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Security Tightened Ahead Of Yingluck's Chiang Mai Visit Following Terrorism Reports


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"small arms, grenade launchers, and C-4 explosives" ???? Last time I saw the red shirts in action in Chiang Mai they were attacking the ATM in front of the Bangkok Bank in Thaphae Rd. with a sledge hammer. Real terrorists at work. Proud to be working for Takki.

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Been police with automatic weapons loitering out for a couple of days now. A very soft target with the market around it and apartment blocks across the river with line of sight over the wall into the compound. Not a good location for all. How long ago was that bomb making cell intercepted...was its network broken up?

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The Thai government would have been informed by the U.S. government. That is how things work in this day and age. I do not for one moment believe that anyone in power in Thailand would be aware of this, you can be sure that they were told.

Police Captain Dr. Chalerm would disagree with you.


Associated Press - 24 minutes ago

“The reports did not come from foreign sources but from domestic sources. News like these has been going around for a while and I deem it dangerous,” Chalerm said.

“There are several reasons (for the warning) but I must keep them confidential,” Chalerm told reporters.



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I signed up for alerts from the US embassy. I've had no emails alerting me of this. Would someone put a muzzle on that drunk idiot?

But of course ... Thai 'secret' intelligence must be lightyears ahead of the Americans'. Unfortunately we lack the technology that allows trees to tell us winning lotto numbers.

I'd say if there weren't any terrorists there, then for sure SOMEONE may just make sure there are.

... and that's probably when I'm going to get my email.

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If this is all a lie by Chalerm and Yingluck, which it appears to be I do hope the officials at the American embassy have the gonads to come out and say there is nothing to it.

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Deputy Prime Minister Pheu Thai Party MP Police Captain Dr. Chalerm announced that the Al-Qaeda terrorist attack was codenamed Billiard Ball and would involve an attack on the U.S. Consulate from three sides and that the attack would include small arms, grenade launchers, and C-4 explosives.

The latest intelligence report from Deputy Prime Minister Pheu Thai Party MP Police Captain Dr. Chalerm on Billiard Ball is that the weapons and explosives are being supplied to the Al-Qaeda terrorists by drug traders from Australia who are upset with the U.S. Consulate's involvement with Thai authorities to suppress the drug trade in the north of Thailand.


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Now airplanes landed in Chiang Mai airport every 10 minutes. I thought something was wrong. Especially check the internet now and found the message.

I get security alerts from the US Embassy. Received nothing today. Checked the US Embassy website, nothing. Until I see something coming out of the US side I will not believe any of this BS.

I drew attention to the news because noticed oddity with planes today. How do you explain that?

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Now airplanes landed in Chiang Mai airport every 10 minutes. I thought something was wrong. Especially check the internet now and found the message.

I get security alerts from the US Embassy. Received nothing today. Checked the US Embassy website, nothing. Until I see something coming out of the US side I will not believe any of this BS.

I drew attention to the news because noticed oddity with planes today. How do you explain that?

Ozzie weapons shipments to Al-Qaeda?


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Heightened security to stop Al-Qaeda terrorists' Operation Billiard Ball at Chiang Mai's U.S. Consulate


Matichon news - February 12, 2013:


Thailand said Tuesday that it had tightened security around the US consulate in the northern city of Chiang Mai in response to warnings of a possible terrorist threat.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said she had "instructed security officials to step up security protection" at the diplomatic facility.

"The US embassy did not make any special request but we have to be vigilant and cannot be reckless," she told reporters.

Job well done, Yingluck. thumbsup.gif

Nothing can get through that stepped up, tightened, vigilant security.


Thank god for the BIB, can sleep tight tonight

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Now airplanes landed in Chiang Mai airport every 10 minutes. I thought something was wrong. Especially check the internet now and found the message.

I get security alerts from the US Embassy. Received nothing today. Checked the US Embassy website, nothing. Until I see something coming out of the US side I will not believe any of this BS.

I drew attention to the news because noticed oddity with planes today. How do you explain that?

Ozzie weapons shipments to Al-Qaeda?


Air America shipping-in defensive-weapons, for the new North-Thailand front ?

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Government warns of possible terrorist attack in Chiang Mai

CHIANG MAI, 12 February 2013 (NNT) Security has been tightened at the United States consulate in Chiang Mai city, following reports that Al-Qaeda and Salafist movements planned to launch an attack this month.

Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung earlier confirmed that the government received information that Al-Qaeda and Salafist militants are planning a three-pronged attack on the US consulate in the province in an operation codenamed "Billiard Ball".

He elaborated that those groups were receiving financial and arms support from drug traders who were dissatisfied with the drug suppression operations of the US consulate in Chiang Mai.

In the wake of such reports, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has ordered security beef-up at the US facility.

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If Chalerm gave the warning, but the US Embassy didn't, then surely Chalern is crying wolf...

After all, in the aftermath of Benghazi, the US State Department cares a lot about consulate security!



A private security company hired by the State Department to protect American diplomats at arguably the most at-risk U.S. embassy in the world provided shoddy security, failed to adequately train its employees and fired staff who raised concerns about unchecked practices and procedures, according to a new report.

The private guards hired at the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan say it remains dangerously vulnerable to attack, David Hilzenrath, editor at the Project on Government Oversight, told FoxNews.com. POGO, a non-profit Washington group, recently released a report that it claims highlights the on-going security issues at the Kabul compound. The concerns are being aired amid ongoing complaints about the lack of security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in the run-up to the September 2012 terror attack.

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Now airplanes landed in Chiang Mai airport every 10 minutes. I thought something was wrong. Especially check the internet now and found the message.

I get security alerts from the US Embassy. Received nothing today. Checked the US Embassy website, nothing. Until I see something coming out of the US side I will not believe any of this BS.

There is no more Al Qaeda, the "Obama" has told us this and if he said it, it must be true. whistling.gif

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There is a seriously good chance... like the assignation attempt report etc etc, that this is a beat up to make the government look good and to make Ying 'what the xxxxx look like she is a real leader stepping into danger to visit the people.

The source was most likely from Dubai... or Hong Kong whilst that special person was still counting the loot taken from the flood money... in that illegal money transfer that was never investigated.

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"A Thai senior intelligence official who did not want to be named said the government had received information late last week about a possible threat.

"We have learned that Al-Qaeda linked Salafists (ultra-orthodox Islamists) may be planning an attack on the US consulate in Chiang Mai," he told AFP.

"It's difficult to find them because there are a lot of tourists in Chiang Mai and also it's hard for them to find weapons to mount an attack," he said."

He followed with an additional statement that there will be a 'curfew' set up, to stop the terrorists, during PM Yingythingy's visit. cheesy.gif

-mel. thumbsup.gif

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"It's difficult to find them because there are a lot of tourists in Chiang Mai"

tourists.... phffft... always getting in the way of things.

Now their presence is concealing an unknown number of marauding Al-Qaeda terrorists with Australian explosives.



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Which al Qaida is this? The nasty AQ, which murdered foreign oil industry workers in Algeria? Or the nice AQ, which the West has armed to the teeth in Syria? Supplied arms included shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles - nice thought for frequent fliers. And they call the Western psychopaths in charge of all this the INTELLIGENCE services?

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