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Thai Bum Gun Or European Bidet?


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O.K i know it's a bit of a taboo subject, but you've got to admit if you have been feeling a bit bunged up and lethargic the quick cure in Thailand is a couple of squirts and hey presto that lighter wellbeing feeling returns.

This has been common practice on mainland Europe for many years, however the North Americans, Brits and Antipodeans prefer the other option.

Do you believe the Thai option is cleaner and healthier? I for one do!

The Bidet is good for washing feet and that's about it.

The Thai option incorporates the western toilet which is practible and clever.

What do you think?

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Took me at least a year before using the bum gun full-time and quite some time after to perfect a technique that didn't require cleaning up after.

I often had problems due to not wiping my arse correctly. Nothing serious but a sore ring piece can be distracting at work.

Concerning the comment on the drains in the bathrooms. Many Thai bathrooms are designed as wet rooms. Concrete floors and tiled throughout. Squirting water all over the place and allowing it to drain away would lead to water damage in the majority of UK houses

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The Thai bum gun by far. I've seen the bidets in hotels I have been at, but tI didn't quite know how to use so I avoided. (Looked kind of creepy.)

I must also say that Thai bathroom technology is far superior to Western bathroom technology.

The Thai bum gun is yet only one example. Simple and effective. The other major superior advancement is having a drain hole in the bathroom. Like why can't anyone in the West think of that. Like a Thai bathroom, all you have to do is use the bum gun and spray down the entire bathroom and it all drains out. The entire bathroom is clean very quick and efficiently. A Western bathroom you can't just spray down with water cause there's no place for it to drain. I mean what kind of thinking is it that you already have a drain for the bathtub and shower, yet don't put in a drain to spray down the entire bathroom?

Well let's see. First, LOS would need to consider putting some d@mn cabinets and a closet with shelves in a bathroom so you could put some things away for krise sake. Next, after a shower it's really nice to stand on carpet and pad while I shave, comb my hair, get dressed, etc. Third, I can close the blankety blank shower doors and not make a mess of the place. Fourth, if you want to use a bum gun at my house, you crap in the sink, use the garbage disposal and hose to clean it down, and you don't need to make a mess all over the @#% hardwood maple floor. init? tongue.png

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Does anyone know if the Thai's invented the bum gun - or did it come from elsewhere?

Can't answer the question definitively, but I do recall that they have them in Malaysia and The Philippines. I assume in other SE Asian countries as well, but can't remember. The airport bathrooms in Kota Kinabalu all looked like kids had had water fights in them - extremely wet everywhere, all the time. It's good, of course, that one can hose down the walls, etc. At the same time, it can be a bit bad to pull into a Shell station in need and find water two inches deep everywhere.

Some of the toilets in the Penang airport had little squirter gizmos mounted inside the toilets. Built in, but not really - sort of chrome add-on things that looked like little webcams. Looked like they wouldn't be too much fun to clean and/or would get quite messy quickly.

Oh well... I certainly wouldn't want to go back to the exclusive use of toilet paper. Yech!

Edited by RedQualia
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Took a minute to find the photo. The squirter gizmo in some of the Penang airport toilets. Other restrooms in the airport were still employing hoses when this was taken, in late 2011.

Oops. Photo was visible when I clicked on post. Seems not to be here now, however. Doing something wrong I guess.

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^^I just can't use anything like that. It creeps me out. Like you know someone has pooped or peed on the squirting mechanism...and it's like squirting someone else's poop or pee up your bum...it's just not right.

I thought it odd enough to warrant a photo, but you do bring up another point, which is just, how clean do you suppose the bum guns in public toilets are? I mean, people are often using their hand(s) to clean things in addition to the bum gun. (Muslims consider the left hand to be unclean because it's the hand used for... cleaning?). Which is just to say that if you use a bum gun in a public toilet, best be sure to wash your hands well after.

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^^I just can't use anything like that. It creeps me out. Like you know someone has pooped or peed on the squirting mechanism...and it's like squirting someone else's poop or pee up your bum...it's just not right.

I thought it odd enough to warrant a photo, but you do bring up another point, which is just, how clean do you suppose the bum guns in public toilets are? I mean, people are often using their hand(s) to clean things in addition to the bum gun.

Hmm... just the thought where they had put the gun before... sick.gif

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I am now at the stage where I can't stop thinking about what to do if I go back to UK for a break. Does anyone out there sell a kind of personal bum gun that you can fit in an inside pocket. There's a few things I can go without for two weeks but I'm sure I don't need to elaborate on that.w00t.gif

There's a market there and I'm sure someone on TV has the imagination to come up with something.

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Some years ago I was working in Kuala Lumpur along with some other Australians, and of course on the first day at the new project, I ended up going to the "small room". Before sitting down I noticed that there was what appeared to be a kind of "volume control" on a panel next to the seat. I wondered what it was, so gingerly turned it slightly clockwise...nothing happened... turned a little more...still nothing... As I turned it up a bit more, I suddenly noticed the retractable squirter sliding forward - oh no! I turned the knob completely off, but not in time to avoid a spray of water across my shirt... heading back to the engineering office, all the other guys noticed, and said "Oh, you did it too! Hahaha!"

As to where else the bum guns are common, I know they have them in the UAE, and as I recall, I think also in Saudi Arabia.

Definitely the way to go, and so much cleaner than scraping away with bits of paper...yuck!

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Does anyone know if the Thai's invented the bum gun - or did it come from elsewhere?

What?! Are you joking? What have the Thais ever invented?crazy.gif

Hence the question...

They perfected the ping pong show.


They're not perfect. I've watched a few, I should know. :rolleyes:

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