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Sugarcane Pest Management


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Hi there. I know we don't see a lot on here regarding sugarcane. I need to know about managing termites. I have them on one plot. It has just been cut and I want to replant a portion of it and dress the remainder for regrowth. I am google researching the topic. I have asked the locals, and I'll go up to a couple of stores that sell pesticides and ask them, but does anyone is the farming forum know anything about managing termites in sugarcane?? I kind of want to get going on this. I have so many projects going right now that this is how they are going......"ok, I have space in my head now to think about this one and we'll start it in a couple of days. What do I need, and what are my problems?" So anyways, my problems now are termites and I don't know what I need yet.


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Thanks for that. Some old-timers around here recommend salt, at 2-3 kg per 50 kg of fertiliser. They say that the chemical solution is extremely toxic, so they prefer salt. Anyone hear of salt as an effective solution?

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Thanks for that. Some old-timers around here recommend salt, at 2-3 kg per 50 kg of fertiliser. They say that the chemical solution is extremely toxic, so they prefer salt. Anyone hear of salt as an effective solution?

I would never purposely put salt on any ground. I have been told that plowing down neem leaves and replanting is about the best solution, however, one farmer that I know of used a chisel plow between the rows to breakup the termite tunnels. So far his crop looks good. I'd be skeptical that a pesticide could get into their tunnels.

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At the store today the owner suggested a chemical remedy. We'll try it. He also said that he would not recommend salt. We will replant half the field because it was not good this year and we will carry on with the other half because it was ok aside from lack of water. We'll drill fertilise the half that is not being replanted so that should break up the little bastards tunnels and homes and then we'll spray the chemical...I forget what it is called.

BTW Furadan has been banned for sale and use in Thailand according to this shop owner.

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