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Why Are So Many Farangs So Dirty

Blue Unicorn

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I agree with the OP. A few factors I see at work here:

1) From taking one shower a day back in the home country, to taking 2-3 showers a day is quite a new adjustment to life style. Granted, it's gotta be done in a tropical climate. Otherwise, how can they stand their own smell?

2) Some of the most ill-mannered people I come across are tourists--in ANY country and from ANY country. The attitude is "I'm on vacation, and I don't care a rat's arse about what people think!" (or smell). Years ago, I got sick of being at the same hotel swimming pool with liberated naked Europeans in Israel who were in their own little exhibitionist worlds, oblivious to the shame and indignation they stirred among some of the Palestinian and Arab staff. It was so rude and disgusting, I switched hotels. To make it worse, the "naked types" seldom have anything really worth showing except layers of fat and wrinkles (otherwise, maybe I would have stayed :D )

3) The other group are long-time expats who think they're in a total "other" category of non-accountability to the human race. They're thousands of miles from all they once knew, and think they can run their own show on their own terms. (Before they moved here, they were probably tourists who fit the #2 description).

I agree; these people give other westerners who try to be culturally-sensitive (or at minimum, socially compatible with civilization in general), a bad name.

And as for...

But if smelling fat farang and measuring sweat is your cup of tea then have at it.

...don't be presumptious. The stink and appearance are invasive, not needing to be sought after.

Thank you. Atleast someone else notices. It says something when others find it necessary to almost defend it. This forum is full of articles and farangs having a go at the Thai's but mention anything negative about our own race althgough we are in their country........and it seems to not go down to well. If I am considered petty for considering it ignorant to behave like that and to not care for others enjoyment or cleanliness, so be it I am petty then. If anyone perhaps knew anything about pools, germs and standrd of behaviour that considers others, they might understand my contempt for such people. Yes, its no real big deal....but its just another example of arrogance and the don't care attitude which I find so contemptable in some of the human race :o

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It's ignorance, I think, they simply lack awareness.

The "lack of awareness" can be amazingly severe.

Years ago, I worked in a small enclosed office with two other office mates. It was in the center of the building with no windows to the outside. One of the other guys was newly-hired, and it didn't take long to notice that when he got under pressure, the internal dam burst, his shirt got soaked, and the office reeked. Unfortunately, he had a very pressure-prone job--a lot of deadlines, and rectifying customer complaints. At these times, other people in the company who had to enter our office, screwed up their noses, turned toes, and fled, gagging. The poor guy became the not-so-private joke of the entire company.

I was out on the road a lot, so it didn't effect me too severely. However, the other office mate who had to spend 95% of his time in the office, suffered in silence for about a month and eventually privately came to me about it. We bought two fans, and without a word, brought them in and aimed them at the source to try to keep him dried out. He didn't even acknowledge our action. Oblivious. It didn't help. The fans simply blew around the stink more quickly.

I then took up the matter with a head manager. In response, the company spent several thousand dollars to install a ceiling duct which terminated right above his desk. It's purpose was to act as a vacuum and suck the sweat-saturated odor directly off his person and pump it outside. The work was done after business hours so that the "embarrasment factor" could remain minimal. No luck. The air was still so thick you could cut it with a knife. I was mildly surprised that the shrubbery at the exit end of the duct didn't wilt and die.

Finally, it fell to me to confront the guy (thanks, Boss). In as tactful words as possible I slowly let the cat out of the bag. He was totally dumbfounded to hear that he...well...basically stunk. Out of 150 employees in our building, he was the only one who was clueless about own aroma. His own sense of smell had to be OK, because a week later (I suppose in retaliation), he asked me to remove my leather jacket from our office because the "dead cow skin smell" made him nauseous. :o

The battle was heating up, and the smell was not abating in the process.

Finally, Human Resources stepped in and asked the guy to go for medical consultation, suggesting that they thought he might have some "medical issues" which might "interfere" with his work relationships. (Gotta love those sooth-sayers in Personnel!) Still clueless as to his own responsibility in it all, he obediently went. Doctor's confidential report back to Human Resources: "Nothing wrong with referred employee. Suggest that company counsel employee to simply launder shirts more often and shower regularly." Poor doctor. I hope the examining room wasn't one of those miniscule windowless broom closets, barely large enough for an examining table.

This was now a Human Resources issue: and they didn't have the guts to confront him with this practical advice. Their advice to the rest of us: "Grin and bear it."

Stroke of luck! About a month later, and thinking about issuing ourselves chemical warfare gas masks, revenues in our department took a nose dive, thank God. Our Subject was laid off due to "lack of business," probably a little sooner than a less-odiforous employee in his situation --and everyone else stopped holding their collective breaths. Mysteriously, business was down but spirits were up. It was the most welcome industry recession I ever weathered.

Yes, lack of awareness. The handicap can be awesomely severe. But what's really scary are those who are confronted, yet still plod along in their own little aromatic world, oblivous of the effect on others. They continue to dumbly wonder why people carry on unnaturally short conversations with them, and why others hold their cupped hands over their noses on the bus. :D

Edited by toptuan
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But what's really scary are those who are confronted, yet still plod along in their own little aromatic world, oblivous of the effect on others. They continue to dumbly wonder why people carry on unnaturally short conversations with them, and why others hold their cupped hands over their noses on the bus. :D

What I find scary is the tremendous effort you and your company went through :o

Personally I would've taken your mate to Cowboy and over a couple of beers explain him in plain english that smelling as he does he needs to pay double for short time.

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What I find scary is the tremendous effort you and your company went through :o

Personally I would've taken your mate to Cowboy and over a couple of beers explain him in plain english that smelling as he does he needs to pay double for short time.

Point well-taken. It was a company culture of non-confrontation where almost no one was ever fired and incompetent workers where held onto forever. Frankly, it was considered quite a coup to be able to get this guy out under the "misfortune" of a downturn in business. Lastly, we were handicapped by a Human Resources dept. which was totally paranoid about taking action on anyone without stacks of documentation and irrefutable evidence.

But you're right. The most responsible thing to do was direct confrontation (which allegations, I remind you, he had already denied in the earlier stages of the process...)

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A good and cheap solution to combate body odours is "potassium alum" known as "san som" in thai (not sang som :o ). Natural and cheap product, that is easy to find here in Thailand. Ideal for smelly underarms and feets.

Can be found in stone form here or in more elaborated stick form in occident.

The deodorant stone creates an environment hostile to bacterial growth. This is partially due to the low Ph of the deodorant and perspiration combination. No bacteria = no odour!



And one middle size stone will last for one year or more, while you'll need ~ 12 smelly deos for the same period.

I forgot to say, just apply it after shower on the wet skin.

Edited by Wallalai
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If you are one the folks who happens to suffer from BO problems I'll also recommend making sure to put on a clean pair of socks every day if you're wearing shoes or trainers.

Especially the backpackers wearing trainers or hiking boots without socks come off as smelling foul.

Stinky feet can be part of the problem if your have to look professional in your job and wear presentable shoes.

I read the tread and and haven't really noticed the "aircon setting discussion". But thinking of western friends in Thailand, it does feel like walking into fridge sometimes when visiting...

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But what's really scary are those who are confronted, yet still plod along in their own little aromatic world, oblivous of the effect on others. They continue to dumbly wonder why people carry on unnaturally short conversations with them, and why others hold their cupped hands over their noses on the bus. :D

What I find scary is the tremendous effort you and your company went through :o

Personally I would've taken your mate to Cowboy and over a couple of beers explain him in plain english that smelling as he does he needs to pay double for short time.

:D:sick::D I refuse to believe that this guy initially had no idea about his BO. That is impossible.

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:o:sick::D I refuse to believe that this guy initially had no idea about his BO. That is impossible.

He's probably has gone through life with his body odour and nobody has complained about it to him.

He should be able to smell himself but with no complaints, he believes that his scent is normal.

It's very difficult to tell and friend/work collegue that their BO is offensive to others. The only nice way of doing it is to purchase some roll on deoderant and hand it to Mr Smelly. Ask him to PLEASE try it as his odour is unpleasant.

The direct approach is usually the best, but must be done in a friendly, helpful manner.

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I knew a guy from Darwin who insisted on wearing cheap , 100% polyester shirts in BKK, he sweated like crazy and stank of BO all the time.

I recall walking down soi 33 in group one night and he couldn't figure out why we all tried to walk upwind of him. :o

No matter how much we hinted that he smelled, it went on deaf ears, in the end we heard he bought a pig farm up in Kalasin, I guess he had something in common with the pigs. :D

We nicnamed him B.O. Plenty.

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It was a company culture of non-confrontation where almost no one was ever fired and incompetent workers where held onto forever.

Sounds like my sort of thing.

Btw, what's the name of the company? :o

PM me and I'll hook you up for lifetime employment! :D

No matter how much we hinted that he smelled, it went on deaf ears, in the end we heard he bought a pig farm up in Kalasin

He must think he's in Nirvana.

What's the address? I'm going to suggest he start a commune and will provide contacts for him (beginning with my ex-office mate).

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Who cares, I seriously doubt the locals are losing any sleep over it.

In the LOG (Land of Gossip)? Don't kid yourself. That's why they're talking fast (and giggling) in their local dialect within your earshot! :D

Granted they're not losing any sleep, but the stinky naked farang (and the rest of the farang world by association) is sure a butt of their jokes! Take a language course and hang around for awhile. :o

In the same breath I would like to compliment my Thai friends as generally having a very, very high standard of personal hygiene. I've traveled in over 40 countries (spanning a broad spectrum of hygiene), and most Thai society seems to be near the top of the hygenic list. Not easy in a muggy (and sometimes dusty/dirty) environment.

I'm not anti-farang (gosh, I "R" one!), or trying to be more "Thai-than-Thou", but stinky, unkempt farangs outnumber the Thai 10-to-1, in my embarrassed opinion. That goes for BKK as well as upcountry.

Not often will you find a website repulsive and hilarious at the same time, but don't miss this while we're on the subject of Cretin Farangs: Good Will Pirate-Hunting. Be sure to scroll to the bottom picture :D

Good Will Pirate-Hunting....absolutely great!!!! Thanks, it was hilareous!

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I think its mostly laziness. My wife's aunt is Thai and lives in the UK. When she comes to BKK for a few weeks each year she stays with my parents-in-law. She always comes in April/May when you can't go across the road for some snacks without needing a shower. My mother-in-law always tells us that the whole time she's there she never has a shower.

I have visited her restaurant in the UK; she lives above. I feel like I need a tetnus shot on leaving!

My wife said she was clean when she lived in LoS!

In BKK in May I'm in the shower five times a day! Just too blinking uncomfortable to sit there and sweat.

There's an Indian guy at my work who could kill a heard of wilderbeast at twenty paces if they're down-wind.

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Who cares, I seriously doubt the locals are losing any sleep over it.

Not often will you find a website repulsive and hilarious at the same time, but don't miss this while we're on the subject of Cretin Farangs: Good Will Pirate-Hunting. Be sure to scroll to the bottom picture :o

Good Will Pirate-Hunting....absolutely great!!!! Thanks, it was hilareous!

How uncommon, the daft find it funny to put pictures of others online and laugh at them for being...alive.

When will we see your pictures? Or perhaps your parents?

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