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4-In-1 Vaccine For Thailand To Materialise Soon


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UK measles outbreak linked to vaccine scare

London is holding its breath, trying not to catch the measles.

Experts say a sudden surge in cases of the contagious disease in Wales suggests a vaccination scare 10 years ago is now bearing dangerous fruit.


Edited by whybother
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UK measles outbreak linked to vaccine scare

London is holding its breath, trying not to catch the measles.

Experts say a sudden surge in cases of the contagious disease in Wales suggests a vaccination scare 10 years ago is now bearing dangerous fruit.


This scare was largely down to one man - Wakeman - and the utter incompetence and stupidity of the media who went for the headlines rather than research.....and of course it was as ever, the Daily Mail who carried the banner for the blinkered and the ignorant.

The saddest thing is that this thread shows that there are still people around who believe in this charlatan even though he has been show to be wrong time and again.

People die of measles.......

Edited by francescoassisi
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  • 4 months later...


I found this post below in another forum on Thai Visa Posted by Prakanong & was wondering what year did this start?

My soon to be wife is from Buriram and Phitasnulok trying to find out if she has had the Hep B as once married we would like to try for children straightaway, she was born in 1981

Thanks in advance


Posted 2007-09-10 16:53:05

The Thai Immuniation schedule for Children

So the HBV1 is followedup at month 2 or 3 with HBV2 then HBV3 at 6-12 months

DTP1/PV1/Hib1 and optionally RV1 (rotavirus) at month 2

The second of the above 2 months immunisations at 4 months and the 3rd at 6 month but without RV

JE and MMR at 9-12 months with JE having 2 at 2 weeks apart.

Flu at 6 months

Var at 12 months onwards and Hep A at 2.5 years onwards

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In Australia the courts have made the anti vaccination mob shut down because they were using lies and inuendo to scare people off imunisation. The only people not getting imunised are the conspiracy theorists as these days all these medications have to be tested and proven safe to use. If you do not imunise you can be signing your childs death warrant, think on it. Several kids died in oz due to the stupidity of these anti imunization crazies, they are all wanke_rs that use lies/made up theories with no real proof what so ever

Edited by seajae
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UK measles outbreak linked to vaccine scare

London is holding its breath, trying not to catch the measles.

Experts say a sudden surge in cases of the contagious disease in Wales suggests a vaccination scare 10 years ago is now bearing dangerous fruit.


This scare was largely down to one man - Wakeman - and the utter incompetence and stupidity of the media who went for the headlines rather than research.....and of course it was as ever, the Daily Mail who carried the banner for the blinkered and the ignorant.

The saddest thing is that this thread shows that there are still people around who believe in this charlatan even though he has been show to be wrong time and again.

People die of measles.......

this is as bad as those mothers that put the kids that had the disease in with those not yet imunized than watched as they started to die due to their stupidity, whooping cough did the same amongst the conspiracy theorists in Australia with babies dying.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Right... 'Cos Thalidomide never happened in the UK... Blue Baby Syndrome never occurred as a result of too much fluoride doctoring the water supplies...

I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing..

That said, I'm highly sceptical of new vaccinations.

But, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, TB and Hep B are not new as individual vaccinations which if not taken could have catastrophic results.

I would be inclined question a 'one covers all cocktail' though, at least until thoroughly proven over decades of trials.

Well designed independent studies have conclusively shown there is no causative link between autism and vaccinations. The age that signs of autism appear coincides with thee age at which the initial vaccine series is completed, that's all.

The various website links shown above are nto reputable sources. At least one of them (Mercola) is linked to a multi-million dollar industry pushing quack treatments.

The DPT-Hb combination is not new, and it has already been tested and is already widely used in many countries (including the US). All that is new is that it will be manufactured in Thailand.

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Medicine has still only uncovered the tip of the iceberg on what causes immune-system and cognitive disorders, and there are many studies that point north south east and west on pretty much every synthetic chemical that is in the human sphere. What seems to be becoming irrefutable is that many of the diseases which are on the rise, are caused not so much by a single chemical, or a multi-vaccine, but by the cumulative effects on the brain and immune system of living in the modern world and being bombarded with chemicals from the womb onwards.

This imho is why there are so many heated debates and conflicting studies, the damage is gradual and cumulative, at least for most people. Obviously some people have a severe reaction to one specific shot or pill, which makes the headlines, but generally there seems to be a gradual erosion of the immune system and cognitive function which is caused by long term exposure to many different chemicals, including over the counter meds and flu-shots, and water-treatment chemicals and of course pesticides.

And science is still playing catch-up, which is what we must expect since humans lived for over a hundred thousand years without any synthetic chemicals, then suddenly these agents arrived in the 20thC and became a daily fact of life, so we are still in the very first stages of seeing the effects, especially trans-generational effects. What will the tenth generation of synthetic-chemicals humans be like, we just don't know yet. Its also true that a lot of big pharma is engaged in cover-ups of data, and they do put profits before lives, this is a historical fact. But underlying all this is that science doesn't actually know yet, it is very difficult to isolate one agent when the average human is eating, drinking and breathing modern synthetic chemicals all day long.

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Medicine has still only uncovered the tip of the iceberg on what causes immune-system and cognitive disorders, and there are many studies that point north south east and west on pretty much every synthetic chemical that is in the human sphere. What seems to be becoming irrefutable is that many of the diseases which are on the rise, are caused not so much by a single chemical, or a multi-vaccine, but by the cumulative effects on the brain and immune system of living in the modern world and being bombarded with chemicals from the womb onwards.

This imho is why there are so many heated debates and conflicting studies, the damage is gradual and cumulative, at least for most people. Obviously some people have a severe reaction to one specific shot or pill, which makes the headlines, but generally there seems to be a gradual erosion of the immune system and cognitive function which is caused by long term exposure to many different chemicals, including over the counter meds and flu-shots, and water-treatment chemicals and of course pesticides.

And science is still playing catch-up, which is what we must expect since humans lived for over a hundred thousand years without any synthetic chemicals, then suddenly these agents arrived in the 20thC and became a daily fact of life, so we are still in the very first stages of seeing the effects, especially trans-generational effects. What will the tenth generation of synthetic-chemicals humans be like, we just don't know yet. Its also true that a lot of big pharma is engaged in cover-ups of data, and they do put profits before lives, this is a historical fact. But underlying all this is that science doesn't actually know yet, it is very difficult to isolate one agent when the average human is eating, drinking and breathing modern synthetic chemicals all day long.

This poster obviously has no idea what the "immune system" actually is or does.

Furthermore vaccinationable diseases are NOT on the increase where vaccines are used...have you noticed any smallpox lately? Diseases like polio only spear where vaccination programme have not been present or not administered.

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  • 1 month later...

Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

This myth has been shown to be nonsense time and time again. Sad thing is that the above post is a perfect example of someone confusing association with cause as proof.

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  • 5 months later...

Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Right... 'Cos Thalidomide never happened in the UK... Blue Baby Syndrome never occurred as a result of too much fluoride doctoring the water supplies...

I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing..

That said, I'm highly sceptical of new vaccinations.

But, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, TB and Hep B are not new as individual vaccinations which if not taken could have catastrophic results.

I would be inclined question a 'one covers all cocktail' though, at least until thoroughly proven over decades of trials.

Vaccines have never prevented anything apart from health, sanity and common sense.


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some do not like vaccinations. I get it.

I personally have no problems with it.

I get the annual flu vaccination when i can remember to. NO Problem!

but given what i've learn about TL's pharmaceutical industry

Neither myself nor my baby (if i had one) will be first in line.

I'll still let my baby get it. but maybe i'll take a quick vacation to Oz or the US.whistling.gif

for vaccinations for myself, i'll make sure the vaccine is "mature" first whistling.gif

To make a sensible decision you need to do some proper research which would show you that vaccines cause far more harm including deaths than the diseaeses they are used against.

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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

This myth has been shown to be nonsense time and time again. Sad thing is that the above post is a perfect example of someone confusing association with cause as proof.

I suggest you don't blindly believe everthing the mainstream media tell you. I have researched vaccination for 20 years and have arrived at the inevitanle conclusion that vaccination is a particularly vile form of organised crime.


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There are literally hundreds is websites that rail against vaccinations for one reason or another...some use religion, mysterious "energies' or pseudo science..but none of them have any real scientific basis for this.

It is difficult to sort the real from the butter or scam, but it is also a common mistake by many to confuse "big pharma" with good science km and then jump to illogical conclusions about real science that may save your life.

Vaccinology is junk science, not science.


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The people who do not have vaccinations are the reason we still have many of these diseases. If everyone was vaccinated many of these diseases would simply die out. The unvaccinated provide the pool of infection for future generations. The biggest cause of autism is currently considered to be sperm from men over 45 passing on damaged genetic material which would not happen if the men were younger.

2 points. #1. How many of these vaccinated autistic kids had 50 or so year old dads?

#2 How many of these families are desparately looking to find something else to blame it on?

Seriously, if you are a male over 45 think twice before creating anothe child. The odds are not good regarding the cluster of conditions that surround the Autism or Aspergers diagnosis. Vaccinations outweigh the risk of the disease, without deducting the dodgy sperm from aging fathers.

If you do not believe me Google or Wiki it & read for yourself.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Idiots. NEVER get vaccinations.




And hundreds of articles more. My friends Thai wife had his son vaccinated and now has autism. Ditto on three others I know. I hear the excuse all the time 'Thai people do' and I shudder. Ignorance of Thai people from the scientific and biological understanding of their anatomy is simply outrageous. And when Governments team up with Big Pharma, the issue is compounded immensely. It is simply criminal and no recourse whatsoever.

Right... 'Cos Thalidomide never happened in the UK... Blue Baby Syndrome never occurred as a result of too much fluoride doctoring the water supplies...

I think you should back off a little on the Thai Bashing..

That said, I'm highly sceptical of new vaccinations.

But, Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Typhoid, TB and Hep B are not new as individual vaccinations which if not taken could have catastrophic results.

I would be inclined question a 'one covers all cocktail' though, at least until thoroughly proven over decades of trials.

This is nothing new, the 4 in one (which is just a mixture of the 4 different vaccines, NOT a new vaccine effective against the 4 diseases) is already in wide use worldwide.

What will be new is that it will be manufactured in Thailand.

Does that mean that newborns have not been given the individual vaccines up until now? I know that China gives the Hep B at birth because of the very strong causation relationship in liver cancer. Surely Thai kids are given that one, given the very high incidence of liver cancer here . The new thing is the combination, right...not that they are getting additional vaccines?

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