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Yingluck Denies Getting Cold Feet On Expo 2020 Bid


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PM denies getting cold feet on Expo 2020 bid

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra denied yesterday that her government had shelved Thailand's bid to host the World Expo 2020, saying more time was needed to analyse carefully the likely return on investment.

newsjs"Thailand will not give up its plan and open the way for Dubai," she said.

Dubai is another candidate in the competition.

She insisted the government was moving ahead with its campaign by assigning the Tourism Ministry to continue studying the project.

Suranand Vejjajiva, secretary-general to the prime minister, said the review was needed because of the huge cost, estimated at between Bt40 billion and Bt50 billion, to organise the event, not including the construction of infrastructure in Ayutthaya and transport links to the world heritage city.

Previously, the study showed the country would break even when 37 million people nationwide

visited the international fair and each paid a Bt1,000 admission fee.

Yingluck was also worried about how the country would benefit after the fair ended

and it had spent so much, Suranand said.

The decision to enter the running was made before the flood struck in 2011. The objective at the time was to restore foreign confidence, but now the situation has changed.

"Whether Thailand has given up its status for the bidding, I don't want to say. But we have to study seriously the worthiness of our investment. It takes more time to do so because the choice of qualified candidate will be announced this November. However, when the study is finished, we'll have to discuss it again to make our decision clear,'' he said.


-- The Nation 2013-02-13

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Only 37 million visitors needed, each one to pay a thousand Baht to get in, says it all really. blink.png

How many poo-yais would expect/demand/get a 'freebie' ? How many local-government workers & minor-politicians would expect an all-expenses-paid coach-trip to visit, with shopping-trip to nearby-Bangkok, at the public expense ?

There's no way this project can break even, so scrap it, or (for PR) blame former-PM Abhisit for having failed to make all Thais rich by now, so they can't afford this sort of nonsense ! One day Thailand might be able to afford these prestige-events, but that day is a long way off, as yet.

Edit to Add : And where is the similar study, to demonstrate that the High-Spreed-Rail network is similarly a non-starter, despite the lunch-box menus already having been agreed ?

Edited by Ricardo
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Thailand won't withdraw candidacy to host World Expo 2020: PM

By English News


BANGKOK, Feb 13 -- Thailand will not withdraw its bid to host the World Exhibition in the year 2020 (World Expo 2020) as the operation and preparations are going ahead as planned, according to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

Ms Yingluck said Thailand proposed the central province and ancient capital of Ayutthaya as the site for the World Expo 2020 and it is committed to the plan.

She said it was totally groundless that Thailand would withdraw from the candidacy.

The premier's comments came after opposition Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva called on the government to show its strong intention to host the international fair as it would be a good opportunity for the country.

A Bureau of International Expositions (BIE) Enquiry Mission met Ms Yingluck before going to Ayutthaya from Jan 28 to Feb 1 to inspect Ayutthaya's potential for hosting the world's largest fair.

However, the government was reportedly reassessing the utility of investing in a bid to stage the World Expo.

Meanwhile, Ayutthaya Governor Witthaya Piewpong confirmed that the province was ready to host the Expo. He said it was not true that the province would drop out from the competition.

Five cities are competing with their own bids for the BIE -- Izmir in Turkey; Yekaterinburg, Russia; Sao Paolo, Brazil; United Arab Emirates’ Dubai and Ayutthaya.

A decision will be made at the BIE General Assembly in November. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-02-13

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I guess they can use all the excavated earth from the waterworks they have in progress over the next 5 years to produce a piece of landfill 5 metres above sea level to make sure it doesn't go under. Ayuttaya floods even in many normal years.

Plenty of countries have built their white elephants, but this one is just a step too far.

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Five cities are competing with their own bids for the BIE -- Izmir in Turkey; Yekaterinburg, Russia; Sao Paolo, Brazil; United Arab Emirates’ Dubai and Ayutthaya.

There is one thing in common with 4 out of 5 of these cities. Populations far in excess of 1 million people. The city of Ayuttaya has maybe 75 thousand? In effect the population of this city would triple or quadruple and at times more than that, for 3 to 6 months. That being said, I suppose it is possible to build the infrastructure required to support that kind of population explosion in 7 years, but at what cost? Not only money itself but image of the city when things return to normal.

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transport links to the world heritage city.

Finally a good reason for the high speed rail link and 2020 should be possible. At least for the first 75 kilometers from BKK BangSue to Ayutthaya. Metered taxis can be made available for all visitors and tuktuks for the 'coleur locale'.

There is already a perfectly usable MTR link from BangSue to Makkasan where the SRT high-speed link to Suvannabhum Airport can be taken. What more does one need ?

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