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Pope Benedict Xvi Says He Will Resign On February 28 Due To Old Age


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He has a unique chance in the next two weeks to rectify himself, blow the lid off many things, do something for humanity and go out with a bang!

Which of course won't happen and he'll slide quietly away to do what retired pope's do.......................what do retired popes do?

go to heaven.

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The only decent decision the man ever made. He is a despicable human being who helped cover up for child abusing priests in his previous job as Vatican "enforcer". He forbade the Bishop of Boston to call in the police to arrest a priest for raping a child because he said the priest was still young and had a promising career ahead of him. Promising to do what? More rape and molestation. Covering up a rape is a crime and he should be rotting in jail not sitting around waiting for his beatification from that joke of a church.

So wrong he actually spoke up against the Catholic Church in 2005 Google his speech about the ills..
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He's done what a lot of non-dynamic leaders do: maintain the status quo and the archaic orthodoxy of an out of touch institution. As long as he (or anyone in that sort of authoritative position ) tells his flock that condoms and all other forms of birth control are wrong, then he remains a ding dong in my estimation. The harm the Catholic Church lays upon the little people (raped girls, unwanted pregnant teenagers, and tens of millions of others) is profound. Up in their ivory towers, the Church bosses are exacerbating overpopulation and all the suffering that comes with it.

The message of the Catholic church is to have sex with the person you love only, don't twist it. The Catholics are probably the most progressive branch of Christianity, they embrace science, evolution, the big bang, and all that stuff. Their position towards modern knowledge is, let science explain everything it can, but leave the soul to us. When Ratzinger tells the catholics that condoms are wrong, he and his flock know that it's an ideal, not dogma, up to them what they actually do. Catholics believe in the separation of state and church (except perhaps in Ireland), unlike many Muslims, and protestant churches. They don't live according to the rules established by the good book, they don't take it face value, they don't try and force those rules upon people of other beliefs anymore. And if there is the occasional catholic pedophile, so be it. Not as common as in Pattaya. Ratzinger is not responsible for them anyway, not any more than is Queen Elisabeth II for a British kiddie fiddler.

Ratzinger is a good pope, maybe the best for centuries. Not a pop star like his predeccesor, but humble and wise. Wrote a lot of books I don't know what about, but read theologians were delighted. Adressed poverty, social injustice, destruction of the environment, global warming, named their true causes, called for change. Worked hard on the reconciliation with other religions.

Here endeth the first lesson and re-write of history.

The catholic church has a somewhat colourful history and has persecuted many over the years. I believe there has been consderably more than the "occasional catholic peadophile" - from within the priesthood and wider congregation. They have latterly "embraced science" and tried to be more modern to gain credibility with a more educated and independent populace. If you want to believe they are the most progressive branch of christianity then fine, that's up to you, but I wonder based on what criteria. Do you really have evidence that the current pope has "addressed poverty, social injustice. global warming etc etc. Or did he just write about it? He certainly chose to ignore doing anything about the problems with the peadophiles rife within his religion.

Probably time for a change.

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He has a unique chance in the next two weeks to rectify himself, blow the lid off many things, do something for humanity and go out with a bang!

Which of course won't happen and he'll slide quietly away to do what retired pope's do.......................what do retired popes do?

go to heaven.

He's not dead just retiring!

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Well the catholic bowels are in an uproar. Nostradamus predicted the end of the world when a black pope was in the Vatican and with the lightning, it looks like curtains for the Catholics. Hope it's not their women and children too..

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Maybe he had a problem with his blind eye, the one he turned to the abuse of so many children by the catholic priests.

One lives in hope but hopefully next guy a little more enlightening and maybe accept contraception.

I guess your not Catholic as it seems you know little about the man.
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Is it against the Catholic religion to appoint someone who is not ready to croak before they take office? I believe this pope was appointed just 8 years ago. Why not get some young blood in the Catholic Vatican mofia clan and get realistic about the 21st Century? Being against birth control and making their members all over the world feel guilty to use birth control is only adding to the poverty around the world- especially in poor countries. And the stand against divorce and gays. Look at the Philippines for an example if you want to see the reason why that country isn't going anywhere-devout Catholics that won't divorce and have large families they cannot support. People are not stupid anymore to believe "rules" that date back 2000 years ago. No wonder the Catholic churches are empty; they no longer relate to the people. Just a bunch of cronies with their heads in the Vatican sand.

Edited by endure
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He's done what a lot of non-dynamic leaders do: maintain the status quo and the archaic orthodoxy of an out of touch institution. As long as he (or anyone in that sort of authoritative position ) tells his flock that condoms and all other forms of birth control are wrong, then he remains a ding dong in my estimation. The harm the Catholic Church lays upon the little people (raped girls, unwanted pregnant teenagers, and tens of millions of others) is profound. Up in their ivory towers, the Church bosses are exacerbating overpopulation and all the suffering that comes with it.

The message of the Catholic church is to have sex with the person you love only, don't twist it. The Catholics are probably the most progressive branch of Christianity, they embrace science, evolution, the big bang, and all that stuff. Their position towards modern knowledge is, let science explain everything it can, but leave the soul to us. When Ratzinger tells the catholics that condoms are wrong, he and his flock know that it's an ideal, not dogma, up to them what they actually do. Catholics believe in the separation of state and church (except perhaps in Ireland), unlike many Muslims, and protestant churches. They don't live according to the rules established by the good book, they don't take it face value, they don't try and force those rules upon people of other beliefs anymore. And if there is the occasional catholic pedophile, so be it. Not as common as in Pattaya. Ratzinger is not responsible for them anyway, not any more than is Queen Elisabeth II for a British kiddie fiddler.

Ratzinger is a good pope, maybe the best for centuries. Not a pop star like his predeccesor, but humble and wise. Wrote a lot of books I don't know what about, but read theologians were delighted. Adressed poverty, social injustice, destruction of the environment, global warming, named their true causes, called for change. Worked hard on the reconciliation with other religions.

....spoken like a true apologist. Let's face it, the C. Church hierarchy only appears to adopt modern ideas when it's pulled along by the tide of public awareness (while trying to pull in new converts, which it's failing to do). If left to its own devices, it would still be back in the days of dungeons and burning heretics at the stake.

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In Paris, a band of lesbians (the "femen" bah.gif ) celebrates the news by going topless inside Notre Dame cathedral.



We are waiting they do the same inside a mosque ...

At the same time in Egypt a bearded man insults a woman who doesn't wear a veil hiding her face. She takes off her shoe and slap him


Now we are talking real courage !! thumbsup.gif


Edited by JurgenG
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In Paris, a band of lesbians (the "femen" bah.gif ) celebrates the news by going topless inside Notre Dame cathedral.



We are waiting they do the same inside a mosque ...

At the same time in Egypt a bearded man insults a woman who doesn't wear a veil hiding her face. She takes off her shoe and slap him


Now we are talking real courage !! thumbsup.gif


WAAAAAY TO GO !!! ......Egyptian woman taking dynamic action against butt-plug accuser. Photos like that should be shown to every Muslim female ww, from age 4 to 84 - for inspiration and motivation. Today is the 1st day of a century of stuffing proselytizing men's noses up their butt holes. The Pope included.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The reviews are pouring in. Uh oh!


IN EIGHT years as pope, Benedict XVI’s boldest act may have been his last one.


The pope presided over a faith whose demographic center of gravity has shifted to Latin America, Africa and Asia, yet he chose to focus his ministry on an attempt to revive Catholicism in Europe, including its most conservative elements. By some important measures, he failed.


He did precisely what is written in the bible . . . no need to focus on the 'healthy' areas, i.e. where Catholicism is growing . . rather focus on where effort is needed to revive the dwindling numbers.

Nothing wrong with that.

I'm not Catholic and have no negative nor positive feelings towards the institution, but from a business perspective he is doing the right thing - the first pope to do so in 700 years. Leaders should know when to step down when they believe they aren't able to fulfill the functions of the job with all their vigour.

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