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Don't Get Employed By......

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Hi Fellows,

I have a bad experience with this company. And I feel very sad giving up my job in my home country just to be employed by this bastards. Sadly too, right now I'm still here but I'm just bidding my time, I have been here for less than 3 months but there are at least 5 instances where I have a problem with this company. When I signed my contract, everything seemed fine, and also I thought that they were a great company since they are multi national and also a big company, but what the hel_l. The indians running this company sucks. I want to go into details, but you might just not like it.

I am just writting this so as to warn you guys. I am not saying that all Indian companies suck but this one #######company really is. So when they offer you a contract just think a hundred times first before you accpet. By the way, I am an SAP consultant and if you know someone in need of one just let me know so I can escape from this hel_l of a company.

Thanks a lot.

**mod note: If you remain annonymous while making accusations about a company it's hardly fair, so I've edited out the company name**

Edited by cdnvic
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If you can't or won't give us any details, how do we know it isn't just sour grapes? From the tone of your post, it seems to me it could just be your attitude.

There are cultural differences between farangs and Thais that need to be considered. The attitude exhibited in your post would create problems working with locals. You must deal with Thais (including any Indians) very carefully or you will have problems.

Could it be you brought the diffiuclties down on yourself?

Edited by lanny
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it shilarious that everyone comes to teh defence of the dodgy company. makes me question the character not of the op but of the follow up. the board is full of this sentiment.

sucking up to the govt, support for volunteer pigs that harrass fellow falang - its just too funny.

if this guy is working as an 'english teacher' we should all know quite well that the entire world is full of shark-schools who have not the students and esp the teachers interets at heart.

NEVER TEACH ENGLISH in thailand. highest requirements, lowest pay anywhere in asia PLUS the visa hassles and whiny owners/students. PLUS you have to pay minimum of 40000 baht for lisc to 'teach' even though you have higher education than 98.5% of Thai population.

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sucking up to the govt, support for volunteer pigs that harrass fellow falang - its just too funny.

Also hilarious is that when falangs finally get around to owning schools, they typically treat their fellow falangs in the same harassing way.


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it shilarious that everyone comes to teh defence of the dodgy company. makes me question the character not of the op but of the follow up. the board is full of this sentiment.

sucking up to the govt, support for volunteer pigs that harrass fellow falang - its just too funny.

if this guy is working as an 'english teacher' we should all know quite well that the entire world is full of shark-schools who have not the students and esp the teachers interets at heart.

NEVER TEACH ENGLISH in thailand. highest requirements, lowest pay anywhere in asia PLUS the visa hassles and whiny owners/students. PLUS you have to pay minimum of 40000 baht for lisc to 'teach' even though you have higher education than 98.5% of Thai population.

What does this thread has to do with english teaching I wonder?! :o Or why is it still open at all? :D

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this is my reply to those who reply to my previous post

first of all, sorry for not replying quickly, this is because my other user got banned here

so i made another one. i don't know how that happened though.

someone there said i was stupid, yes i think i am since i gave up a good job back home for my current job.

someone said i have some bad attitude, yes man i have a mean streak but it only comes out when someone steps over me and treat me

like crap. someone said i am a SAP, yes I am an SAP consultant. someone said i did these to myself, yes also since if I were not here

these things wouldn't have happened to me.

now let me state some of the facts for my previous post:

- i came in here as soon as possible since they ask me to come in here to fill their vacant post, this means i have to shoulder all the

fess with some pare processing in my country so i can fly in and work here. i was supposed to get hotel accomodation as per company policies

yet they billeted me in a serviced apartment and to top it all, they put me in a place that i needed to share with another person. Well that alone

somewhat started my bad impressions with this company since they can't deliver on their promises.

- then i filed for reimbursements of the fees i payed back home. i was promised to get it after 15 days, well the time elapsed and i am still not getting

the money so i followed it up with them and guess what, the reason for the delay was because it is a holiday in india and will not get credited until after 2 days more.

that is now 2 hits and a cock and bull story it was. this was the first time a multi national company i worked for had that reason for a delay

- well, i still had some patience back then. next stop they were rewritting some of the things in my offer letter to convert the money mentioned to be in THB. Well

when iread through there were lots of difference both in the position and also on the compensation so I emailed them and guess what they said sorry and it was just a typo error

whew...what crappy people they have...3 hits now men...this keep getting better

- so the offer letter was now good and it said that the days i worked for before my work permit will be payed by something termed as joining bonus and i did get that.

but guess what during my first salary, they deducted it back and when I asked the reply was we forgot about it. we will just credit it back on your next pay...what incompetence

- last one which made me furious and decided it is time is when my salary was the one that gets delayed now, the reason they gave me was a little more amusing and made my blood boil.

they said it is because i had a different bank than the one they had so transfer will take longer. <deleted>...why didn't they tell me that the first time? and also

if that is so they they can just ask everyone to have that bank...\

now guys tell me...put yourself in my shoes, what would you feel?...i just wrote this piece and the pice before just to issue a warning to all fellow farangs.

thanks for your time in reading this.

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Well, so far you've described payments which were a few days late, some accounting mistakes (or misunderstandings?), and staying in a serviced apartment instead of a hotel.

With all due respect, it doesn't sound that terrible :o. I wish these were my problems in business in Thailand :D

Edited by ~G~
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well..man i know this maybe just little things...but when a compnay can't deliver what you had been promised in the contract you signed...it is called breach of contract...also what i can't understand is whenever something is delayed they always come up with some cock and bull story like you have a different bank and it is holiday in india...that's one crappy reason, why you asked because i work in thailand and not in india...and also i worked for other multinational firms and guess what, they don't get delayed and you get what you were promised and what is written in your contract....you work hard and you should be paid with what you work for, you come to work in time and you should receive everything in time also...i am not writting to rip them apart or bad mouth them since i don't have an ax to grind with them...i am just too frustrated and am warning you to think a lot of times before going to this company....a great pay is not enough, you must get a good treatment and so far everything they have done to me is really bad....even if it is only one minute or once stang...you get what you work for and this is not what i deserve.....

thought of the day...if you want headaches and frustrations, work for this company and figure out for yourself

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thought of the day...if you want headaches and frustrations, work for this company and figure out for yourself

Headaches and frustration??!

Try to run a company where nobody is promising you a salary at all, working with service providers who take your money and run, overseas suppliers who promise A and deliver B, 3 weeks later when your customers are furious, customers who think if they paid you for a certain service it make them eligible for other services free of charge, infinitely, government fees that never end, employees who behave like spoiled children, etc., etc.

Or Employee's horror stories? A Thai girl want to work in a beauty saloon, the owner says she's not qualified enough, and says she must pay 10,000 baht to be trained. Then, after receiving the money, a few weeks later finds an excuse to kick her out. No refunds.

Or.. A Thai farmer from Issan wants to go to work overseas. The HR company promises good job with a great salary. He just needs to pay 200,000 baht to get it. Well, most get it, some don't. Try to get your money back.

Or.. Thai Life Insurance gets yearly payments from poor population in Issan. I don't know how they convince them to do it, but they do. Do you think they make it easy to collect the money when it's due?

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Yes, I'm inclined to agree with ~G~ on this - admittedly the things that have happened are frustrating, but not exactly the sort of earth shattering calamity that you seem to feel.

In the first few weeks or months in almost any company, and especially here in Thailand, you will always end up with a few frustrations, but things will settle down.

The different bank excuse is one I was on the receiving end of, so I asked what bank they used and opened an account - once the pay is in, you just take it and transfer it to your main operating account - nothing difficult about that.

The holiday in India excuse is a bit pathetic, but they can't pull that one every month, so if you get delayed by a couple of days just put up with it and see what happens next time - I used to work with a company in Singapore that couldn't pay me at the end of the month because the MD was away in KL, the next day when he returned they still couldn't sign the cheque because the other director was away - they obviously thought they could get away with this for a while, but I told them to get each director/MD to sign WHEN THEY WERE THERE instead of waiting for BOTH of them to be at the office together...usually it's simply the stupidity of the accounts department.

As for the shared apartment - you don't say if this is a permanent situation or if they simply needed time to get you sorted out into a place of your own - I agree that it is not acceptable to lure an employee with the promise of an apartment, then expect you to share with a perfect stranger (unless it's a very attractive and friendly young lady of course). If the contract clearly states that they will provide you with an apartment, I suspect that they simply need "reminding" of that fact.

Many companies do try it on like this - you just have to be on top of it and make sure you get what you signed for - but these really aren't major problems compared with the sorts of difficulties that many of us have faced - I will admit though, that what seems very small and insignificant to an outsider is often enough to drive the one on the receiving end right around the bend!

Take it easy - sit back and think about it very clearly first - if it is truly something you cannot accept, then fair enough.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do anyway - it's your life and you must live it the best way you see fit, not anyone else.

\edit - spelling

Edited by Greer
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How many times do you need to be disappointed, before you leave a company? For you, many, many times. For me, once. Why did you stay? Reading your posts, I'm reminded of the workers who have remained at Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch, you haven't gotten paid. "It's been 6 weeks...7 weeks...4 months...10 months..." Why would they stick around without getting paid? Why would you?

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it shilarious that everyone comes to teh defence of the dodgy company. makes me question the character not of the op but of the follow up. the board is full of this sentiment.

sucking up to the govt, support for volunteer pigs that harrass fellow falang - its just too funny.

if this guy is working as an 'english teacher' we should all know quite well that the entire world is full of shark-schools who have not the students and esp the teachers interets at heart.

NEVER TEACH ENGLISH in thailand. highest requirements, lowest pay anywhere in asia PLUS the visa hassles and whiny owners/students. PLUS you have to pay minimum of 40000 baht for lisc to 'teach' even though you have higher education than 98.5% of Thai population.

It's been a while since I've read such an inaccurate and bullshit-laden post on this forum. Plus completely off topic of course.

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