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Coca-Cola Drinking ' Linked To New Zealander's Death'


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Coca-Cola drinking 'linked to New Zealander's death'

INVERCARGILL: -- Drinking large quantities of Coca-Cola was a "substantial factor" in the death of a 30-year-old woman in New Zealand, a coroner has said.

Natasha Harris, who died three years ago after a cardiac arrest, drank up to 10 litres of the fizzy drink each day.


This is twice the recommended safe limit of caffeine and more than 11 times the recommended sugar intake.

Coca-Cola had argued that it could not be proved its product had contributed to Ms Harris' death.

The coroner's verdict came on the day Coca-Cola Sales said sales in Europe and China fell in the last quarter of 2012, and warned of a "volatile" year to come.

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-21423499


-- BBC 2013-02-13

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You have to wonder how many years that was. She lost teeth over her addiction and had the shakes when she ran out! Are we sure it was coca-cola?

It's funny a spokes person for Coke said that they were disappointed that their product was signed out but it would it was definitely a determining factor.

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"But he called on soft drinks companies to display clearer warnings on their beverages about the risks of too much sugar and caffeine."

Common sense has left the building!!blink.png

Might as well put warning labels on water saying if too much is consumed too quickly, death could follow.

or warning labels on on burgers saying too many patties could lead to obesity.

My mentor once told me "you cant make things foolproof because fools are so ingenious"

Oh so true!

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Good to know! I like this forensic result. It's a little better than the usual outcome: The person died because the heart stopped beating. (even after falling from the 18th floor). Nice progress!

Edited by TackyToo
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She is an idiot ...I am sorry she died but 10litres was a cry of help that should have been addressed

I like Pepsi and KFC but I'm not eating it every day

Psycologically those "crying for help" the most are the ones who cry for help subconsicously and are in deep denial that they need help. They will fight any "help" tooth & nail whilst taking offence at the suggestion they cant do everything on their own and implying that they are not strong enough etc.

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Caffeine is an addictive drug. There should be warnings about this fact on the packaging of drinks that contain caffeine. Should children be allowed to consume drinks or food that contain an addictive drug?

Don't ask the US School System that question. They have been feeding a bunch of their kids Ritalin for years.

Don't think they would give the caffeine in Coke a second thought.

Edited by Dap
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To drink 30 liters a day she must have used a truck (lorry) to haul it.

Or maybe she lived next door to 7/11. But even that would give her a lot of exercise, making 30 trips a day.

Any way you look at it, this lady was certainly a few bricks short of a load.

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So 10L of coke a day is not recommended? Good to know.

In other news, the sky is high and bears sh1t in the woods.

Remember it is coke sold in thailand... And a Thai doctors verdict- amazing Thailand the stories pile up like bricks!!!! Suggestion at the airport keep a box for farangs to keep their brains to collect on departure. Common Thailand Think

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10 Liters of any liquid a day will do you in. Add the caffeine and sugar content doesn't help. I think the Coroner doesn't like Coke! But to be specific Mr. Coroner, was that regular or diet?

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So 10L of coke a day is not recommended? Good to know.

In other news, the sky is high and bears sh1t in the woods.

Remember it is coke sold in thailand... And a Thai doctors verdict- amazing Thailand the stories pile up like bricks!!!! Suggestion at the airport keep a box for farangs to keep their brains to collect on departure. Common Thailand Think

No - it happened in NEW ZEALAND.

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Everything in moderation. Many of us eat too much of one thing. My excess was US steak and hamburgers. It proved quite easy to break that bad habit when I moved to Thailand. Thai beef is terrible.

I have to think that beer is better for you than sugar filled soft drinks. I wouldn't say that unless I had a basis. I came to that conclusion because two of my friends eat very little and basically live on beer.

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Anyone gluttonous enough to pig down 10 lt of cola a day with all that suger is surely asking for problems. I'm sure the same would be true if she was drinking the same amount of Fanta or whatever.

I can't understand why cola was blamed she is the problem not the drink. The headline should have ran 'womans gluttony kills her'

I too would have like to have known her weight !

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