fries your brain and makes you do totally irrational things with your mind going a million miles an hour. Just look at the crystal meth problem in the states. The police hate dealing with meth addicts because they become irrational and hostile. Marijuana ,heroin and cocaine are more like pain relief drugs,although they of course create there own problems; generally they dont make the user hostile and users are not made mentally unstable long term as meth users are. Yaba is an insidious drug it makes the user lose touch with reality and do totally crazy things.

Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

There are no methamphetamine addicts, so the police cannot hate dealing with them; they would have no dealings with patients taking methamphetamine as part of an overall treatment plan for their disorder.

There are no long-term methamphetamine users unless a very incompetent doctor is involved.

I do not think you understand what methamphetamine is. Perhaps you have methamphetamine (below) confused with another drug? One stealing it's name, perhaps? Like replica Rolex watches aren't the same as $20,000 Rolex timepieces you realise this yes?


It's strange how so many get confused about branding. This is methamphetamine.

I don't know what problems they are having with illicit poisons on the street but they're not having problems with methamphetamine. And anyone who would argue that what criminals are selling as "meth" is something similar to methamphetamine should disclose how they could possibly know that information and ask themselves whether they need a lawyer present to continue.


I cannot speak with authority on Yaba or it's effects but I understand human motivations very well and I'm telling you that the only people who take Yaba are in serious pain and are looking for relief. If they were not in pain or not suffering (existentially or 'depressed' when to not be depressed at their statistical chances in life would be manic / delusional), they would not need to take a powerful chemical to change the way they feel.

Every addict in the world is addicted to relief of pain; even addicts addicted to their mother's emotional validation or sex addicts or the obese or politicians who are addicted to power and its application - but perhaps the most damaging and insane of all addictions might be the addiction to love. That's just...tragic for the sufferers of that disorder. Many are killed and many die, but no one addicted to love lives a life of happiness. Love is too exclusive and needy to be sane.

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.


I'm curious, did you follow your own advise before continuing on with your post?

Yes clearly a certain level of functional intelligence was presumed at the readers' end. But if I have to explain the difference between a $20,000 watch:


and a $20 watch again, and explain how there is an incentive for the one party to label itself with the brand name of the other party's product, I run the risk of losing respect for those I'm attempting to communicate with.



This is methamphetamine.


Everything else you imagine to be "meth" is not methamphetamine. If it's not regulated by the FDA, it is poison of unknown chemical properties. Period. It's strange how so many get confused about branding in this, our intellectual property rights age.

I don't know what problems they are having with illicit poisons on the street but they're not having problems with methamphetamine. And anyone who would argue that what criminals are selling as "meth" is something similar to methamphetamine should disclose how they could possibly know that information and ask themselves whether they need a lawyer present to continue.

Medical use

Methamphetamine is a Schedule II drug in the United States and is sold under the name Desoxyn trademarked by the Danish pharmaceutical company Lundbeck.[12][13]

In United States, Methamphetamine has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in treating ADHD and exogenous obesity (obesity originating from factors outside of the patient's control) in both adults and children.[12]

Desoxyn may be prescribed off-label for the treatment of narcolepsy and treatment-resistant depression.[14]

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

There are no methamphetamine addicts, so the police cannot hate dealing with them; they would have no dealings with patients taking methamphetamine as part of an overall treatment plan for their disorder.

You are very mis-informed about the methamphetamine problems around the world then. This drug is abused by many people and has lead to so many problems, that governments have banned substances used to make the drug.

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Yaba is not pain relief it just fries your brain and makes you do totally irrational things with your mind going a million miles an hour. Just look at the crystal meth problem in the states. The police hate dealing with meth addicts because they become irrational and hostile. Marijuana ,heroin and cocaine are more like pain relief drugs,although they of course create there own problems; generally they dont make the user hostile and users are not made mentally unstable long term as meth users are. Yaba is an insidious drug it makes the user lose touch with reality and do totally crazy things.

Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

There are no methamphetamine addicts, so the police cannot hate dealing with them; they would have no dealings with patients taking methamphetamine as part of an overall treatment plan for their disorder.

There are no long-term methamphetamine users unless a very incompetent doctor is involved.

I do not think you understand what methamphetamine is. Perhaps you have methamphetamine (below) confused with another drug? One stealing it's name, perhaps? Like replica Rolex watches aren't the same as $20,000 Rolex timepieces you realise this yes?


It's strange how so many get confused about branding. This is methamphetamine.

I don't know what problems they are having with illicit poisons on the street but they're not having problems with methamphetamine. And anyone who would argue that what criminals are selling as "meth" is something similar to methamphetamine should disclose how they could possibly know that information and ask themselves whether they need a lawyer present to continue.


I cannot speak with authority on Yaba or it's effects but I understand human motivations very well and I'm telling you that the only people who take Yaba are in serious pain and are looking for relief. If they were not in pain or not suffering (existentially or 'depressed' when to not be depressed at their statistical chances in life would be manic / delusional), they would not need to take a powerful chemical to change the way they feel.

Every addict in the world is addicted to relief of pain; even addicts addicted to their mother's emotional validation or sex addicts or the obese or politicians who are addicted to power and its application - but perhaps the most damaging and insane of all addictions might be the addiction to love. That's just...tragic for the sufferers of that disorder. Many are killed and many die, but no one addicted to love lives a life of happiness. Love is too exclusive and needy to be sane.

Same shit, different label. In both cases the difference is quality.

Ya ba (also Yaba, Yaa baa, Ya baa or Yah bah; Thai: ยาบ้า, literally "madness drug") are tablets containing a mixture of methamphetamine and caffeine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ya_ba

Crystal Meth (Ya-Ice): Methamphetamine is the chemical n-mthyl-l-phenyl-propan-2-amine. It is known simply as Meth, ice, Tina or glass amongst many other street names.

Edited by waza
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Yaba is not pain relief it just fries your brain and makes you do totally irrational things with your mind going a million miles an hour. Just look at the crystal meth problem in the states. The police hate dealing with meth addicts because they become irrational and hostile. Marijuana ,heroin and cocaine are more like pain relief drugs,although they of course create there own problems; generally they dont make the user hostile and users are not made mentally unstable long term as meth users are. Yaba is an insidious drug it makes the user lose touch with reality and do totally crazy things.

Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

There are no methamphetamine addicts, so the police cannot hate dealing with them; they would have no dealings with patients taking methamphetamine as part of an overall treatment plan for their disorder.

There are no long-term methamphetamine users unless a very incompetent doctor is involved.

I do not think you understand what methamphetamine is. Perhaps you have methamphetamine (below) confused with another drug? One stealing it's name, perhaps? Like replica Rolex watches aren't the same as $20,000 Rolex timepieces you realise this yes?


It's strange how so many get confused about branding. This is methamphetamine.

I don't know what problems they are having with illicit poisons on the street but they're not having problems with methamphetamine. And anyone who would argue that what criminals are selling as "meth" is something similar to methamphetamine should disclose how they could possibly know that information and ask themselves whether they need a lawyer present to continue.


I cannot speak with authority on Yaba or it's effects but I understand human motivations very well and I'm telling you that the only people who take Yaba are in serious pain and are looking for relief. If they were not in pain or not suffering (existentially or 'depressed' when to not be depressed at their statistical chances in life would be manic / delusional), they would not need to take a powerful chemical to change the way they feel.

Every addict in the world is addicted to relief of pain; even addicts addicted to their mother's emotional validation or sex addicts or the obese or politicians who are addicted to power and its application - but perhaps the most damaging and insane of all addictions might be the addiction to love. That's just...tragic for the sufferers of that disorder. Many are killed and many die, but no one addicted to love lives a life of happiness. Love is too exclusive and needy to be sane.

Same shit, different label. In both cases the difference is quality.

Ya ba (also Yaba, Yaa baa, Ya baa or Yah bah; Thai: ยาบ้า, literally "madness drug") are tablets containing a mixture of methamphetamine and caffeine. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ya_ba

Crystal Meth (Ya-Ice): Methamphetamine is the chemical n-mthyl-l-phenyl-propan-2-amine. It is known simply as Meth, ice, Tina or glass amongst many other street names.

and yes its the same drug 20 million US children are prescribed and take daily

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

There are no methamphetamine addicts, so the police cannot hate dealing with them; they would have no dealings with patients taking methamphetamine as part of an overall treatment plan for their disorder.

You are very mis-informed about the methamphetamine problems around the world then. This drug is abused by many people and has lead to so many problems, that governments have banned substances used to make the drug.

So people on here are saying Aussies are not being murdered, they are simply dying from overdoses of methamphetamine which looks like they have been bashed, stabbed or shot. Everyone thought the BIB were crazy. Edited by chooka
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You never know, do you though? This tragic death could have been a drug incident. Just because the criminals say something doesn't mean it's automatically true right?

It's funny. For the judicial systems of the world processing illicit poison cases, it does! Whatever the criminal says, I suppose.

From what little I know of chemistry and medicine and contraindications and dosing and allergic reactions to additives added into the secret cocktail, I think it's disingenuous to pretend that criminals who make poisons are automatically telling the truth.

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@theycallme scooter;

From the link you suggested we read;

In 1983, laws were passed in the United States prohibiting possession of precursors and equipment for methamphetamine production. This was followed a month later by a bill passed in Canada enacting similar laws. In 1986, the U.S. government passed the Federal Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act in an attempt to curb the growing use of designer drugs. Despite this, use of methamphetamine expanded from its initial base in California throughout the rural United States, especially through the Midwest and South.[116] Government officials in many U.S. counties now report that meth is their most serious drug problem. Meth use is said to be particularly common in the American western states, where the substance is in high demand. States like Montana, South Dakota, Idaho, Colorado and Arizona have all launched extensive efforts – both private and public – to stop meth use.[117]

and also this link;


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  • 2 weeks later...

@theycallme scooter;

From the link you suggested we read;

Government officials in many U.S. counties now report that meth is their most serious drug problem. Meth use is said to be particularly common in the American western states, where the substance is in high demand. States like Montana, South Dakota, Idaho, Colorado and Arizona have all launched extensive efforts – both private and public – to stop meth use.[117]

Those government officials are confused about their 'efforts' to stop meth use. If psychiatrists are corrupt, they should investigate the medical industry because it is impossible to get meth-amphetamine from anyone but a licensed medical practitioner.


If they are battling another kind of poison and mistaking it for meth-amphetamine; one wonders how or why they would make such an elementary mistake as to believe the criminals who produce poison and claim they're producing the above medicine.

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

Well, you would be very much at odds with the facts - try Australia and New Zealand

From The Australian October 08, 2012

New Zealand and Australia have the highest rates of methamphetamine usage in the world. A little-known side-effect of the drug's popularity is the damage caused to properties where it is produced, because of the corrosive chemicals involved.

a quote referring to a United Nations report - way back in 2003

United Nations survey which found that New Zealand and Australia were second only to Thailand for methamphetamine use in 2001 - with 3.4% of our populations using the drug

and The New Zealand Herald May 16, 2009

From today the Herald begins a six-part series on the damage methamphetamine is doing to New Zealand. We examine how the drug gets in, its devastating effect on society and what we can do to fix the problem.

A huge surge in methamphetamine is overwhelming law enforcement authorities, which are struggling to cope with increasing supplies of the drug and its devastating effect on crime.

A Weekend Herald investigation has found methamphetamine, commonly known as 'P', is firmly established as New Zealand's worst drug problem, with sales of up to $1.5 billion a year.

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

Well, you would be very much at odds with the facts

The facts are what you are failing to recognise.

The facts are as follows:

  • Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmateuticals.
  • Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmateutical company.
  • You're talking about a poisionous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

It would appear that you do.

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Bogans giving Aussie a bad name worldwide.

A sub culture that is becoming mainstream in Australia unfortunately....it is a shame.
Put the bong down. Both of you..
No, seriously, Dave is right.

We've been in the western suburbs of Melbourne for the last few days; there were always a lot of bogans this side of town, but I've really been shocked by what I've been seeing. Bogan really is going mainstream, both on the streets and on TV. What we used to laugh at is now seen as being normal. Our flight back to Thailand can't come quickly enough.

So there's a choice...keep sending my kid to a Thai school, or back home to Bogan High...lol choices, choices...
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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

Well, you would be very much at odds with the facts

The facts are what you are failing to recognise.

The facts are as follows:

Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmateuticals.

Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmateutical company.

You're talking about a poisionous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

It would appear that you do.

fact is desoxyn is the brand name of methamphetamine produced by Lundbuck. Methamphetamine isn't the brand name, it is the name of the drug.

Panadol is paracetamol, I purchased some paracetamol yesterday that wasn't panadol, was that too an unknown poison or paracetamol?

Please explain how methamphetamine manufactured by anyone else, legally or illegally cannot be methamphetamine because it isn't desoxyn.

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

Well, you would be very much at odds with the facts

The facts are what you are failing to recognise.

The facts are as follows:

Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmateuticals.

Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmateutical company.

You're talking about a poisionous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

It would appear that you do.

fact is desoxyn is the brand name of methamphetamine produced by Lundbuck. Methamphetamine isn't the brand name, it is the name of the drug.

Panadol is paracetamol, I purchased some paracetamol yesterday that wasn't panadol, was that too an unknown poison or paracetamol?

Please explain how methamphetamine manufactured by anyone else, legally or illegally cannot be methamphetamine because it isn't desoxyn.

Because you cannot claim that a substance is a medicine when it has not be subjected to regulatory controls. Did you buy your paracetamol from this guy?


And if you did not, why wouldn't you?

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

Well, you would be very much at odds with the facts

The facts are what you are failing to recognise.

The facts are as follows:

Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmateuticals.

Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmateutical company.

You're talking about a poisionous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

It would appear that you do.

fact is desoxyn is the brand name of methamphetamine produced by Lundbuck. Methamphetamine isn't the brand name, it is the name of the drug.

Panadol is paracetamol, I purchased some paracetamol yesterday that wasn't panadol, was that too an unknown poison or paracetamol?

Please explain how methamphetamine manufactured by anyone else, legally or illegally cannot be methamphetamine because it isn't desoxyn.

Because you cannot claim that a substance is a medicine when it has not be subjected to regulatory controls. Did you buy your paracetamol from this guy?

And if you did not, why wouldn't you?

I didn't claim anything about medicine, no-one did except you. The topic spoke about illegal drugs, which don't exist apparently because they aren't being sold as medicines and you don't trust the people that sell them.
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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

The facts are as follows:

Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals.

Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmaceutical company.

You're talking about a poisonous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

It would appear that you do.

Because you cannot claim that a substance is a medicine when it has not be subjected to regulatory controls.

I didn't claim anything about medicine, no-one did except you. The topic spoke about illegal drugs, which don't exist apparently because they aren't being sold as medicines and you don't trust the people that sell them.

Illegal poisons are sold in the inner city street corners of every major metropolitan city on the planet. Meth-amphetamine is a medicine.

You will not be buying meth-amphetamine that isn't Desoxyn or a generic (which is supposed to be identical to the brand name med but I have a history with Alprozolam and Xanax and I'm telling you that I've never come across a generic which is the same as the brand name med - placebo effect, perhaps; but very unlikely). Meth-amphetamine is a wonder medicine that has been used for nearly a century and continues to be used right now without any negative side effects (unless abused, but you know you can have negative side effects if you abuse [insert any noun here]; did you know the damage you can do with a kitchen fork? We must ban kitchen forks TODAY!)

I said that there is no meth-amphetamine problem in the world today. There has never been one. There will never be one. This is a fact. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that the government and media lie sometimes. There is a poisonous drug problem where everyone is keen to take criminals at their word all of a sudden. How peculiar. Be that as it may, there is no meth-amphetamine problem in the world today. There has never been one. There will never be one. This is a fact.

If you have been led to believe otherwise, you should question why you were lied to.

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Please Google the word "methamphetamine". You may discover you have a lot to learn about that medicine.

There is no methamphetamine problem in the US, or anywhere else (though I'm fairly certain you can only buy methamphetamine in the US - it is not available anywhere else in the world, apparently).

The facts are as follows:

Meth-amphetamine is produced by Lundbeck Pharmaceuticals.

Meth-amphetamine is produced by no other pharmaceutical company.

You're talking about a poisonous, addictive killer drug that the criminals who make it have labelled 'meth'.

Personally, I do not consider the word of criminals to be synonymous with facts.

It would appear that you do.

Because you cannot claim that a substance is a medicine when it has not be subjected to regulatory controls.

I didn't claim anything about medicine, no-one did except you. The topic spoke about illegal drugs, which don't exist apparently because they aren't being sold as medicines and you don't trust the people that sell them.

Illegal poisons are sold in the inner city street corners of every major metropolitan city on the planet. Meth-amphetamine is a medicine.

You will not be buying meth-amphetamine that isn't Desoxyn or a generic (which is supposed to be identical to the brand name med but I have a history with Alprozolam and Xanax and I'm telling you that I've never come across a generic which is the same as the brand name med - placebo effect, perhaps; but very unlikely). Meth-amphetamine is a wonder medicine that has been used for nearly a century and continues to be used right now without any negative side effects (unless abused, but you know you can have negative side effects if you abuse [insert any noun here]; did you know the damage you can do with a kitchen fork? We must ban kitchen forks TODAY!)

I said that there is no meth-amphetamine problem in the world today. There has never been one. There will never be one. This is a fact. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you that the government and media lie sometimes. There is a poisonous drug problem where everyone is keen to take criminals at their word all of a sudden. How peculiar. Be that as it may, there is no meth-amphetamine problem in the world today. There has never been one. There will never be one. This is a fact.

If you have been led to believe otherwise, you should question why you were lied to.

that stuff you put in bold... actually, all that you typed... please back it up with something, you know a citation to make it resemble a fact, to at least uphold some intellectual honesty, and don't say because "I said" because that just makes people tired...

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Methamphetamine ("meth") is an addictive stimulant that strongly activates certain systems in the brain. "Crystal meth" is a very pure, smokeable form of
methamphetamine. Meth is a crystal-like powdered substance that sometimes comes in large rock-like chunks. When the powder flakes off the rock,

the shards look like glass, which is another nickname for meth. Meth is usually white or slightly yellow, depending on the purity. Crystal meth looks

like clear crystal chunks, like ice. Methamphetamine can be taken orally, injected, snorted, or smoked.

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Methamphetamine ("meth") is an addictive stimulant that strongly activates certain systems in the brain. "Crystal meth" is a very pure, smokeable form of

methamphetamine. Meth is a crystal-like powdered substance that sometimes comes in large rock-like chunks. When the powder flakes off the rock,

the shards look like glass, which is another nickname for meth. Meth is usually white or slightly yellow, depending on the purity. Crystal meth looks

like clear crystal chunks, like ice. Methamphetamine can be taken orally, injected, snorted, or smoked.

Methamphetamine addiction is psychological, not physical, a big difference to the likes of opiates.

@TheyCallmeScooter: Still do not understand your posts regards methamphetamine. Of course meth produced in illegal drug labs may not be 100% pure and may have other numerous chemicals in the final product. Law enforcement agencies around the world have kits for testing of the presence of methamphetamine to initiate an arrest for non prescribed usage. So can you please clarify your stance.

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There are also the Australians you don't read about, they enjoy their holiday, keep to them selves ,enjoy the wonderful Thai culture, take lots of photos and talk about their great holiday in Thailand for a long time after wards,

there are cesspools of crime and temptation in every country, you go to a place to party hard,let go of all moral attachments and wipe yourself out, Thailand accommodates this as well, only the stakes are higher and you can pay with life, limb or pocket, still very memorable years afterwards, it's just to dangerous not to have your wits about you here, it can be a jungle and there are a lot of predators out there,ready to pounce at the first chance you give them, Aussie yobos are also unwanted in Australia, horrid behaviour, but they are Australian citizens, we just can't shoot them...lol ... the days of the great Australian bloke are unfortunately behind us, just a humble opinion from a good bloke...lol whistling.gif

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