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Thailand's Prostitution Image Is Embarrassing


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Thailand is 'famous' for it, because Thai are open about it and allow foreigners to participate. Other Asian countries have just as much if not more prostitution than Thailand. It is omnipresent in every Asian society. But in other countries foreigners aren't even permitted to enter most of these places, and foreigners seen with a local female can get very hostile reactions and the woman herself sometimes will be openly insulted by native males. Additionally Thailand is an attractive coubntry to visit in general, so many people will go here and see it occur, and not realize that in China, Korea, etc it is everywhere too. So no, it is not 'fair' the reputation Thailand receives, when they are simply the more open about it.

Been all over Asia and Thailand has by far and away the most prostitutes of anywhere and its not even close. Prostitution certainly does exist everywhere in Asia, but not nearly at the level it does in Thailand.

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absolutely unbelievable this story has made any sort of publication or air-time! has prostitution just began here?

the author must be a very lonely person and not get out much, like never have been out of their home in 40 years! girly bars and go-go bars are the butt, no pun intended, of many a joke all around the world for many, many years so why the present admittance that it's an embarrassment to Thailand??? and the karaoke bars! a true thai gentlemen's institution.

so after this story has surfaced again, what next? farangs are the reason for prostituion in Thailand!?! the author needs to consult their brother, father, uncle, cousins as to why prostitution is a problem here. thai men love it, foreign men love it. the police, government EARN from it. word to the author, it's been engrained in your society for a long, long time!

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Thailand is 'famous' for it, because Thai are open about it and allow foreigners to participate. Other Asian countries have just as much if not more prostitution than Thailand. It is omnipresent in every Asian society. But in other countries foreigners aren't even permitted to enter most of these places, and foreigners seen with a local female can get very hostile reactions and the woman herself sometimes will be openly insulted by native males. Additionally Thailand is an attractive coubntry to visit in general, so many people will go here and see it occur, and not realize that in China, Korea, etc it is everywhere too. So no, it is not 'fair' the reputation Thailand receives, when they are simply the more open about it.

Been all over Asia and Thailand has by far and away the most prostitutes of anywhere and its not even close. Prostitution certainly does exist everywhere in Asia, but not nearly at the level it does in Thailand.

agreed, visited many countries in asia and it really is everywhere here and at every level. and now i understand the language, i can see that it's not really taboo either!

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Falang laugh at thai prostitues, and Thai people laugh at falangs who take prostitues for thier wife HAHAHAAHAcheesy.gif who are more stupid???blink.png

Me I personally laugh at the sad sacks of buffalo crap who sit at side of road drinking every afternoon, blowing their wages on cheap nasty alcohol instead of feeding their families. They are the stupidest people around.

Edited by Bluespunk
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`I read the word for prostitute in my Thai-English dictionary, but my teacher suggested that I forget it as most ladies that I met would consider it highly offensive. He told me the best thing to do was assume all Thai women are, until proven otherwise.

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Prostitution is the biggest industry in Thailand. I was in Thailand for first time 1975. Pattaya was only short beach street with few small hotel and few restaurant, same Patong in Phuket. Look it now, naked girls,girls,girls

"Prostitution is the biggest industry in Thailand" ..............ermmm you might get some replies to that....lol

I don't think so. Even tourism as a whole is only about 7% of the GDP i think and i'm not sure how domestic prostitution could be measured anyway.

Anyway its not Thailand's biggest industry. I think you will find its probably manufacturing

Edited by rinteln
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Thailand is 'famous' for it, because Thai are open about it and allow foreigners to participate. Other Asian countries have just as much if not more prostitution than Thailand. It is omnipresent in every Asian society. But in other countries foreigners aren't even permitted to enter most of these places, and foreigners seen with a local female can get very hostile reactions and the woman herself sometimes will be openly insulted by native males. Additionally Thailand is an attractive coubntry to visit in general, so many people will go here and see it occur, and not realize that in China, Korea, etc it is everywhere too. So no, it is not 'fair' the reputation Thailand receives, when they are simply the more open about it.

Been all over Asia and Thailand has by far and away the most prostitutes of anywhere and its not even close. Prostitution certainly does exist everywhere in Asia, but not nearly at the level it does in Thailand.

agreed, visited many countries in asia and it really is everywhere here and at every level. and now i understand the language, i can see that it's not really taboo either!

Lived in Thailand for 6 years, was visiting here regularly for another 10 before that and I can say with all honesty there is very little difference between a Pattaya bar girl, an office girl, a 7/11 girl or a factory girl. They're all looking for a sponsor and they're most all dishonest and scandalous about it.

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Well I've been here 12 years and this is news to me. Of course you can read about it as here but it's not like I've actually seen a 'prostitute' with my own eyes.

"..............not like I've actually seen a 'prostitute".

You are either trolling or living in a cave.

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Tourists scams, tuk tuks and jet skis mafia and rising criminality are much more embarrassing.

As for the prostitution start to give equal chances in education for every young from every social class for start.

Unfortunately the government is openly against good education for poor people.

DPM Chalerm stated the other day that it is perfectly ok for the police to ask for cash presents on Chinese new year, as long as no threats are made. By extension one can only assume that it is therefore also perfectly ok for school headmasters to ask for cash presents from parents at schools, as long as threats are not made. The result of this practise is of course that rich parents give big presents and those presents seem to improve the luck of their children when applying for enrollment in the good schools. (The presents and the enrollment are not directly related of course as that might be illegal)

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`I read the word for prostitute in my Thai-English dictionary, but my teacher suggested that I forget it as most ladies that I met would consider it highly offensive. He told me the best thing to do was assume all Thai women are, until proven otherwise.

That sort of advice can get a man into a lot of trouble.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Falang laugh at thai prostitues, and Thai people laugh at falangs who take prostitues for thier wife HAHAHAAHAcheesy.gif who are more stupid???blink.png

Me I personally laugh at the sad sacks of buffalo crap who sit at side of road drinking every afternoon, blowing their wages on cheap nasty alcohol instead of feeding their families. They are the stupidest people around.

And whats the difference between marrying a prostitute or marrying an office girl in Thailand? You don't seriously think non-bar girls here are any less lying and scandalous than the actual bar girls do you?

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Well I've been here 12 years and this is news to me. Of course you can read about it as here but it's not like I've actually seen a 'prostitute' with my own eyes.

WOW! cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif can i ask, have you ever been to pattaya, bangkok, phuket, samui, chiang rai, chiang mai, udon ...... have you ever walked past a karaoke bar????? where have you travelled to and where do you live?

i get it, joke right???

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The author has led a sheltered life. Cute to read.

Anyway, Amsterdam has the same image, also among Thais, yet it doesn't bother too many people.

I strongly suggest that Thai people stop worrying about image, and work on improving life for all Thais. A draconian enforcing of prostitution laws deprives consenting adults from remaining options they do have. That's having it ***backwards.

Well, that is the Thai way.

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How about Thai people using the sex industry?

Isn't it easier to blame the Farangs rather than to see the whole picture?

In my view us farangs are a bit to blame. We come here with a view "ahh well what harm can it do" "they come with me and I give them money, everyone is happy". "the girl looks happy"

What we don't realise is that this line of work (unless they get lucky and marry or go abroad) after years of doing it will more than likely end up with the girl being mentally and physically in bad shape. Years of having sex with different men, lying, drinking, smoking and then the biggest pyschological problem from years of earning alot of money too easily and for not much effort is never good for the mind. So by their mid 30s they have either been lucky and met their knight or thats it, career over. Now they are mentally and physically ruined, they cant ever go and work in a normal job because after years of getting maybe 30,000+ a month there is no way the mind can work 5 times longer for 5 times less the wage. So the only option is to have a baby girl with a Thai guy who will probably be lazy, not work and eventually leave. And then guess where that girl will be heading when she is 15/16......................and here the whole process starts again.

This is really the process that has been going on since the Vietnam war where most of this all started and wasn't put down ever since. Now Thailand has a generation of girls and women who are unable to break out of the cycle.

So all in all i think the blame is a mixture but ofcourse Isaan in history has always been more neglected by Bangkok so its no surprise that this is all convenient for Bangkok.

As with alot of problems and as proved by the story above Thai people are always more bothered about the exposure of a problem rather than the problem itself. As we all know Thai peole are unable to think long term. The long term benfit to getting rid of prostitution would ofcourse be great but all the time this industry is making an immediate income then Thais will always endorse and allow.


You really think the Veitnam War caused prostitution in Thailand?? Guess you don't live here then. As others have posted, a significant % probably as least 80% is to cater for Thais. Like all societies and countries prostituton goes way back in history. Many foreigners, business visitors and tourists come to Thailand and take advantage of what is already there. Do you really think the sex industry would stop if foreigner stopped coming (no pun intended!).

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Need to separate personal feelings from business

It hasnt hurt Rio to much.

You dont have to love it (pun intended)

and you dont have to acknowledge it in public

its an asset. Use it, and if you want to effect change

do it in the back ground while slowly starving the business you want to discourage.

TL has a lot more bigger fish to fry than this.

I take it you have been to Rio ?

I have and unless its had a huge change over the last 4 years I cant see how anyone can say it hasnt hurt Rio. Only 2/3 kms from Cocobana beach there are slums which house thousands of people in small spaces. I have been to areas only metres from the tourist areas which look terrible. This is where many of the working girls live. Many are using drugs daily and live a life similar to Pattaya bar girls.........drinking, lying, having multiple guys etc etc. With Rio, as with Thailand a generation of unskilled, mentally and physically ruined women are in their society which will be mainly unproductive in the second part of their lives.

Sorry but i cant think of any system in the world where prostitution "wont hurt" .

You can say what you want. Its all bla bla bla. if the sex tourism business were removed, the girls wouldnt be instantly transformed away from poverity. it would just exist in a different form, like it does in the rual areas of Brazil. Not condoning it. Justs trying to be realistic. At least the euros and dollars are coming in. Just use it more effectively.

To me, as far as the world prespective goes, proof is in the wallet. They landed the world cup. To me, thats says the world does not see Rio only as a sex tourist destination spot. Fifa has voted with their wallet. The rest is rhetoric. If the sex tourism disappears from TL, and tourism suffers, The officials will have sex tourism back in a heartbeat.

Its nice to have high morals. Until your stomach starts rumbling. Then you get practical.

Edited by jamhar
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Falang laugh at thai prostitues, and Thai people laugh at falangs who take prostitues for thier wife HAHAHAAHAcheesy.gif who are more stupid???blink.png

Me I personally laugh at the sad sacks of buffalo crap who sit at side of road drinking every afternoon, blowing their wages on cheap nasty alcohol instead of feeding their families. They are the stupidest people around.

And whats the difference between marrying a prostitute or marrying an office girl in Thailand? You don't seriously think non-bar girls here are any less lying and scandalous than the actual bar girls do you?

Personally I am single and happy to be so, however a lot ( most ) of my friends here are married to Thais. They are as happy as any couples I have known elsewhere. I am a cynic but refuse to accept all Thai women are as you seem to feel they are. Yes there are those who act as you say but that's the same the world over.

Maybe poverty forces more poorly paid non sex industry women to marry people they don't love in order to escape from it. Maybe the men make promises they can't keep and lie about their finances. I don't know, there are a lot of horror stories out there but there are just as many, if not more, happy ones. They just don't make such good reading.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Falang laugh at thai prostitues, and Thai people laugh at falangs who take prostitues for thier wife HAHAHAAHAcheesy.gif who are more stupid???blink.png

and 'falang' don't need mia nois, kiks and sweet talk 'bak wan' with anything that moves! before you try to insult foreigners, maybe ask the men in your family a little about the availability of sex in your country.

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There's a joke people used to say around my parts. How are fat girls and mopeds the same? They are both fun to ride until someone sees you! I think is really the same case in Thailand regarding this issue. Nobody has a problem until people on the outside start taking a closer look at Thai society, and there are many facets that the good government representative don't want to face, let alone address.

Namely, the reason why the prostitution game is tolerated in the kingdom is because Thai society is inherently, at its very core, an unequal society. Exploitation in whatever form of the lowly minions by societal members on the top of the sakdina chain is and always has been totally acceptable in Thai society. It only becomes embarrassing when outside viewers see it and actually mock you for it.

Changing the underlying problem would require a sea change which isn't happening anytime soon.

But that's the definition of embarrassment in the first place. No one is "embarrassed" by anything until someone else sees it. Any by extension an country being embarrassed by what people from other countries see or perceive.

If Thais (or some/most Thais etc) are embarrassed by the sex industry being "seen", then okay, yes they are embarrassed, but the point most are trying to make here is that there are far greater things for Thailand to be embarrassed about that they fail to point out in the local media (corruption, scams, their criminal justice system. joke Governments etc).

And more importantly the fact remains that image and embarrassment are minor issues compared to real problems people face.

Thais that complain abotu their "image" in the forgign media also need ot grasp that western nations don’t give a rats about saving face, and western media won't even contemplate it in their stories (and why should they - the media is largely about exposing things anyway). It may be wise for a visitor in Thialand to save face but what possible reason woudl a foreign paper/TV show have for doing so?

Edited by fire and ice
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You might get more revealing answers from the "Farang" who come here to Thailand to "enjoy" prostitutes--very inexpensive. The underlying reason Thailand is a prostitution magnet in this region is because US soldiers came here during the Vietnam War for R&R, and Thailand welcomed them with cheap pleasure. It's become a trademark by now. Another real reason behind the poverty is that Vietnam and Cambodia got their behinds whooped during the aforementioned war(s), and Thailand is anxious to please the "powers-that-be" in order to not be completely wrecked economies, as post-war Vietnam and Cambodia have become. Another phrase might be "trauma-based" prostitution, like brainwashing to make people do what you want. Cheap prostitution is part of the "vacation" package that Thailand offers to the West, who wanted to do the same in Vietnam. You will see that Burma will be the next cheap prostitution arena, along with development of hotels and luxury condos along the beach. It's no accident this has happened or mere circumstance for impoverished women.

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Falang laugh at thai prostitues, and Thai people laugh at falangs who take prostitues for thier wife HAHAHAAHAcheesy.gif who are more stupid???blink.png

Me I personally laugh at the sad sacks of buffalo crap who sit at side of road drinking every afternoon, blowing their wages on cheap nasty alcohol instead of feeding their families. They are the stupidest people around.

And whats the difference between marrying a prostitute or marrying an office girl in Thailand? You don't seriously think non-bar girls here are any less lying and scandalous than the actual bar girls do you?

Personally I am single and happy to be so, however a lot ( most ) of my friends here are married to Thais. They are as happy as any couples I have known elsewhere. I am a cynic but refuse to accept all Thai women are as you seem to feel they are. Yes there are those who act as you say but that's the same the world over.

Maybe poverty forces more poorly paid non sex industry women to marry people they don't love in order to escape from it. Maybe the men make promises they can't keep and lie about their finances. I don't know, there are a lot if horror stories out there but there are just as many, if not more, happy ones. They just don't make such good reading.

The VAST majority of Thai/Foreigner relationships end quite quickly. Thats a fact. Look up the numbers. You're cute personal anecdote and apologetics may sound nice but they don't mesh with the facts. Most of my friends who are married to Thais are either in bad relationships they want to get out of or are being hustled by the wife's family. All Thai women may not be that way, but there is a disturbing number who are and if you think it is no different from anywhere else you are either frighteningly naive or not living in reality.

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What Thailand should be embarrassed about is the plethora of extremely unattractive older Foreign (white) men who proliferate here like rednecks with little subservient slave girls from poor families. The range of ugliness of these types of men living here is appalling.

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"The question is, why has prostitution become so huge inThailand that it is now famous for it? Although it is illegal, prostitution is still going on nearly everywhere in Thailand, especially in the big cities visited by tourists like Bangkok and Pattaya."

What do you call a woman tthat sells her body for $200 an hour? A high class call girl.

What do you call one that sells it at $20 a night? An embarrassment.

The fact that everyone can afford it makes it popular. I hate to see prices go up in Thailand, but until the economy and jobs improve you will see this.

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Thailand is 'famous' for it, because Thai are open about it and allow foreigners to participate. Other Asian countries have just as much if not more prostitution than Thailand. It is omnipresent in every Asian society. But in other countries foreigners aren't even permitted to enter most of these places, and foreigners seen with a local female can get very hostile reactions and the woman herself sometimes will be openly insulted by native males. Additionally Thailand is an attractive coubntry to visit in general, so many people will go here and see it occur, and not realize that in China, Korea, etc it is everywhere too. So no, it is not 'fair' the reputation Thailand receives, when they are simply the more open about it.

Been all over Asia and Thailand has by far and away the most prostitutes of anywhere and its not even close. Prostitution certainly does exist everywhere in Asia, but not nearly at the level it does in Thailand.

I have been all over Asia too and completely disagree. Venues for prostitution are everywhere in all East Asian countries even though most foriegners never realize it and don't know the 'barber shop' or KTV was actually a brothel. All over China, Taiwan, Korea etc you can find places like this. Entire streets foreigners don't know about that are filled with thousands of prostitutes. Foreigners are usually prohibited and the girls won't go with them for fear of upsetting their local customers. Then there is the massive online prostitution industry that they never even see, HK is actually the best place in the world for prostitution because of this. Unlike China, Korea, Japan, etc, in Thailand they don't care about foreigners participating and everything is in the open. It is a legacy of colonialism and WWII, the rest of Asia suffered massively from colonialism or sex slavery during the war, so are far more sensitive to the idea of 'their' women being screwed by foriegners. Thaiand had no such experience so they are far less xenophobic than the rest of Asia.

Get real. Name one place in Asia with the shopping mall of prostitutes of Soi 7, Walking Street or Soi Buakhao in Pattaya. Colonialism? ha ha. Boy are you ever clueless about Thai history. Thailand has been a MAJOR hub for prostitution for centuries long before the colonists showed up and drove the Thais from the lands they occupied in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Thailand is less xenophobic than the rest of Asia? Youre joking right? Thailand is probably the MOST xenophobic country in SE Asia. You should try visiting Burma or Cambodia sometime. People are far friendlier their and theyre not pushing nationalism on you every five minutes the way Thais are.

Edited by ThomasBird67
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This is not just a 'tourist' problem. The Thais seem to ignore the 'domestic' problem on the assumption that foreigners don't know about it. Every city in Thailand has various centres where sex is readily available.

Karaoke clubs, massage entertainment centres, etc. in every city and town in Thailand - catering not to foreigners, but to local Thais of every class.

What Thais may be more concerned about is the reputation that could be gained if foreigners started frequenting places like Ratchada where most of these huge entertainment complexes, up till now geared to service mainly Thai businessmen, and owned by prominent Thai businessmen, police, army and dare I say possibly people related to the government.

Chiang Mai allegedly has over 300 short-time hotels. I've never seen a tourist using the ones I pass.

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How about Thai people using the sex industry?

Isn't it easier to blame the Farangs rather than to see the whole picture?

In my view us farangs are a bit to blame. We come here with a view "ahh well what harm can it do" "they come with me and I give them money, everyone is happy". "the girl looks happy"

What we don't realise is that this line of work (unless they get lucky and marry or go abroad) after years of doing it will more than likely end up with the girl being mentally and physically in bad shape. Years of having sex with different men, lying, drinking, smoking and then the biggest pyschological problem from years of earning alot of money too easily and for not much effort is never good for the mind. So by their mid 30s they have either been lucky and met their knight or thats it, career over. Now they are mentally and physically ruined, they cant ever go and work in a normal job because after years of getting maybe 30,000+ a month there is no way the mind can work 5 times longer for 5 times less the wage. So the only option is to have a baby girl with a Thai guy who will probably be lazy, not work and eventually leave. And then guess where that girl will be heading when she is 15/16......................and here the whole process starts again.

This is really the process that has been going on since the Vietnam war where most of this all started and wasn't put down ever since. Now Thailand has a generation of girls and women who are unable to break out of the cycle.

So all in all i think the blame is a mixture but ofcourse Isaan in history has always been more neglected by Bangkok so its no surprise that this is all convenient for Bangkok.

As with alot of problems and as proved by the story above Thai people are always more bothered about the exposure of a problem rather than the problem itself. As we all know Thai peole are unable to think long term. The long term benfit to getting rid of prostitution would ofcourse be great but all the time this industry is making an immediate income then Thais will always endorse and allow.


You really think the Veitnam War caused prostitution in Thailand?? Guess you don't live here then. As others have posted, a significant % probably as least 80% is to cater for Thais. Like all societies and countries prostituton goes way back in history. Many foreigners, business visitors and tourists come to Thailand and take advantage of what is already there. Do you really think the sex industry would stop if foreigner stopped coming (no pun intended!).

Must admit i'm getting a bit worried about peoples reading skills. No i didn't say that Vietnam caused prostitution. I was talking about a process that seems to have started since the Vietnam war when it comes to prostitution in tourist areas. I did also say in my very first sentence "In my view us farangs are a bit to blame"

Yes im sure there has always been prostitution. Im not sure how anyone can put a percentage of 80% to cater for Thais but there you go. Is there a researcher walking around Isaan with a clipboard ?!!! lol

Yes i agree foreigners have mainly taken advantage of what is already here but in the context of the topic we are talking about foreigners and tourist areas which is why i posted what i did.

and yes been living here for 7 years. Its a basic concept but just because you don't agree with my point of view doesn't lead to the conclusion that i don't live here. A illogical connection made too much on this forum.

Besides this is all good knock about stuff but the issue here is prostitution, does it matter what part of the world the human male comes from. Anyone who takes a prostitute, wherever they are from is endorsing and supporting this industry.

Edited by rinteln
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