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Thailand's Biggest Health Watchdog Proposes Higher Tax On Sweetened Soda Drinks


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The beverage industry association, however, argued against the claim, citing a study by Mahidol University that said soda beverages constituted only 2% of Thai people's daily sugar intake.

If that is the case then the following is true:

1 * 330ml soft drink = 7 teaspoons


7 * 50 = 350 teaspoons of sugar per day

1 * 1l bottle of soft drink = 1,060 teaspoons of sugar per day

1 teaspoon of sugar has 16 calories


A person drinking 1 can of soft drink per day has a sugar-based calorific intake of 5,600 calories per day

A person drinking 1 bottle of soft drink per day has a sugar-based calorific intake of 16,960 calories per day

With this in mind I think I would like to say that the beverage industry commissioned the report from Mahidol and didn't pay enough to get decent statistics or intepretation of data.

The only statistics Mahidol were interested in is if they show that the sugar intake from soft drinks is a tiny proportion of Thai people's total daily average sugar intake then the chance of them getting sponsorship money is greatly increased compared to if they show soft drinks in a bad light and as a major contributor of obesity in children in Thailand!!!!

Statistics can show what you want to see!!!!

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Is it a coincidence that most 'sweetened soda drinks' are imported?

Looks like standard trade protectionism to me,

Not true. Sweetened soda drinks are almost all water and sugar, ingredients that are easily and cheaply available anywhere. What's imported is the flavouring and colouring agents. The bottling plants are here in Thailand.

When I moved here from Europe six years ago I was surprised at the almost complete absence here of low calorie soft drinks. I thought that over time, Thailand would follow Europe and become more health and obesity conscious but in fact the opposite seems to have happened. Zero and Max have become increasingly difficult to find.

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A person drinking 1 can of soft drink per day has a sugar-based calorific intake of 5,600 calories per day

There are about 140 calories in a can of 330ml Coca‑Cola.

Based on 1,800 carlories per day for an average Thai person, the average Thai person drinks 2 cans of coke per week.

My reference point for this figure was that soft drinks only make up 2% of the daily Thai sugar intake. I really can't accept the average being only 2 cokes a week....a day maybe. All those "sai tung"?

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Putting aside the economics of World sugar prices or corporate bottlers' grand plans, they should remove HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) drinks from

public schools so the kids have less chance to guzzle them. I grew up in the 50's and 60's and there were no soft drinks in school. NONE! And nobody

was whining about infringing on freedoms or big government in your business. You had the little carton of milk (or chocolate milk) and OJ. That was it. Its about time to get back to a healthy regimen and that's a good place to start.

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Is it a coincidence that most 'sweetened soda drinks' are imported?

Looks like standard trade protectionism to me,

Not true. Sweetened soda drinks are almost all water and sugar, ingredients that are easily and cheaply available anywhere. What's imported is the flavouring and colouring agents. The bottling plants are here in Thailand.

When I moved here from Europe six years ago I was surprised at the almost complete absence here of low calorie soft drinks. I thought that over time, Thailand would follow Europe and become more health and obesity conscious but in fact the opposite seems to have happened. Zero and Max have become increasingly difficult to find.

This might sound absurd to you but Zero and Max actually make you fatter than normal soda's and coke because of the artificial sweeteners in them!!!

Calorie intake is by no means the best measure of weight control.

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I think someone has hit the nail on the head with the pepsi/est war, take over pepsi manufacturing & distribution depots with a new inferior product, rip off the marketing and everything else that went with it, once achieved find an excuse to put the tax up. So many expats are unaware of the number of Politicians with their sticky fingers in so many non-political pies, if there's money to be made they are there investing in it, just like when they all invested in ethanol plants and then increase the revenue on 91red and force it off the forecourts, step 3 increase the price of E10 & E20. Lubly-jubly this time next year we'll be billionaires Rodney

But some of the comments on here are making me laugh, people going on about fat Thais, now don't get me wrong you may well be slim and handsome, but take a look around and ask yourself should the expat community really be commenting on Thai obesity? POT-KETTLE-BLACK are 3 words that come to mind 55555555

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A person drinking 1 can of soft drink per day has a sugar-based calorific intake of 5,600 calories per day

There are about 140 calories in a can of 330ml Coca‑Cola.

Based on 1,800 carlories per day for an average Thai person, the average Thai person drinks 2 cans of coke per week.

A person drinking 1 can of soft drink per day has a sugar-based calorific intake of 5,600 calories per day

There are about 140 calories in a can of 330ml Coca‑Cola.

Based on 1,800 carlories per day for an average Thai person, the average Thai person drinks 2 cans of coke per week.

Yeah I thought these figures were a bit strange, yours seem much straight forward, and to be honest looking around up here in the north 2 cans a week (as an average) is probably not far out, Thais seem to love it hate it, none of my family touch the stuff, but they do like their sweet jelly filled drinks and Oshi iced teas (all just as bad - but would this tax effect them, it seems the claims are only against soda drinks)

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When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

Yes most sugar in sodas is HFCS [ high fructose corn syrup] which was invented in Japan in 1966 and is worse for you than other types of sugars because of the way it is processed in the body. And yes if it comes from the USA than a 90% chance the corn used to make it is GMO which is another whole bad story. Diet sodas like Pepsi zero use artificial sweeteners like aspartame which in some ways is even worse for you than sugar. Plain water is the only answer.

Actually palm oil is the safest oil to cook with [ accept for coconut oil which leaves a bad taste ] because it is 50% saturated fat which is the most stable fat molecule and sustains the least amount of damage when subjected to high heat and damaged fat molecules is one of the primary causes of damaged arteries. That's why now that NYC has banned trans fats [ another human invention] for cooking in restaurants, most all of them are now using Palm Oil. Best not to eat ANY fried foods at all if you are really serious about your health.

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A person drinking 1 can of soft drink per day has a sugar-based calorific intake of 5,600 calories per day

There are about 140 calories in a can of 330ml Coca‑Cola.

Based on 1,800 carlories per day for an average Thai person, the average Thai person drinks 2 cans of coke per week.

Not all calories are equal!!! The greatest problem with coke and soda's is the use of HFCS and aspartame - toxic time bombs!!!

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When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

Yes most sugar in sodas is HFCS [ high fructose corn syrup] which was invented in Japan in 1966 and is worse for you than other types of sugars because of the way it is processed in the body. And yes if it comes from the USA than a 90% chance the corn used to make it is GMO which is another whole bad story. Diet sodas like Pepsi zero use artificial sweeteners like aspartame which in some ways is even worse for you than sugar. Plain water is the only answer.

Actually palm oil is the safest oil to cook with [ accept for coconut oil which leaves a bad taste ] because it is 50% saturated fat which is the most stable fat molecule and sustains the least amount of damage when subjected to high heat and damaged fat molecules is one of the primary causes of damaged arteries. That's why now that NYC has banned trans fats [ another human invention] for cooking in restaurants, most all of them are now using Palm Oil. Best not to eat ANY fried foods at all if you are really serious about your health.

At last, somone else who has read up about the subject and understands what it is all about!!!!

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When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

Yes most sugar in sodas is HFCS [ high fructose corn syrup] which was invented in Japan in 1966 and is worse for you than other types of sugars because of the way it is processed in the body. And yes if it comes from the USA than a 90% chance the corn used to make it is GMO which is another whole bad story. Diet sodas like Pepsi zero use artificial sweeteners like aspartame which in some ways is even worse for you than sugar. Plain water is the only answer.

Actually palm oil is the safest oil to cook with [ accept for coconut oil which leaves a bad taste ] because it is 50% saturated fat which is the most stable fat molecule and sustains the least amount of damage when subjected to high heat and damaged fat molecules is one of the primary causes of damaged arteries. That's why now that NYC has banned trans fats [ another human invention] for cooking in restaurants, most all of them are now using Palm Oil. Best not to eat ANY fried foods at all if you are really serious about your health.

At last, somone else who has read up about the subject and understands what it is all about!!!!

I only use Olive oil, which is also good (but vastly too expensive for a restaurant to use).

As you said.

The high fructose corn syrup is so dangerous because it causes such a massive insulin spike, it also inhibits leptin, so you remain hungry and continue eating. It can also lead to insulin resistance which is even worse. White sugar is completely different and no, you don't put on the same weight from eating white sugar (ie glucose).

Have a read. http://www.naturalnews.com/031971_HFCS_abdominal_fat.html

HFCS is so cheap to produce that's why it is used and besides, if you never feel full after drinking a coke...what are you going to do...drink more.

Agreed, artificial sweeteners are no better.

Trans-fats are so bad, because you body doesn't actually contain the right enzymes to break down the 'trans' bonds, meaning the fat can never actually be broken down. This sums up pretty well about fats. http://www.realfooduniversity.com/healthy-cooking-oils/

One thing, if anyone is using Canola oil, throw it out immediately and use something else. There is no such plant as a canola flower (like nearly everyone is made to believe), it is made from a rapeseed plant, and is extremely unhealthy for you, your arteries and your health.

Good marketing won over the public on that and it's a product that should be taken off the market.

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Two big macks, two large fries and a diet coke please.

Really helps right?

No it doesn't help at all - this will make you fat in no time with all of those trans fats, simple carbohydrates and aspartame!!!

You can't say that unless you know the person's total daily calorie intake and level of activity. If I only ate that every day I'd lose a lot of weight.

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Two big macks, two large fries and a diet coke please.

Really helps right?

No it doesn't help at all - this will make you fat in no time with all of those trans fats, simple carbohydrates and aspartame!!!

You can't say that unless you know the person's total daily calorie intake and level of activity. If I only ate that every day I'd lose a lot of weight.

Very very not true. You would still be unhealthy. It's not only the total calories you take in, it's the type of food that counts as well. Unless you have especially good genetics, but even so, no matter how active you are, you're arteries will still feel the effects of that food, so as your general health.

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When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

Why do you think Palm Oil is bad for your heart.Are you confusing it with palm kernal oil which is bad for you.

Normal palm oil is quite heathy.

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Two big macks, two large fries and a diet coke please.

Really helps right?

No it doesn't help at all - this will make you fat in no time with all of those trans fats, simple carbohydrates and aspartame!!!

You can't say that unless you know the person's total daily calorie intake and level of activity. If I only ate that every day I'd lose a lot of weight.

Very very not true. You would still be unhealthy. It's not only the total calories you take in, it's the type of food that counts as well. Unless you have especially good genetics, but even so, no matter how active you are, you're arteries will still feel the effects of that food, so as your general health.

As I said, you'd have to take into consideration a person's total calorie intake, his metabolic rate and activity level to determine if a person will put on weight. That is what we were discussing, not general health.

You could be reasonably healthy eating a few big macs a day if you ate only healthy food the rest of the day.

You can't take one meal in isolation and say the person will gain weight and be unhealthy.

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When you drink soda or most candies you get a huge amount of sugar, but it is not actual sugar cane sugar, it is CORN SYRUP.

That mean GMO, and a sugar that stick to your body.

The government should also look into the palm oil everyone is using here because it is cheap (increase drastically the risk of heart disease).

There is a cocktail in Thailand for a huge health outbreak in the short future, and when I see how many Thais are really huge everywhere, I feel that Thailand will be looking like New Orleans very soon.

Why do you think Palm Oil is bad for your heart.Are you confusing it with palm kernal oil which is bad for you.

Normal palm oil is quite heathy.

Why is palm kernel oil bad for you? It's a highly heat stable oil which is 81% saturated. It's a good oil to cook with and similar to coconut oil.

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Bring back GINGER BEER someone please.

do you mean Schweppes dry ginger if it is then it is in Rimmping and Big c in chiang mai 14,and 12 baht per can

Remember the ginger beer we used to GROW in bottles -placed on the floor in the pantry-
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Who wants to bet, that soft drinks like diet coke and such will also get more expensive.

probably so. it / this will be a good opportunity for both govt. and industry to raise the cost/retail of soda's in general

under this proposal.

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I only use Olive oil, which is also good (but vastly too expensive for a restaurant to use).

Not if you're frying with it.

Olive oil has to major problems. First the molecules are unstable and therefor not good at all for cooking. Used straight out of the bottle on salads it is an excellent source of healthy fats. Second problem is that the majority of Extra virgin olive oil is fake or cut with non-virgin olive oil. It's a big Italian mafia operation. Search it if you don't believe me. I found one brand at Villa Market in Phuket that comes from Australia and is very expensive that I think is the real deal but I'm still not sure. Olive oil produced and sold locally tends to be real more often but anything that is exported is suspect. Again search it and you can find info on how to tell if it's real. Generally if the price is cheap forget it.
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Two big macks, two large fries and a diet coke please.

Really helps right?

No it doesn't help at all - this will make you fat in no time with all of those trans fats, simple carbohydrates and aspartame!!!

You can't say that unless you know the person's total daily calorie intake and level of activity. If I only ate that every day I'd lose a lot of weight.

Very very not true. You would still be unhealthy. It's not only the total calories you take in, it's the type of food that counts as well. Unless you have especially good genetics, but even so, no matter how active you are, you're arteries will still feel the effects of that food, so as your general health.

Thanks, you have saved me the trouble of replying.

People simply do not know the facts behind the biochemistry of the body and tend to believe the propaganda and lies dished out by the main perpetrators of unhealthiness ie: food (if you can call it that) manufacturers. On that, doesn't it seem strange that so much food is "manufactured" nowadays when it should be a natural thing untouched by alien toxic chemicals and unprocessed, to boot. No wonder illnesses such as heart problems and type 2 diabetes are so prevalent nowadays!!!

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Bring back GINGER BEER someone please.

do you mean Schweppes dry ginger if it is then it is in Rimmping and Big c in chiang mai 14,and 12 baht per can

Remember the ginger beer we used to GROW in bottles -placed on the floor in the pantry-

Yes; and my Father blew the cupboard door off with it in the middle of the night !

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Tax the sugar in the soft drinks. Now I see some EST replacing Pepsi and they do not have any sugar free. In Big C no Pepsi Max, No Cola Zero but a lot of sugar products. In Tesco and Tops you can find it some few days but most with sugar.

But Carlsberg is back

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They can tax all this crap into oblivion as far as I'm concerned as I don't drink any of it. I'll stick to my Vodka on the Rocks with a slice of Lime.

Don't ya all know that Vodka is made from Potatoes, Potatoes are vegetables and vegetables are good for you !

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No it doesn't help at all - this will make you fat in no time with all of those trans fats, simple carbohydrates and aspartame!!!

You can't say that unless you know the person's total daily calorie intake and level of activity. If I only ate that every day I'd lose a lot of weight.

Very very not true. You would still be unhealthy. It's not only the total calories you take in, it's the type of food that counts as well. Unless you have especially good genetics, but even so, no matter how active you are, you're arteries will still feel the effects of that food, so as your general health.

Thanks, you have saved me the trouble of replying.

People simply do not know the facts behind the biochemistry of the body and tend to believe the propaganda and lies dished out by the main perpetrators of unhealthiness ie: food (if you can call it that) manufacturers. On that, doesn't it seem strange that so much food is "manufactured" nowadays when it should be a natural thing untouched by alien toxic chemicals and unprocessed, to boot. No wonder illnesses such as heart problems and type 2 diabetes are so prevalent nowadays!!!

Well there is truth in what you say however a large part of the reason for those diseases is man is living much longer and has more time to catch them.

Ironic when you think about it. Keep a close eye on your diet so you can live longer and get old peoples problems that you would never have if you died at 50.

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