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Yingluck: 2013 Will Be The Year Of Thailand


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All that rice, mountains of it, How long will it keep before it goes mouldy, or rats and cockroaches ants and the like have had their fill. ??

From what we saw in parliament last week the day has already arrived. And it was interesting that the PTP bunch didn't address the rotten rice but was totally upset that the jig was up and one of the opposition who is after all a government official had the audacity to go into a government controlled rice storage facility to check the rice.

You can bet that according to PTP accounting that rice is still valued at what they hope to get for it.

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The fact is that the economic and political situation now is the best it has been since the coup.

The prospects for 2013 look good compared to the last few years and maybe this administration actually deserve some recognition for this, given the state of the country when they took over.

What has the current administration done worthy of recognition? I don't suppose you want to talk about the millions of tons of rice rotting away, the loss of exports and even more important, the loss of reputation for quality rice. Not to mention that they plan to continue this insanity even though they are unable to currently cover the cost, I expect they'll use borrowed money.

Billions of baht in investment from auto companies, 30% plus rise in the SET and a stable and appreciating currency and almost no unemployment. I can think of many countries who wish they could say the same thing.smile.png UK, USA, France, ...........

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I've arrived at the opinion that Thailand is 29 years behind in the Orwellian calendar and before long the Thai years will alternate between that cat and the crab rather than following the Chinese cycle.

I know the smell of newspeak when it wafts up from my Super AMOLED

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Growing the economy and high speed rail. Thats wonderful.

Of course no mention of the growing gang and youth violence, nothing on the violence in the south, nothing on the growing problem with human trafficking, child prostitution and slave labor.

No mention of investing in the totally outdated electrical grid. the almost non existent waste water treatment facilities, air, water and industrial pollution disaster.

I wont even go into the rampant and ever expanding corruption problems.

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Like when Thaksin was in charge or before that when the 5 armies were fighting in Thailand in the 1960's

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Growing the economy and high speed rail. Thats wonderful.

Of course no mention of the growing gang and youth violence, nothing on the violence in the south, nothing on the growing problem with human trafficking, child prostitution and slave labor.

No mention of investing in the totally outdated electrical grid. the almost non existent waste water treatment facilities, air, water and industrial pollution disaster.

I wont even go into the rampant and ever expanding corruption problems.

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Like when Thaksin was in charge or before that when the 5 armies were fighting in Thailand in the 1960's

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Not sure what you mean. These are all problems that are being ignored today by Yingluck. Granted, As they where before.
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Growing the economy and high speed rail. Thats wonderful.

Of course no mention of the growing gang and youth violence, nothing on the violence in the south, nothing on the growing problem with human trafficking, child prostitution and slave labor.

No mention of investing in the totally outdated electrical grid. the almost non existent waste water treatment facilities, air, water and industrial pollution disaster.

I wont even go into the rampant and ever expanding corruption problems.

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Like when Thaksin was in charge or before that when the 5 armies were fighting in Thailand in the 1960's

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Not sure what you mean. These are all problems that are being ignored today by Yingluck. Granted, As they where before.

The rest of South East Asia would love to be like Thailand and Singapore. I first came to Thailand 40 years ago and the progress has been immense and far greater than any other country in the region with the exception of Singapore.smile.png

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Growing the economy and high speed rail. Thats wonderful.

Of course no mention of the growing gang and youth violence, nothing on the violence in the south, nothing on the growing problem with human trafficking, child prostitution and slave labor.

No mention of investing in the totally outdated electrical grid. the almost non existent waste water treatment facilities, air, water and industrial pollution disaster.

I wont even go into the rampant and ever expanding corruption problems.

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Like when Thaksin was in charge or before that when the 5 armies were fighting in Thailand in the 1960's

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Not sure what you mean. These are all problems that are being ignored today by Yingluck. Granted, As they where before.

The rest of South East Asia would love to be like Thailand and Singapore. I first came to Thailand 40 years ago and the progress has been immense and far greater than any other country in the region with the exception of Singapore.smile.png

So you think Thailand should spend 2 trillion baht on a high speed train, before they upgrade or even build any of the infrastructure that I mentioned above?
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You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Like when Thaksin was in charge or before that when the 5 armies were fighting in Thailand in the 1960's

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Not sure what you mean. These are all problems that are being ignored today by Yingluck. Granted, As they where before.

The rest of South East Asia would love to be like Thailand and Singapore. I first came to Thailand 40 years ago and the progress has been immense and far greater than any other country in the region with the exception of Singapore.smile.png

So you think Thailand should spend 2 trillion baht on a high speed train, before they upgrade or even build any of the infrastructure that I mentioned above?

I think the economies of the West are struggling with unemployment and falling currencies and loss of industry. Thailand has none of those problems. I would let them decide what to do as they are doing a much better job at it than most Western countries.

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Growing the economy and high speed rail. Thats wonderful.

Of course no mention of the growing gang and youth violence, nothing on the violence in the south, nothing on the growing problem with human trafficking, child prostitution and slave labor.

No mention of investing in the totally outdated electrical grid. the almost non existent waste water treatment facilities, air, water and industrial pollution disaster.

I wont even go into the rampant and ever expanding corruption problems.

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Like when Thaksin was in charge or before that when the 5 armies were fighting in Thailand in the 1960's

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Not sure what you mean. These are all problems that are being ignored today by Yingluck. Granted, As they where before.

The rest of South East Asia would love to be like Thailand and Singapore. I first came to Thailand 40 years ago and the progress has been immense and far greater than any other country in the region with the exception of Singapore.smile.png

Unquestionably, Malaysia has easily outpaced Thailand in progress over the past 40 years. From being below Thailand then to being at a higher level of progress than Thailand today.

Some would also include considering where Vietnam is today as compared to 40 years ago as also making more dramatic progress than Thailand. While it may not equal Thailand's overall level today, the advancement it has made has been to a bigger degree.


Edited by Buchholz
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Why are you scared to answer a simple question?

Because I'm not dumb enough to think I can direct the economic advancement of a whole country. I don't have a PhD in economics. Nor do I have the experience in addition to or in lieu of it to presume such a task. I don't know who is doing it but whoever is should give the USA a call. They would be very happy to have the same level of unemployment.

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You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Like when Thaksin was in charge or before that when the 5 armies were fighting in Thailand in the 1960's

You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Not sure what you mean. These are all problems that are being ignored today by Yingluck. Granted, As they where before.

The rest of South East Asia would love to be like Thailand and Singapore. I first came to Thailand 40 years ago and the progress has been immense and far greater than any other country in the region with the exception of Singapore.smile.png

Unquestionably, Malaysia has easily outpaced Thailand in progress over the past 40 years. From being below Thailand then to being at a higher level of progress than Thailand today.

Some would also include considering where Vietnam is today as compared to 40 years ago as also making more dramatic progress than Thailand. While it may not equal Thailand's overall level today, the advancement it has made has been to a bigger degree.

Vietnam and Malaysia would love to trade places with Thailand.

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Why are you scared to answer a simple question?

Because I'm not dumb enough to think I can direct the economic advancement of a whole country. I don't have a PhD in economics. Nor do I have the experience in addition to or in lieu of it to presume such a task. I don't know who is doing it but whoever is should give the USA a call. They would be very happy to have the same level of unemployment.

I ask you if it be prudent to spend 2 trillion baht on a high speed rail system before having an adequate power grid or a waste water treatment system or being able to deal with the industrial pollution that is poisoning this countries citizens. I dont believe you need a PhD to answer that question.
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lol,@ CMK, Thailands economy is dependant on foriegn companies, foriegn investment and foriegn tourists, the only area that Thai are totally independant in is argiculture, mainly rice and look what a bang up job they are doing there.

Rice is less than 10% of the Thai economy. For the rest I am not teaching econ 101 any more for free.biggrin.png

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Why are you scared to answer a simple question?

Because I'm not dumb enough to think I can direct the economic advancement of a whole country. I don't have a PhD in economics. Nor do I have the experience in addition to or in lieu of it to presume such a task. I don't know who is doing it but whoever is should give the USA a call. They would be very happy to have the same level of unemployment.

Looking at Spain, 30% unemployed, most Euopean countries 10% +

Now you keep saying Thailand has near 0 % unemployed, the figures are from who???? are they the same propaganda figures that T.A.T. put out. ??? Apart from big population cities, 70 % of Thai is rural, and a large part of that rural workforce is NOT accountable, they do not report to anyone, no surveys are carried out in local ares, and a person only has to go around ALL these areas during normal working hours to find biggest % are sleeping, taking the cows to the water hole, gambling, and a host of boys and girls getting monies from the post office-sent by thier boyfriends. this must make them employed.

LOOK I am not bashing Thai people they do what they want--freestyle and good luck to them, but when someone posts like you, and believes the figures I feel I have to dispute them.

Who is someone like me? http://www.theodora....nd_economy.html

Unemployment rate:

1.2% (2010 est.)

Thailand Unemployment RateUnemployment Rate in Thailand decreased to 0.39 percent in November of 2012 from 0.56 percent in October of 2012. Unemployment Rate in Thailand is reported by the Bank of Thailand. http://www.tradingec...employment-rate

As of 13 June 2012 Thailand's Economic Fact Sheet

Thailand’s jobless rate drops to 0.73% http://thailand-busi...73#.URb9JXbI9ok

The above is me and includes all the financial institutions in the world. All the banks and all the economic experts think Thailand's unemployment rate is below 1%. As opposed to you; an expat walking around Issan.

GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 13.3%

industry: 34%

services: 52.7% (2011 est.)


Edited by chiangmaikelly
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Why are you scared to answer a simple question?

Because I'm not dumb enough to think I can direct the economic advancement of a whole country. I don't have a PhD in economics. Nor do I have the experience in addition to or in lieu of it to presume such a task. I don't know who is doing it but whoever is should give the USA a call. They would be very happy to have the same level of unemployment.

Looking at Spain, 30% unemployed, most Euopean countries 10% +

Now you keep saying Thailand has near 0 % unemployed, the figures are from who???? are they the same propaganda figures that T.A.T. put out. ??? Apart from big population cities, 70 % of Thai is rural, and a large part of that rural workforce is NOT accountable, they do not report to anyone, no surveys are carried out in local ares, and a person only has to go around ALL these areas during normal working hours to find biggest % are sleeping, taking the cows to the water hole, gambling, and a host of boys and girls getting monies from the post office-sent by thier boyfriends. this must make them employed.

LOOK I am not bashing Thai people they do what they want--freestyle and good luck to them, but when someone posts like you, and believes the figures I feel I have to dispute them.

Who is someone like me? http://www.theodora....nd_economy.html

Unemployment rate:

1.2% (2010 est.)

Thailand Unemployment RateUnemployment Rate in Thailand decreased to 0.39 percent in November of 2012 from 0.56 percent in October of 2012. Unemployment Rate in Thailand is reported by the Bank of Thailand. http://www.tradingec...employment-rate

As of 13 June 2012 Thailand's Economic Fact Sheet

Thailand’s jobless rate drops to 0.73% http://thailand-busi...73#.URb9JXbI9ok

The above is me and includes all the financial institutions in the world. All the banks and all the economic experts think Thailand's unemployment rate is below 1%. As opposed to you; an expat walking around Issan.

Fact.... look at my post again, never mind where you get your figures, If you do not believe me, then you do NOT get around much. ME "walking around Issan" Ha Ha. have a place in Jomptien also have wheels -M/c and car. Don't tar all with the same brush. I live in a country I love. So I am mistaken about 70% of rural Thailand being fully employed JOKE.....Because you have 2 cows and a buffalo, and half the year you cut rice, you are fully employed. Please answer who monitors the rural folk ??? how many unemployment -or jobless centres are they to count the unemployed ???.
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You mean you want to go back to the good old days? Not sure what you mean. These are all problems that are being ignored today by Yingluck. Granted, As they where before.

The rest of South East Asia would love to be like Thailand and Singapore. I first came to Thailand 40 years ago and the progress has been immense and far greater than any other country in the region with the exception of Singapore.smile.png

Unquestionably, Malaysia has easily outpaced Thailand in progress over the past 40 years. From being below Thailand then to being at a higher level of progress than Thailand today.

Some would also include considering where Vietnam is today as compared to 40 years ago as also making more dramatic progress than Thailand. While it may not equal Thailand's overall level today, the advancement it has made has been to a bigger degree.

Vietnam and Malaysia would love to trade places with Thailand.

Is that what their respective leaders said in their phone conversations with you?




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Because I'm not dumb enough to think I can direct the economic advancement of a whole country. I don't have a PhD in economics. Nor do I have the experience in addition to or in lieu of it to presume such a task. I don't know who is doing it but whoever is should give the USA a call. They would be very happy to have the same level of unemployment.

Looking at Spain, 30% unemployed, most Euopean countries 10% +

Now you keep saying Thailand has near 0 % unemployed, the figures are from who???? are they the same propaganda figures that T.A.T. put out. ??? Apart from big population cities, 70 % of Thai is rural, and a large part of that rural workforce is NOT accountable, they do not report to anyone, no surveys are carried out in local ares, and a person only has to go around ALL these areas during normal working hours to find biggest % are sleeping, taking the cows to the water hole, gambling, and a host of boys and girls getting monies from the post office-sent by thier boyfriends. this must make them employed.

LOOK I am not bashing Thai people they do what they want--freestyle and good luck to them, but when someone posts like you, and believes the figures I feel I have to dispute them.

Who is someone like me? http://www.theodora....nd_economy.html

Unemployment rate:

1.2% (2010 est.)

Thailand Unemployment RateUnemployment Rate in Thailand decreased to 0.39 percent in November of 2012 from 0.56 percent in October of 2012. Unemployment Rate in Thailand is reported by the Bank of Thailand. http://www.tradingec...employment-rate

As of 13 June 2012 Thailand's Economic Fact Sheet

Thailand’s jobless rate drops to 0.73% http://thailand-busi...73#.URb9JXbI9ok

The above is me and includes all the financial institutions in the world. All the banks and all the economic experts think Thailand's unemployment rate is below 1%. As opposed to you; an expat walking around Issan.

Fact.... look at my post again, never mind where you get your figures, If you do not believe me, then you do NOT get around much. ME "walking around Issan" Ha Ha. have a place in Jomptien also have wheels -M/c and car. Don't tar all with the same brush. I live in a country I love. So I am mistaken about 70% of rural Thailand being fully employed JOKE.....Because you have 2 cows and a buffalo, and half the year you cut rice, you are fully employed. Please answer who monitors the rural folk ??? how many unemployment -or jobless centres are they to count the unemployed ???.

70% of Thailand is not employed in agriculture

GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 13.3%

industry: 34%

services: 52.7% (2011 est.)

Take a ride two hours South from Pattaya to Rayong and see the real Thailand.

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[...] All the banks and all the economic experts think Thailand's unemployment rate is below 1%. [...]

They also thought that Greece was fit to join the Euro zone, and that investing in real estate in Spain was a smart idea - until reality struck.

So what do you think the unemployment rate in Thailand is and why? Or do you think the worlds economy does not know?

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The rest of South East Asia would love to be like Thailand and Singapore. I first came to Thailand 40 years ago and the progress has been immense and far greater than any other country in the region with the exception of Singapore.smile.png

Unquestionably, Malaysia has easily outpaced Thailand in progress over the past 40 years. From being below Thailand then to being at a higher level of progress than Thailand today.

Some would also include considering where Vietnam is today as compared to 40 years ago as also making more dramatic progress than Thailand. While it may not equal Thailand's overall level today, the advancement it has made has been to a bigger degree.

Vietnam and Malaysia would love to trade places with Thailand.

Is that what their respective leaders said in their phone conversations with you?


If you disagree with what I said try expressing that and not attacking me personally.

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