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Yep, everything better in the USA. There are things like inches, AKIs and root beer laugh.png

Or should i just take the fuel that is most expensive? You get what you pay for. Maybe the cheaper fuels are from china and rated in CKIs (Chinese Knock Index)? blink.png

Inches I know about. But what are AKIs? And what root is the beer made out of?


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Taking this topic slightly sideways, but still wondering what the issue is with ethanol. Having lived in Brazil where 100% ethanol has been available at the pump for decades, it seems strange that Brazilian cars (not sure about motorbikes) in almost all cases can take the pure ethanol. These engines are called "flex" engines. There's even cars with "tetraflex" engines which can take ethanol, standard petrol, high-octane petrol, CNG and LPG. These are cars from mainstream brands like VW, Toyota, etc. however they appear to only be available in Brazil, and everywhere outside of Brazil the ethanol content of the gas can easily become an issue for engines for some reason.

According to Brazilians, pure ethanol gets you less mileage (one litre of ethanol gets less kms than one litre of petrol) however it is cheaper so the difference gets kind of cancelled out.


This topic was just what I was looking for!

So, please tell me . . . . . having just got myself a Suzuki ZX400 Desperado V-twin, what colour stuff should I be putting in it?



95 benzine. It only has 5% of whacked ethanol. I am sure your bike is a candidate for a benzine base fuel. Whatever you do stay away from E-20 unless you want to be pushing the bike around Samui. Lots of discussion on TV on the subject now. Your bike's fuel was originally built for a low percentage of ethanol & will run the best with the lowest amount of ethanol gasahol or cut in general. Ptt it is yellow.....You can usually tell it is the most expensive 46-47 baht a liter now.


This topic was just what I was looking for!

So, please tell me . . . . . having just got myself a Suzuki ZX400 Desperado V-twin, what colour stuff should I be putting in it?



95 benzine. It only has 5% of whacked ethanol. I am sure your bike is a candidate for a benzine base fuel. Whatever you do stay away from E-20 unless you want to be pushing the bike around Samui. Lots of discussion on TV on the subject now. Your bike's fuel was originally built for a low percentage of ethanol & will run the best with the lowest amount of ethanol gasahol or cut in general. Ptt it is yellow.....You can usually tell it is the most expensive 46-47 baht a liter now.

Aha - thanks - much as I thought.

Went to gas up my jeep today and saw a yellow "gasoline" pump. Woss this then? (No other markings on it!)

Confusinger and confusinger.

Maybe that's what people with big bikes will need to do in the very near future - buy a pony and use it to pull your bike around the place while yelling brm brm brm mush mush brm brm brm



This topic was just what I was looking for!

So, please tell me . . . . . having just got myself a Suzuki ZX400 Desperado V-twin, what colour stuff should I be putting in it?



95 benzine. It only has 5% of whacked ethanol. I am sure your bike is a candidate for a benzine base fuel. Whatever you do stay away from E-20 unless you want to be pushing the bike around Samui. Lots of discussion on TV on the subject now. Your bike's fuel was originally built for a low percentage of ethanol & will run the best with the lowest amount of ethanol gasahol or cut in general. Ptt it is yellow.....You can usually tell it is the most expensive 46-47 baht a liter now.

Aha - thanks - much as I thought.

Went to gas up my jeep today and saw a yellow "gasoline" pump. Woss this then? (No other markings on it!)

Confusinger and confusinger.

Maybe that's what people with big bikes will need to do in the very near future - buy a pony and use it to pull your bike around the place while yelling brm brm brm mush mush brm brm brm


If the station is PTT yellow is 95% benzine w/5% gasahol it should be 46-47 baht a litter. I pretty much go by price & ask if not at a PTT.


This topic was just what I was looking for!

So, please tell me . . . . . having just got myself a Suzuki ZX400 Desperado V-twin, what colour stuff should I be putting in it?



95 benzine. It only has 5% of whacked ethanol. I am sure your bike is a candidate for a benzine base fuel. Whatever you do stay away from E-20 unless you want to be pushing the bike around Samui. Lots of discussion on TV on the subject now. Your bike's fuel was originally built for a low percentage of ethanol & will run the best with the lowest amount of ethanol gasahol or cut in general. Ptt it is yellow.....You can usually tell it is the most expensive 46-47 baht a liter now.

Aha - thanks - much as I thought.

Went to gas up my jeep today and saw a yellow "gasoline" pump. Woss this then? (No other markings on it!)

Confusinger and confusinger.

Maybe that's what people with big bikes will need to do in the very near future - buy a pony and use it to pull your bike around the place while yelling brm brm brm mush mush brm brm brm


If the station is PTT yellow is 95% benzine w/5% gasahol it should be 46-47 baht a litter. I pretty much go by price & ask if not at a PTT.

Wrong again, Benzine does not contain gasohol/gasahol, it contains 5% Ethanol and is as pure benzine/gasoline you will buy.


And it turns out that every fuel here contains gasohol in some proportion.

Wrong, No fuel here contains gasohol.

Ok I,m confused ! Why is it called gasohol then ???

Because it is a blend between gas (benzene) and ethanol.

All fuels here have some content of ethanol.

And what about the now dissappeared "old" benzine 91 ??????? did that also had ethanol in it???

If not: was that the reason it's banned now??

Still concerned about my 2 stroke bikes.

Yesterday my old TZR had a seized piston on it's first tank of benzine 95 (i'm using premix)

In another thread from clarequilty he described a problem with an old Honda Nova having problems with that bike ( and also running it on benzine 95)

will benzine 95 ( a disguised form of gasahol) kill the old 2 strokes???


Benzine 91 also had a small percentage of enthanol in it, all Gasoline/Benzine fuels do as it is used for anti-knock purposes.

No idea why your bike seized with a switch to 95 as it should have run the same, the only reason for using 95 (if 91 is also available) is due to having a higher compression motor that needs the extra octane.



Wrong again, Benzine does not contain gasohol/gasahol, it contains 5% Ethanol and is as pure benzine/gasoline you will buy.

Quote from previous post:

95 benzine. It only has 5% of whacked ethanol. I am sure your bike is a candidate for a benzine base fuel. Whatever you do stay away from E-20 unless you want to be pushing the bike around Samui. Lots of discussion on TV on the subject now. Your bike's fuel was originally built for a low percentage of ethanol & will run the best with the lowest amount of ethanol gasahol or cut in general. Ptt it is yellow.....You can usually tell it is the most expensive 46-47 baht a liter now.

Any whack in whatever they put in the fuel is just to drive the profit margin for the oil companies & the Government. It isn’t implemented because it is better …Just makes the fat cats fatter!


So you quoted something that was incorrect, glad I could right the wrong.

Benzine 91 contains 5% Ethanol (this is not in dispute as it is used as an anti-kock agent).

For Benzine to contain 5% Gasohol (instead of 5% Ethanol) the percentage of Ethanol would be miniscule, I would love for Benzine to have 5% Gasohol.


So you quoted something that was incorrect, glad I could right the wrong.

Benzine 91 contains 5% Ethanol (this is not in dispute as it is used as an anti-kock agent).

For Benzine to contain 5% Gasohol (instead of 5% Ethanol) the percentage of Ethanol would be miniscule, I would love for Benzine to have 5% Gasohol.

And I would love for benzine to be just benzine. Cut is cut. I don't believe you would find many people in the 80's era whacking anything they were consuming!

Still all in all it is a low grade filler used to cut the potency of the real Mccoy Eh?


So you quoted something that was incorrect, glad I could right the wrong.

Benzine 91 contains 5% Ethanol (this is not in dispute as it is used as an anti-kock agent).

For Benzine to contain 5% Gasohol (instead of 5% Ethanol) the percentage of Ethanol would be miniscule, I would love for Benzine to have 5% Gasohol.

And I would love for benzine to be just benzine. Cut is cut. I don't believe you would find many people in the 80's era whacking anything they were consuming!

Still all in all it is a low grade filler used to cut the potency of the real Mccoy Eh?

In the 80's it was Tetraethyl lead being added for anti-knock purposes

In the 90's it was hydrocarbons and alkenes added to increase the octane for anti-knock purposes.

These days it is Ethanol.

Tell me in what era did you buy pure benzine/gasoline that had not been "cut" ?


So you quoted something that was incorrect, glad I could right the wrong.

Benzine 91 contains 5% Ethanol (this is not in dispute as it is used as an anti-kock agent).

For Benzine to contain 5% Gasohol (instead of 5% Ethanol) the percentage of Ethanol would be miniscule, I would love for Benzine to have 5% Gasohol.

And I would love for benzine to be just benzine. Cut is cut. I don't believe you would find many people in the 80's era whacking anything they were consuming!

Still all in all it is a low grade filler used to cut the potency of the real Mccoy Eh?

In the 80's it was Tetraethyl lead being added for anti-knock purposes

In the 90's it was hydrocarbons and alkenes added to increase the octane for anti-knock purposes.

These days it is Ethanol.

Tell me in what era did you buy pure benzine/gasoline that had not been "cut" ?

OK Now it looks like your just looking to argue.

& your justbeatdeadhorse.gif .

The fuel I used in the 80's 90's & 2000's up to was Sunoco 104 octane . It was 106 earlier in the years. previous when we had unleaded I was using unleaded 116 octane which has been superceded by 114 octane. That & on the track nitrous oxide for my funny cars at sears point & fontana raceway.

I like to get things close to the purest I can get it. No MSG in the food- & no water in a Martini or whatever cocktail I am drinking to cut it down. I don't even care for beer with ice cubes in it.


In the U.S. I use only 104 octane Sunoco gt plus from either South Sanfransisco or the Sonoma infineon race track (formerly Sears Point!) Not available to the open public -only if you have valid credentials & compete every year to hold your licences.

I won't burn anything in my bikes liters & up back home. And ya it makes a huge difference both in preformance & in the pocketbook. But it contains no horseshit in the fuel just fuel.It is available in higher octanes if you burn leaded(which I don't)

If bikes or cars were meant to burn corn or casaba the corn or casaba wuld be flamable. You guys ever try to burn casaba to get rid of it....Not ever gonna happen. The <deleted> is just non combustable. I think I would be better off trying to use Earl Schiebs paint refuse than trying to burn casaba. Not a backer of this loser way to duff up the fuel. Making all vehicles burn on unleaded was the only thing the governments -fuel companies & any other people involved in the decision have done in a positive manner for containing polutants.

Go Yellow go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a hoot. Trying to explain to Thailand about Sears Point, and then Earl Schieb is quite a leap that I don't know if people here can grasp. (From a Californian. I love it.) Good memories. Had an Earl Schieb paint job or two in the late 60's. "I will paint any car for $29.99". Thanks


I got my first shreib job it was just 19.99 The paint job was so piss poor it was the last Earl job I ever got. curtains running down the quarter panel. Orange peel on the hood trunk. AYYYYYY. Sears point is the killer <deleted> for a road track.

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