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Ed-Visa Expiration?

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I have been in Thailand almost 9 months already on a Ed-visa to learn Thai. I have signed up for 12 months of school. As of today I have completed half of the required hours. So I don't see how the school can finish the other half in 3 months time.

My Ed-visa does not have a expiration date that I can see on it only a stamp of when it was started. In March I will be going to the Immigration office for my 3rd visit.

My question is: Is there a expiration for a ed-visa? Can the school give me my documents to go to immigration for a 4th and maybe 5th time for my 90 day extensions, till I complete the full amount of hours for the school?

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I have been on top of my 90 day extension stamps with the immigration office. This March will be my 3rd visit.

I was wondering if the immigration office has a time limit for me, or if the school can keep giving me the paper work to file for extensions till I complete the hours of school I paid for?

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As of today I have completed half of the required hours.

Did you do 2 hours a week during this 9 months or did you register for more than 4 hours a week?

I did not pay for the advance package so I am at their scheduale. So I have done 3 hrs a week. But with their scheduale with teacher sick days and holidays it seems that there is alot less hours.

Edited by keithet
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You need to discuss with school as some can continue teaching for years and others less (depending on there study course) - believe you pay on a yearly basis at most.

Yes I paid on a 12 month basis. Im not sure in their books, if 12 months meen 1 year or with holidays and teacher sick days if that is acounted and exstended to as much time needed to make their time meet the hours???

I actualy have a apountment with the school tomorow. I was hoping for helpful information with questions I want to ask them.

I actualy enjoy learning Thai, and have alot of fun using what I have learned on a daily basis. I hope to learn to read Thai also in the future. wai.gif

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The Thai language school I attended in Chiang Mai counted the actual number of hours spent in the classroom. The full course was the standard 180 hours spent in 2 - 3 hour sessions per week. If the teacher had a day off, or a holiday fell on a normal class day, that didn't count toward the number of hours purchased. Only time where the class and teacher were available counted (if I didn't show up - tough cookies). For instance: 180 hours divided by 6 hours per week = 30 weeks or, 7 months. My course ran from June 5th to the end of January 31, or 8 months (extensions covering 12 months). The extra month was for teacher sick days, and holidays etc. If your school does not do that you are not getting what you paid for. BTW - my school's language course is designed to run over a 3 year period (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced) therefore, I can extend the original entry for that length of time, 3 years. A second BTW - my school required 180 hours minimum first year, with a minimum of 150 hours each succeeding year to qualify for the normal one year extensions (It was explained that is a Thai Immigration rule) plus the normal 90 day reports. A third BTW - I only had to apply for extension 2 times in the first year. One 90 day 1,900 baht extension and one 185 day (to complete one full year) 1,900 baht extension. I also had to do the normal 90 day (no charge) reports. You mileage may vary.

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